Remote power and console management in large datacenters (p. 6) |
by Horvath, A |
Establishing Applicability of SSDs to LHC Tier-2 Hardware Configuration (p. 52019) |
by Skipsey, Samuel C |
LCG persistency framework (CORAL, COOL, POOL): Status and outlook in 2012 (p. 52067) |
by Trentadue, R |
Evaluating the scalability of HEP software and multi-core hardware |
by Jarp, S |
Data Aggregation System - a system for information retrieval on demand over relational and non-relational distributed data sources |
by Ball, Gordon |
Parallelization of maximum likelihood fits with OpenMP and CUDA |
by Jarp, S |
Poster for the paper "A Log Service Package for the ATLAS TDAQ/DCS Group" |
by Murillo García, R |
Composing Distributed Services for Selection and Retrieval of Event Data in the ATLAS Experiment |
by Vinek, E |
The Online Luminosity Calculator of ATLAS |
by Maettig, S |
The Consistency Service of the ATLAS Distributed Data Management system |
by Serfon, C |
Multicore-aware applications in CMS |
by Jones, Christopher Duncan |
Role Based Access Control System in the ATLAS Experiment |
by Valsan, M L |
Studies of future readout links for the CMS experiment |
by Bukowiec, Sebastian |
Design and early experience with promoting user-created data in CMS |
by Giffels, Manuel |
ATLAS Operations: Experience and Evolution in the Data Taking Era |
by Ueda, I |
The alignment of the CMS Silicon Tracker |
by Lampen, Tapio |
Scaling HEP to Web Size with RESTful Protocols: the Frontier Example |
by Dykstra, David |
Tools for Physics Analysis at CMS |
by Hinzmann, Andreas |
Improving CMS data transfers among its distributed computing facilities |
by Flix, Jose |
The tracking performance of the ATLAS High Level Trigger in pp collisions at the LHC |
by Christidi, I A |
CMS distributed analysis infrastructure and operations: experience with the first LHC data |
by Vaandering, Eric Wayne |
CMS Online Database Experience with First Data |
by Janulis, Mindaugas |
The ATLAS Level-1 Central Trigger |
by Stockton, M |
ATLAS Muon Calibration Framework |
A tour through the CMS Physics Analysis Model |
by Hegner, Benedikt |
Scaling up ATLAS Database Release Technology for the LHC Long Run |
by Borodin, M |
The ATLAS PanDA Pilot in Operation |
by Nilsson, P |
Design and Performance of the ATLAS Muon Detector Control System |
by Polini, A |
Commissioning of a CERN Production and Analysis Facility Based on xrootd |
by Campana, S |
Triggers and streams for calibration in CMS |
by Argiro, Stefano |
Role Based Access Control system in the ATLAS experiment |
by Valsan, M L |
The TDAQ Analytics Dashboard: a real-time web application for the ATLAS TDAQ control infrastructure |
by Magnoni, L |
Using widgets to monitor the LHC experiments |
by Gonzalez Caballero, Isidro |
The LHCb Simulation Application, Gauss: Design, Evolution and Experience |
by Miglioranzi, S |
Handling of the generation of primary events in Gauss, the LHCb simulation framework |
by Belyaev, I |
Kali: The framework for fine calibration of LHCb Electromagnetic Calorimeter |
by Belyaev, I |
Software Release Build Process and Components in ATLAS Offline. |
by Obreshkov, Emil |
Composing Distributed Services for Selection and Retrieval of Event Data in the ATLAS Experiment |
by Vinek, E |
Software release build process and components in ATLAS offline - proceedings for CHEP2010 |
by Obreshkov, Emil |
Reinforcing User Data Analysis with Ganga in the LHC Era: Scalability, Monitoring and User-support |
by Brochu, F |
The ATLAS PanDA Pilot in Operation |
by Nilsson, P |
1 The German National Analysis Facility as a tool for ATLAS analyses |
by Mehlhase, S |
FATRAS - the ATLAS Fast Track Simulation project |
by Mechnich, J |
Atlas Tier 3 |
by Benjamin, D |
Distributed analysis functional testing using GangaRobot in the ATLAS experiment |
by Legger, F |
A Universal Logging System for LHCb Online |
by Nikolaidis, Fotios |
