CERN Accelerating science

Report number ATL-SOFT-PROC-2011-022
Title The ATLAS Tier-3 in Geneva and the Trigger Development Facility
Author(s) Gadomski, S (Geneva U.) ; Baud, J-P (CERN) ; Meunier, Y (Geneva U.) ; Pasche, P (Geneva U.)
Corporate Author(s) The ATLAS collaboration
Publication 2011
Imprint 14 Jan 2011
Number of pages 6
In: Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, 18 - 22 Oct 2010
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; ATLAS
Abstract The ATLAS Tier-3 farm at the University of Geneva provides storage and processing power for analysis of ATLAS data. In addition the facility is used for development, validation and commissioning of the High Level Trigger of ATLAS. The latter purpose leads to additional requirements on the availability of latest software and data, which will be presented. The farm is also a part of the WLCG, and is available to all members of the ATLAS Virtual Organization. The farm currently provides 268 CPU cores and 177 TB of storage space. A grid Storage Element, implemented with the Disk Pool Manager software, is available and integrated with the ATLAS Distributed Data Management system. The batch system can be used directly by local users, or with a grid interface provided by NorduGrid ARC middleware. In this article we will present the use cases that we support, as well as the experience with the software and the hardware we are using. Results of I/O benchmarking tests, which were done for our DPM Storage Element and for the NFS servers we are using, will also be presented.
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 Record created 2011-01-14, last modified 2018-05-29