The LEP control system (p. 1) |
by Innocenti, Pier Giorgio |
Recent progress in the control system for KEK 2.5-GeV e-/e+ linac (p. 16) |
by Furukawa, K |
The status and prospects of the control system of the accelerator test facility for linear collider (p. 23) |
by Urakawa, J |
Improving reliability in the SLC control system (p. 27) |
by Heinen, N |
The high speed bus system for LISA (p. 33) |
by Catani, L |
The Vivitron process control [presented at Vancouver] (p. 78) |
by Lutz, Jean Robert |
Problems in rejuvenating a control system and plans for the CERN proton synchrotron (CPS) (p. 81) |
by Perriollat, F |
The CERN antiproton source : controls aspects of the additional collector ring and fast sampling devices(p. 93) |
by Chohan, V |
Aspects of automation and applications in the CERN antiproton source (p. 98) |
by Chohan, V |
Initial operation and current status of the Fermilab DZero VMEBUS-based hardware control and monitor system (p. 125) |
by Goodwin, R W |
Monitor and control systems for the SLD Cherenkov ring imaging detector (p. 136) |
by Antilogus, P |
The control system of the OPAL detector at LEP (p. 145) |
by Amundsen, A K |
The beam synchronous timing system for the LEP instrumentation (p. 192) |
by Baribaud, Guy |
The TRISTAN timing system (p. 198) |
by Urakawa, J |
Timing system of the accelerator test facility for a linear collider (p. 206) |
by Urakawa, J |
The SPS and LEP control network architecture (p. 215) |
by Liénard, P |
Personal computers in the LEP controls system (p. 221) |
by Jirdén, L |
Tools for remote computing in accelerator control (p. 225) |
by Anderssen, P S |
A distributed data acquisition and monitoring system for the beam instrumentation of LEP (p. 231) |
by Baribaud, Guy |
A new data communication strategy for accelerator control systems (p. 239) |
by Parker, C R C B |
Use of real-time kernels in process control : an application to beam instrumentation(p. 276) |
by Brahy, D |
A new closed orbit correction procedure for the CERN SPS and LEP (p. 305) |
by Brandt, D |
Accelerator controls at CERN : some converging trends(p. 308) |
by Kuiper, B |
Report of the Los Alamos accelerator automation application toolkit workshop (p. 321) |
by Clout, P N |
A software kit for building applications in accelerator control systems : a proposal(p. 325) |
by Daneels, A |
Operational protocols for controlling accelerator equipment (p. 332) |
by Bailey, R |
Implementation of a control protocol in the instrumentation field (p. 338) |
by Benincasa, G P |
The CERN/LEP-SPS Librarian system (p. 363) |
by Corniaux, C |
Software development and maintenance : an approach for a large accelerator control system(p. 368) |
by Casalegno, L |
Report on the EPS case study group (p. 382) |
by Daneels, A |
SASD and the CERN/SPS run time coordinator (p. 385) |
by Morpurgo, G |
Process equipment data organisation in CERN PS controls (p. 412) |
by Casalegno, L |
Experience with workstations for accelerator control at the CERN SPS (p. 437) |
by Ogle, A |
Beam modelling with a window-oriented user interface (p. 450) |
by Raich, U |
Recent developments in MAD version 8 [presented at Vancouver] (p. 464) |
by Grote, H |
GENI : a graphical environment for model-based control(p. 475) |
by Kleban, S D |
Computation and control with neural networks (p. 507) |
by Corneliusen, A |