Overview of ATLAS PanDA Workload Management |
by Maeno, T |
Improving Security in the ATLAS PanDA System |
by Smith, D A |
ATLAS Operations: Experience and Evolution in the Data Taking Era |
by Ueda, I |
PanDA Pilot Submission using Condor-G: Experience and Improvements |
by Zhao, Xin |
Reinforcing user data analysis with Ganga in the LHC era: scalability, monitoring and user-support. |
by Brochu, F |
Usage of Message Queueing Technologies in the ATLAS Distributed Data Management System |
by Calfayan, P |
A revised design and implementation of the ATLAS Log Service package |
by Murillo García, R |
The breaking point of modern processor and platform technology |
by Nowak, A |
ATLAS Tags Web Service calls Athena via Athenaeum Framework |
by Hrivnac, J |
The ATLAS Tier-3 in Geneva and the Trigger Development Facility |
by Gadomski, S |
Algorithm Acceleration from GPGPUs for the ATLAS Upgrade |
by Washbrook, A |
Kali: The framework for fine calibration of LHCb Electromagnetic Calorimeter |
by Puig, A |
The LHCb Experience on the Grid from the DIRAC Accounting Data |
by Puig, A |
Monitoring the Readiness and Utilization of the Distributed CMS Computing Facilities during the first year of LHC running |
by Flix, Jose |
Powering physics data transfers with FDT |
by Maxa, Zdenek |
Modular Software Performance Monitoring |
by Kruse, D F |
Validation and Tuning of the CMS Simulation Software |
by Banerjee, Sunanda |
LHCb Tag Collector |
by Fuente Fernàndez, P |
ATLAS Live: Collaborative Information Streams |
by Goldfarb, S |
Design and Performance of the Detector Control System of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer |
by Polini, A |
Distributed Data Transfers in CMS |
by Rossman, Paul |
Time-critical database condition data handling in the CMS experiment during the first data taking period |
by Di Guida, Salvatore |
by Avolio, G |
CMS Centres Worldwide - a New Collaborative Infrastructure |
by Taylor, Lucas |
The evolution of CMS software performance studies |
by Kortelainen, Matti J |
CMS Online Data Quality Monitoring: Real-Time Event Processing Infrastructure |
by Morovic, Srecko |
CMS Run Registry: Data Certification Bookkeeping and Publication System |
by Rapsevicius, Valdas |
Using Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud to scale CMS' compute hardware dynamically. |
by Melo, Andrew Malone |
Release Strategies: CMS approach for Development and Quality Assurance |
by Sexton-Kennedy, Elizabeth |
Performance of the ATLAS Trigger with Proton Collisions at the LHC |
by Riu, I |
Atlas operation in the GridKa Tier1/Tier2 Cloud |
by Nderitu, S |
The Commissioning of ATLAS Data Quality Infrastructure with First Collision Data |
by Frost, JA |
Prompt Processing of LHC Collision Data with the ATLAS Reconstruction Software. |
by Barlow, N |
The German National Analysis Facility as a tool for ATLAS analyses |
by Mehlhase, S |
ATLAS Tier-2 at the Compute Resource Center GoeGrid in Göttingen |
by Meyer, J |
Commissioning of the ATLAS Muon High Level Trigger with beam collisions at the LHC |
by Kanno, T |
The ATLAS High Level Trigger Configuration and Steering |
by Stelzer, J |
HammerCloud: A Stress Testing System for Distributed Analysis |
by van der Ster, Daniel C |
Designing the Next Generation Grid Information System |
by Field, L |
Frontier use in ATLAS |
by Smith, D A |
Improving Security in the ATLAS PanDA System |
by Caballero, J |
Distributed analysis functional testing using GangaRobot in the ATLAS experiment |
by Legger, F |
Metadata aided run selection at ATLAS |
by Buckingham, RM |
The ATLAS Tier-3 in Geneva and the Trigger Development Facility |
by Gadomski, S |
The ATLAS calorimeter simulation FastCaloSim |
by Yamanaka, T |
Fast Simulation of the CMS Detector at the LHC |
by Abdullin, Salavat |
ATLAS Live: Collaborative Information Streams |
by Goldfarb, S |
CMS Distributed Computing Workflow Experience |
