CERN Accelerating science

Title Calibration of the Nonlinear Accelerator Model at the Diamond Storage Ring
Author(s) Bartolini, Riccardo (Diamond Light Source ; Oxford U., JAI) ; Rehm, Guenther (Diamond Light Source) ; Rowland, James (Diamond Light Source) ; Martin, Ian (Diamond Light Source) ; Schmidt, Frank (CERN)
Publication 2010
In: 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 23 - 28 May 2010, pp.THPE087
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract The correct implementation of the nonlinear ring model is crucial to achieve the top performance of a synchrotron light source. Several dynamics quantities can be used to compare the real machine with the model and eventually to correct the accelerator. Most of these methods are based on the analysis of turn-by-turn data of excited betatron oscillations. We present the experimental results of the campaign of measurements carried out at the Diamond. A combination of Frequency Map Analysis (FMA) and detuning with momentum measurements has allowed a precise calibration of the nonlinear model capable of reproducing the nonlinear beam dynamics in the storage ring
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 Record created 2010-12-01, last modified 2024-02-23