CERN Accelerating science

Conference title IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference
Related conference title(s) 2009 IEEE NSS MIC
Date(s), location 25 Oct - 31 Oct 2009, Orlando, FL, USA
Conference contact Hilton Disney World
Editor(s) Lanza, Richard (ed.) (MIT) ; Yu, Bo (ed.)
Imprint New York, NY : IEEE, 2009 - 4204 p.
Note Organisers: Richard Lanza, MIT
Conference record
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Free keywords nuclear instrumentation ; particle physics instrumentation ; medical imaging ; nuclear science ; radiation instrumentation ; software

Contributions in Inspire: C09-10-25
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Characterization of 3D-DDTC detectors on p-type substrates (p. 29)
by Dalla Betta, Gian-Franco
Geant4 in Scientific Literature (p. 189)
by Pia, M G
Spherical GEMs for parallax-free detectors (p. 225)
by Pinto, Serge Duarte
Design and performance of the ABCN-25 readout chip for ATLAS inner detector upgrade (p. 373)
by Dabrowski, W
Data Quality Monitoring of the CMS Tracker (p. 609)
by Adler, Volker
A Layer Correlation Technique for Pion Energy Calibration at the 2004 ATLAS Combined Beam Test (p. 751)
by Grahn, Karl-Johan
Design and Construction of a First Prototype Muon Tomography System with GEM Detectors for the Detection of Nuclear Contraband (p. 971)
by Hohlmann, M.
Silicon detectors for the SLHC recent RD50 results (p. 1724)
by Soldevila, Urmila
Investigation of electric field and charge multiplication in silicon detectors by Edge-TCT (p. 1740)
by Kramberger, G
Energy Reconstruction of Hadron Showers in the CALICE Calorimeters (p. 2292)
by Simon, Frank
Operational Experience of the ATLAS High Level Trigger with Single-Beam and Cosmic Rays
by Aracena, I
Parameterized Simulation of the CMS Calorimeter Using GFlash
by Jang, Dong Wook
Track Reconstruction in the ATLAS High Level Trigger Using Cosmic Ray Muons
by Lane, J
Cosmic Ray Study of the CMS Pixel Tracker
by Dinardo, Mauro Emanuele
Commissioning of the CMS ECAL calibration with muons from cosmic rays and beam dumps
by Malberti, Martina
Alignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector Tracking System
by Cortiana, G
by Aloisio, A
A Layer Correlation Technique for Pion Energy Calibration at the 2004 ATLAS Combined Beam Test
by Grahn, K-J
Condition Data for the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker reconstruction
by De Mattia, Michel
The Expected Performance of the ATLAS Inner Detector
by Lee, J S H
The Luminosity Monitor of the ATLAS Experiment
by Villa, M
First Alignment of the Complete CMS Silicon Tracker
by Kaschube, Kolja
A novel standalone muon drift-tube trigger for the ATLAS HL-LHC upgrade
by Cieri, Davide
Commissioning of the ATLAS Reconstruction Software with First Data (Conference Record)
by Lampl, W
Neural Online Filtering Based on Preprocessed Calorimeter Data
by Torres, R C
Detector Physics of Resistive Plate Chambers
by Lippmann, C
ATLAS Silicon Microstrip Tracker Operation
by Berglund, E
Commissioning of the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeter
by Guillemin, T
The Configuration System of the ATLAS Trigger
by Bell, P
A Receiver System for the TileCal Muon Signals
by Ciodaro, T
The Configuration System of the ATLAS Trigger
by Bell, P
The luminosity monitor of the ATLAS experiment
by Villa, M
A Fast Hardware Tracker for the ATLAS Trigger System
by Neubauer, M
A sub-system of the LHCb experiment / The Calorimeter ReadOut Card CROC
by Duarte, Olivier
A Fast Hardware Tracker for the ATLAS Trigger System
by Neubauer, M
Commissioning of the ATLAS Pixel Detector
by Weingarten, J
Jet Energy Corrections at CMS
by Santocchia, Attilio
The CMS all silicon Tracker simulation
by Biasini, Maurizio
The CMS Strip Tracker Calibration, Methods and Experience with Cosmic Ray Data
by Kaussen, Gordon
Testing Highly Integrated Components for the Technological Prototype of the CALICE SiW-ECAL
by Irles, Adrian
The ATLAS Level-1 Muon Barrel Trigger timing studies using combined trigger and offline tracking
by Salamanna, G
Re-engineering a nanodosimetry Monte Carlo code into Geant4: software design and first results
by Gargioni, Elisabetta
Results from the ATLAS Barrel Level-1 Muon Trigger Timing Studies Using Combined Trigger and Offline Tracking
by Salamanna, G
Alignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector Tracking System
by Cortiana, G
Performance of the ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter at the LHC Startup
by Solans, C
A Layer Correlation Technique for Pion Energy Calibration at the 2004 ATLAS Combined Beam Test (Conference record)
by Grahn, K-J
Digital Architecture of the New ATLAS Pixel Chip FE-I4
by "Barbero, M
FE-I4, the New ATLAS Pixel Chip for Upgraded LHC Luminosities
by "Barbero, M
Initial Calibration of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer
by Levin, D S
Track Reconstruction in the ATLAS High Level Trigger Using Cosmic Ray Muons
by Lane, J
Neural Online Filtering Based on Preprocessed Calorimeter Data
by Torres, R C
Plasma Panel Detectors for MIP Detection for the SLHC and a Test Chamber Design
by Ball, Robert
Advances in Triple-GEM detector operation for high-rate particle triggering
by Murtas, F
Commissioning of the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeter (conference record)
by Guillemin, T
Results from the Measurement of GEM-based Detector Parameters performed with X-rays
by Cardini, A
Detector Upgrade R\&D of the CMS Hadronic Endcap and Forward Calorimeters
by Akgun, Ugur
The CMS Tracker Data Quality Monitoring Expert GUI
by Palmonari, Francesco
Streamlined Calibration of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Precision Chambers
by Levin, DS
Commissioning and Operation of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter
by Petyt, David Anthony
A Receiver System for the TileCal Muon Signals
by Ciodaro, T
Performance of the ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter at the LHC Startup
by Solans, C
Measurement of GEM Parameters With X-Rays
by Cardini, A

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 Record creato 2009-03-12, modificato l'ultima volta il 2012-01-30

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