by Haas, Jeffrey David |
The TDAQ Analytics Dashboard: a real-time web application for the ATLAS TDAQ control infrastructure |
by Magnoni, L |
Online remote monitoring facilities for the ATLAS experiment |
by Kolos, S |
Studies on dynamic load balancing in a distributed system acquiring logically related data from multiple sources, with particular emphasis on load metric and communication |
by Simon, Mathieu |
Planning and organization of an e-learning training program on the analysis software in CMS |
by Lassila-Perini, Kati |
Large scale and low latency analysis facilities for the CMS experiment: development and operational aspects |
by Riahi, Hassen |
Fast access to the CMS detector condition data employing HTML5 technologies |
by Pierro, Giuseppe Antonio |
Understanding IO patterns and performance of CMS Data Analysis across T2s worldwide |
by Sala, Leonardo |
CMS Configuration Editor: GUI based application for user analysis job definition |
by De Cosa, Annapaola |
Design and Performance of ATLAS Tier 3 Computing Facility Based on Virtual Machine Technology |
by Benjamin, D |
Web System for Data Quality Assessment of Tile Calorimeter During the ATLAS Operation |
by Guimaraes Ferreira, F |
An Analysis of the Control Hierarchy Modeling of the CMS Detector Control System |
by Ling Hwong, Yi |
The ATLAS fast calorimeter simulation FastCaloSim |
by Yamanaka, T |
Metadata Aided Run Selection at ATLAS |
by Buckingham, RM |
Improving CMS data transfers among its distributed computing facilities |
by Flix, J |
Event Displays for the Visualization of CMS Events |
by Jones, Christopher Duncan |
Data-driven auto-configuration of the ATLAS reconstruction software |
by Boehler, M |
Web Based Monitoring in the CMS Experiment at CERN |
by Soha, Aron |
The Data Acquisition System of the CMS Experiment at LHC |
by Mommsen, Remigius K |
Prompt reconstruction of LHC collision data with the ATLAS reconstruction software |
by Barlow, N |
jSPyDB, an open source database-independent tool for data management |
by Pierro, Giuseppe Antonio |
Distributed analysis at LHCb |
by Williams, M |
Iberian ATLAS Cloud response during the first LHC collisions |
by Villaplana, M |
Optimization and performance measurements of ROOT-based data formats in the ATLAS experiment |
by Vukotic, I |
Glance Information System for ATLAS Management |
by De Oliveira Fernandes Moraes, L |
The ATLAS High Level Trigger Configuration and Steering, Experience with the First 7 TeV Collisions |
by Stelzer, J |
Simulation Strategies for the ATLAS Experiment at LHC |
by Rimoldi, A |
Running CMS Remote Analysis Builder jobs on Advanced Resource Connector middleware |
by Edelmann, Erik |
Experience with the CMS Computing Model from commissioning to collisions |
by Bonacorsi, Daniele |
ATLAS Muon Calibration Frameowrk |
by Carlino, Dr |
the LHC Compact Muon Solenoid experiment detector control system |
by Gomez-Reino Garrido, Robert |
Measuring and Understanding Computing Resource Utilization in CMS |
by Andreeva, J |
The Online Luminosity Calculator of ATLAS |
by Maettig, S |
The consistency service of the ATLAS Distributed Data Management system |
by Serfon, C |
Commissioning of ATLAS Data Quality Infrastructure with First Collision Data |
by Frost, J A |
CMS Distributed Computing Integration in the LHC sustained operations era |
by Grandi, Claudio |
Deployment of the CMS software on the WLCG Grid |
by Behrenhoff, Wolf |
The CMS Reconstruction Software |
by Lange, David |
Validation of Geant4 Physics Models with LHC Collision Data |
by Banerjee, Sunanda |
Alignment and calibration experience under LHC data-taking conditions in the CMS experiment |
by Mankel, Rainer |
Data Quality Monitoring of the CMS Tracker |
by Dutta, Suchandra |
ATLAS Distributed Computing Operations Shift Team Experience |
by De, K |
Experience with PROOF-Lite in ATLAS data analysis |
by Panitkin, S |
