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Report number arXiv:1003.1643
Title The Tools and Monte Carlo Working Group Summary Report
Author(s) Butterworth, J.M. (University Coll. London) ; Arbey, A. (Lyon U. ; Lyon Observ. ; Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure) ; Basso, L. (Southampton U. ; Rutherford) ; Belov, S. (Dubna, JINR) ; Bharucha, A. (Durham U., IPPP ; Durham U.) ; Braam, F. (Freiburg U.) ; Buckley, A. (Edinburgh U.) ; Campanelli, M. (University Coll. London) ; Chierici, R. (Lyon, IPN) ; Djouadi, A. (Orsay, LPT) ; Dudko, L. (SINP, Moscow) ; Duhr, C. (Durham U., IPPP ; Durham U.) ; Febres Cordero, F. (Simon Bolivar U.) ; Francavilla, P. (INFN, Pisa) ; Fuks, B. (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Garren, L. (Fermilab) ; Goto, T. (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Grazzini, M. (Zurich, ETH ; INFN, Florence) ; Hahn, T. (Munich, Max Planck Inst.) ; Haisch, U. (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.) ; Hamilton, K. (INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; Heinemeyer, S. (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; Hesketh, G. (CERN) ; Hoche, S. (Zurich U.) ; Hoeth, H. (Durham U., IPPP ; Durham U.) ; Huston, J. (Michigan State U.) ; Kalinowski, J. (Warsaw U.) ; Kekelidze, D. (Dubna, JINR) ; Kraml, S. (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Lacker, H. (Humboldt U., Berlin) ; Lenzi, P. (Florence U. ; INFN, Florence) ; Loch, P. (Arizona U.) ; Lonnblad, L. (Lund U., Dept. Theor. Phys.) ; Mahmoudi, F. (Clermont-Ferrand U.) ; Maina, E. (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Majumder, D. (Tata Inst.) ; Maltoni, F. (Louvain U., CP3) ; Mangano, M. (CERN) ; Mazumdar, K. (Tata Inst.) ; Martin, A. (Fermilab ; Yale U.) ; Monk, J. (University Coll. London) ; Moortgat, F. (Zurich, ETH) ; Muhlleitner, M. (KIT, Karlsruhe, TP) ; Oleari, C. (Milan Bicocca U.) ; Ovyn, S. (Louvain U., CP3) ; Pittau, R. (Granada U., Theor. Phys. Astrophys.) ; Platzer, S. (KIT, Karlsruhe, TP) ; Piacquadio, G. (CERN ; Freiburg U.) ; Reina, L. (Florida State U.) ; Reuter, J. (Freiburg U.) ; Richardson, P. (University Coll. London) ; Rouby, X. (Louvain U., CP3) ; Robinson, C. (University Coll. London) ; Roy, T. (Oregon U.) ; Schwartz, M.D. (Harvard U., Phys. Dept.) ; Schulz, H. (Humboldt U., Berlin) ; Schumann, S. (U. Heidelberg, ITP) ; von Seggern, E. (Humboldt U., Berlin) ; Sherstnev, A. (SINP, Moscow) ; Siegert, F. (Durham U., IPPP ; Durham U. ; University Coll. London) ; Sjostrand, T. (Lund U.) ; Skands, P. (CERN) ; Slavich, P. (Paris, LPTHE) ; Spira, M. (PSI, Villigen) ; Taylor, C. (University Coll. London) ; Vesterinen, M. (Manchester U.) ; de Visscher, S. (Zurich U.) ; Wackeroth, D. (SUNY, Buffalo) ; Weinzierl, S. (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.) ; Winter, J. (Fermilab) ; Wyatt, T.R. (Manchester U.)
Publication 2010
Imprint 09 Mar 2010
Number of pages 144
Note Comments: 144 Pages. Workshop site . Conveners were Butterworth, Maltoni, Moortgat, Richardson, Schumann and Skands
144 Pages. Workshop site . Conveners were Butterworth, Maltoni, Moortgat, Richardson, Schumann and Skands
Presented at 6th Workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, France, 8 - 26 Jun 2009
Subject category Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract This is the summary and introduction to the proceedings contributions for the Les Houches 2009 "Tools and Monte Carlo" working group.
Other source Inspire
Copyright/License arXiv nonexclusive-distrib. 1.0


 Record creato 2010-03-09, modificato l'ultima volta il 2024-05-29

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