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Report number arXiv:0911.4811
Title Wire GEM detector
Author(s) Ovchinnikov, B.M. (Moscow, INR) ; Razin, V.I. (Moscow, INR) ; Reshetin, A.I. (Moscow, INR) ; Filippov, S.N. (Moscow, INR)
Publication 2009
Imprint 26 Nov 2009
Number of pages 6
Note Comments: Presented at the RD51 Collaboration Meeting, CERN, November 2009, submitted to the Prib. Tech. Exper
Presented at the RD51 Collaboration Meeting, CERN, November 2009, submitted to the Prib. Tech. Exper
Presented at Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors (RD-51) Workshop, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 16 - 18 Apr 2008
Subject category physics.ins-det
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment RD51
Abstract A wire GEM (WGEM) detector with a gas gap between meshes was constructed. The detector provides the amplification 5x10E5 for the gas mixture of Ar +20% CO2 at atmospheric pressure. As compared with well-known GEM detectors produced by perforation the plastic plate metalized on both sides the WGEM does not suffer from breakdowns between its electrodes and the effect of accumulation of charges on holes walls is absent. As a result the WGEM has high reliability and stability.
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 Journalen skapades 2009-11-26, och modifierades senast 2023-03-12

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