CERN Accelerating science

Conference title International Seminar on Quarks
Related conference title(s) Quarks '88
Date(s), location 17 - 21 May 1988, Tbilisi, Georgia
Editor(s) Khlebnikov, S Yu (ed.) ; Larin, S A (ed.) ; Matveev, Vladimir A (ed.) ; Tavkhelidze, A N (ed.)
Imprint Singapore : World Scientific, 1989 - 798 p.
ISBN 9789971507794
Subject category Particle Physics
Free keywords QCD ; confinement ; cosmological ; hadron ; nuclei ; string ; supersymmetry
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Chiral structure of 2-dimensional quantum gravity (p. 48)
by Semenoff, Gordon W
QCD sum rules : selected topics(p. 182)
by Bertlmann, Reinhold A
Full QCD simulation on a lattice (p. 211)
by Fukugita, M
The weak neutral current (p. 269)
by Langacker, P G
Perturbative calculations of Higgs boson masses at the Fermi scale (p. 316)
by Rodenberg, R
The structure of the fermion mass matrices from symmetries and higher dimensions (p. 337)
by Wetterich, C
Observation of narrow baryoniums in the experiment BIS-2 ; 2, baryoniums with hidden strangeness (p. 732)
by Aleev, A N
Observation of narrow baryoniums in the experiment BIS-2 ; 1, strange baryoniums (p. 732)
by Aleev, A N
Behavior of nonsinglet structure functions of deep inelastic scattering at x = 0 and x = 1 and their scheme invariant parametrization
by Kotikov, A V
Exotic nature of the scalar G(1590) meson
by Lánik, J

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