CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 12th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation
Related conference title(s) VCI 2010
Date(s), location 15 - 20 Feb 2010, Vienna, Austria
Editor(s) Bergauer, T (ed.) ; Hrubec, J (ed.) ; Jeitler, M (ed.) ; Krammer, M (ed.) ; Badurek, G (ed.)
Imprint 2011
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C10-02-15.1
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Detector performance of the ALICE silicon pixel detector (p. 77)
by Cavicchioli, C
Development of Fast High-Resolution Muon Drift-Tube Detectors for High Counting Rates (p. 154)
by Bittner, B.
Progress on large area GEMs (VCI 2010) (p. 182)
by Villa, Marco
Results from prototypes of environmental and health alarm devices based on gaseous detectors operating in air in counting mode (p. 187)
by Martinengo, P
Status of the Cylindical-GEM project for the KLOE-2 Inner Tracker (p. 194)
by Balla, A.
3D silicon pixel sensors: Recent test beam results (p. 216)
by Hansson, P
Czochralski Silicon as a Detector Material for S-LHC Tracker Volumes (p. 242)
by Spiegel, Leonard
Diamond Pixel Modules and the ATLAS Beam Conditions Monitor (p. 246)
by Dobos, D
Silicon detectors for the super LHC (p. 272)
by Seidel, Sally
The Gigatracker: An ultra-fast and low-mass silicon pixel detector for the NA62 experiment (p. 292)
by Fiorini, M
Particle Showers in a Highly Granular Hadron Calorimeter (p. 343)
by Seidel, Katja
Photonic crystals: A novel approach to enhance the light output of scintillation based detectors (p. 385)
by Knapitsch, A
Demonstration of an Axial PET concept for brain and small animal imaging (p. 426)
by Beltrame, P
CMS muon detector and trigger performances
by Piccolo, Davide
Czochralski Silicon as a Detector Material for S-LHC Tracker Volumes
by Spiegel, Lenny
Operational Experience with the CMS Pixel Detectors
by Johns, Willard
DC-DC Conversion Powering for the CMS Tracker at SLHC
by Feld, Lutz
Calibration, alignment and tracking performance of the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker
by Weber, Martin
Position resolution and efficiency measurements with large scale Thin Gap Chambers for the super LHC
by Amram, Nir
Calibration and Time Alignment of LHCb Calorimeters
by Calvo Gomez, M
First results from the first LHCb Vertex Locator
by Parkes, C
Commissioning and Performance of the Outer Tracker Detector of the LHCb Experiment
by Pellegrino, A
Diamond Pixel Modules and the ATLAS Beam Conditions Monitor
by Heinz Pernegger, CERN
Performance of CMS ECAL with first LHC data
by Franzoni, Giovanni

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 Record created 2010-04-16, last modified 2021-07-30

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