CERN Accelerating science

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Report number CERN-OPEN-2010-007 ; CLIC-Note-807
Title The next energy-frontier accelerator - A linear e+ e- collider?
Author(s) Geschonke, G (CERN)
Publication 2009
Imprint 01 Oct 2009
Number of pages 9
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CLIC
Abstract Two options for a linear e+e- collider are presently under development, the ILC and CLIC. The energy reach of the two machines is different, which leads to two different technological choices. ILC is based on superconducting acceleration technology, the CLIC design uses a two-beam acceleration system with normal conducting copper cavities. Nevertheless considerable synergy between the two design groups has been developed. The paper will highlight the major differences a well as the status and the plans of both machines.
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 Element opprettet 2010-03-12, sist endret 2024-10-25

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