Perspective of User Support for the CMS Collaboration |
by Malik, Sudhir |
Large Scale Commissioning and Operational Experience with Tier-2 to Tier-2 Data Transfer Links in CMS |
by Letts, James |
The architecture and operation of the CMS Tier-0 |
by Hufnagel, Dirk |
Data Quality Monitoring Framework for ATLAS Experiment: Performance Achieved with Colliding Beams at LHC |
by Corso-Radu, A |
ATLAS, CMS and New Challenges for Public Communication |
by Taylor, Lucas |
The ATLAS Fast Track Simulation Project |
by Mechnich, J |
The ATLAS Level-1 Central Trigger |
by Stockton, M |
Algorithm Acceleration from GPGPUs for the ATLAS Upgrade |
by Washbrook, A |
The CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter Detector Control System |
by Da Silva Di Calafiori, Diogo Raphael |
ARC and gLite Interoperability in ATLAS Sites |
by Filipcic, A |
ATLAS Tags Web Service calls Athena via Athenaeum Framework |
by Hrivnac, J |
Atlas operation in the GridKa Tier1/Tier2 Cloud |
by Nderitu, S |
Using TAGs to Speed up the ATLAS Analysis Process |
by Ehrenfeld, W |
The ATLAS PanDA Monitoring System and its Evolution |
by Klimentov, A |
ARC and gLite interoperability in ATLAS sites |
by Filipcic, A |
Commissioning of the ATLAS Muon High Level Trigger with beam collisions at the LHC |
by Kanno, T |
Distributing and storing required data efficiently by means of specifically tailored data formats in the ATLAS collaboration |
by Köneke, K |
Using TAGs to Speed up the ATLAS Analysis Process |
by Ehrenfeld, W |
A Novel Approach to Detector Calibration Parameter Determination and Detector Monitoring |
by Rodrigues, E |
LCG Persistency Framework (CORAL, COOL, POOL): Status and Outlook |
by Valassi, A |
Integrated System for Performance Monitoring of ATLAS TDAQ Network |
by Savu, D |
CORAL Server and CORAL Server Proxy: Scalable Access to Relational Databases from CORAL Applications |
by Valassi, A |
Distributing and storing required data efficiently by means of specifically tailored data formats in the ATLAS collaboration |
by Koeneke, K |
Enhancing Experiment Central Service Reliability: from delivery to security and virtualization |
by Donno, Flavia |
The simulation principle and performance of the ATLAS fast calorimeter simulation FastCaloSim |
by ATLAS, Coll |
Measurement of the LHC Beam Parameters Using the Distributed High Level Trigger System of the ATLAS Detector during 2009 and 2010 |
by Bartoldus, R |
The LHCb Online Framework for Global Operational Control and Experiment Protection |
by Alessio, F |
The LHCb Simulation Application, Gauss: Design, Evolution and Experience |
by Clemencic, M |
Migration of the Gaudi and LHCb Software Repositories from CVS to Subversion |
by Clemencic, M |
An Event Builder Network for LHCb Upgrade and the Simulations on its Performance |
by Liu, G |
Modular Software Performance Monitoring |
by Kruse, D F |
Distributed Analysis at LHCb |
by Williams, M |
The tracking performance of the ATLAS HLT in pp collisions at the LHC |
by Christidi, I A |
Evaluation of Cluster File Systems for the LHCb Experiment |
by Caicedo Carvajal, J M |
A Novel Approach to Detector Calibration Parameter Determination and Detector Monitoring |
by Rodrigues, E |
DIRAC Data Production System |
by Smith, A C |
Infiniband Event-Builder Architecture Test-beds for Full Rate Data Aquisition in LHCb |
by Bonaccorsi, E |
Virtualization for the LHCb Online System |
by Bonaccorsi, E |
The LHCb Computing Model and Real Data |
by Charpentier, P |
Implementation and Performance of the Alignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector Tracking System |
by Kollar, D |
Data Quality Monitoring Framework for ATLAS Experiment: Performance Achieved with Colliding Beams at LHC |
by Corso-Radu, A |
The LHCb Experience on the Grid from the DIRAC Accounting Data |
by Casajús, A |
Scaling up ATLAS Database Release Technology for the LHC Long Run |
by Borodin, M |