CERN Accelerating science

Conference title Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems
Date(s), location 30 Oct - 3 Nov 1989, Vancouver, Canada
Editor(s) Gurd, David P (ed.) ; Crowley-Milling, Michael C (ed.)
Imprint 1990
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 293 (1990)
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Free keywords ELECTRA ; LEP ; SPS ; communication ; database ; hardware ; networks ; synchronization

Contributions in Inspire: C89-10-30
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

The LEP control system (p. 1)
by Innocenti, Pier Giorgio
Recent progress in the control system for KEK 2.5-GeV e-/e+ linac (p. 16)
by Furukawa, K
The status and prospects of the control system of the accelerator test facility for linear collider (p. 23)
by Urakawa, J
Improving reliability in the SLC control system (p. 27)
by Heinen, N
The high speed bus system for LISA (p. 33)
by Catani, L
The Vivitron process control [presented at Vancouver] (p. 78)
by Lutz, Jean Robert
Problems in rejuvenating a control system and plans for the CERN proton synchrotron (CPS) (p. 81)
by Perriollat, F
The CERN antiproton source : controls aspects of the additional collector ring and fast sampling devices(p. 93)
by Chohan, V
Aspects of automation and applications in the CERN antiproton source (p. 98)
by Chohan, V
Initial operation and current status of the Fermilab DZero VMEBUS-based hardware control and monitor system (p. 125)
by Goodwin, R W
Monitor and control systems for the SLD Cherenkov ring imaging detector (p. 136)
by Antilogus, P
The control system of the OPAL detector at LEP (p. 145)
by Amundsen, A K
The beam synchronous timing system for the LEP instrumentation (p. 192)
by Baribaud, Guy
The TRISTAN timing system (p. 198)
by Urakawa, J
Timing system of the accelerator test facility for a linear collider (p. 206)
by Urakawa, J
The SPS and LEP control network architecture (p. 215)
by Liénard, P
Personal computers in the LEP controls system (p. 221)
by Jirdén, L
Tools for remote computing in accelerator control (p. 225)
by Anderssen, P S
A distributed data acquisition and monitoring system for the beam instrumentation of LEP (p. 231)
by Baribaud, Guy
A new data communication strategy for accelerator control systems (p. 239)
by Parker, C R C B
Use of real-time kernels in process control : an application to beam instrumentation(p. 276)
by Brahy, D
A new closed orbit correction procedure for the CERN SPS and LEP (p. 305)
by Brandt, D
Accelerator controls at CERN : some converging trends(p. 308)
by Kuiper, B
Report of the Los Alamos accelerator automation application toolkit workshop (p. 321)
by Clout, P N
A software kit for building applications in accelerator control systems : a proposal(p. 325)
by Daneels, A
Operational protocols for controlling accelerator equipment (p. 332)
by Bailey, R
Implementation of a control protocol in the instrumentation field (p. 338)
by Benincasa, G P
The CERN/LEP-SPS Librarian system (p. 363)
by Corniaux, C
Software development and maintenance : an approach for a large accelerator control system(p. 368)
by Casalegno, L
Report on the EPS case study group (p. 382)
by Daneels, A
SASD and the CERN/SPS run time coordinator (p. 385)
by Morpurgo, G
Process equipment data organisation in CERN PS controls (p. 412)
by Casalegno, L
Experience with workstations for accelerator control at the CERN SPS (p. 437)
by Ogle, A
Beam modelling with a window-oriented user interface (p. 450)
by Raich, U
Recent developments in MAD version 8 [presented at Vancouver] (p. 464)
by Grote, H
GENI : a graphical environment for model-based control(p. 475)
by Kleban, S D
Computation and control with neural networks (p. 507)
by Corneliusen, A

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 Δημιουργία εγγραφής 1990-01-27, τελευταία τροποποίηση 2021-07-30