CERN Accelerating science

Experiments at CERN
Title Shape coexistence measurements in even-even neutron-deficient polonium isotopes by Coulomb excitation, using REX-ISOLDE and the Ge MINIBALL array
Author(s) Behrens, Tinstitute ; Butler, Pinstitute ; Bastin, Binstitute ; Kruecken, Rinstitute ; Voulot, Dinstitute ; Rahkila, P Jinstitute ; Orr, N Ainstitute ; Srebrny, Jinstitute ; Grahn, Tinstitute ; Clement, Einstitute ; Paul, E Sinstitute ; Gernhaeuser, R Ainstitute ; Dorsival, Ainstitute ; Diriken, J V Jinstitute ; Huyse, M Linstitute ; Iwanicki, J Sinstitute
Experiment IS479
Greybook See IS479 experiment
Approved 05 December 2008
Status Completed on 01 March 2015
Collaboration ISOLDE
Accelerator CERN ISOLDE
Abstract The neutron-deficient polonium isotopes with two protons outside the closed Z=82 shell represent a set of nuclei with a rich spectrum of nucleus structure phenomena. While the onset of the deformation in the light Po isotopes is well established experimentally, questions remain concerning the sign of deformation and the magnitude of the mixing between different configurations. Furthermore, controversy is present with respect to the transition from the vibrational-like character of the heavier Po isotopes to the shape coexistence mode observed in the lighter Po isotopes. We propose to study this transition in the even-mass neutron-deficient $^{198,200,202}$Po isotopes by using post-accelerated beams from REX-ISOLDE and "safe"-energy Coulomb excitation. $\gamma$- rays will be detected by the MINIBALL array. The measurements of the Coulomb excitation differential cross section will allow us to deduce both the transition and diagonal matrix elements for these nuclei and, combined with lifetime measurements, the sign of the deformation in Po isotopes. We require 27 shifts to reach the aims of the experiment.
Related document(s) CERN-INTC-2008-027  (INTC-P-247)
Contact: Van de walle, J

 Record created 2008-12-15, last modified 2020-11-19