CERN Accelerating science

Report number FERMILAB-CONF-09-179-TD
Title SC Crab Cavity with Reduced Transverse Size for the LHC Upgrade
Author(s) Solyak, N (Fermilab) ; Gonin, I (Fermilab) ; Khabiboulline, T (Fermilab) ; Yakovlev, V (Fermilab)
Publication 2010
In: Particle Accelerator Conference 2009, Vancouver, Canada, 04 - 08 May 2009, pp.TU5PFP064
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC
Abstract In the paper the Crab Cav­i­ty is de­scribed for local Crab schemes for LHC that de­mand re­duced trans­verse cav­i­ty di­men­sions small enough to fit lim­it­ed space nec­es­sary for the beams sep­a­ra­tion. The re­sults of the con­fig­u­ra­tion cav­i­ty op­ti­miza­tion are pre­sent­ed that in­clude (a) the sur­face field min­i­miza­tion; (b) par­a­sitic monopole and dipole spec­trum op­ti­miza­tion and dump­ing, (c) the input and the par­a­sitic mode damp­ing cou­plers de­sign. The re­sults of mul­ti­pact­ing sim­u­la­tions, which were per­formed in order to un­der­stand the pos­si­ble gra­di­ent lim­i­ta­tions, are dis­cussed also.

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