The LEP project (p. 3) |
by Picasso, Emilio |
The HERA-project (p. 7) |
by Voss, G A |
Continuous Beam Electron Accelerators (p. 11) |
by Herminghaus, H |
Synchrotron Radiation Light Sources (p. 17) |
by Laclare, J L |
Highlights from Japan - Tristan and Post-Tristan Accelerators (p. 22) |
by Kimura, Y |
Superconducting rf cavities for accelerator application (p. 29) |
by Proch, D |
Preparation of niobium coated copper superconducting rf cavities for the Large Electron Positron collider (p. 37) |
by Benvenuti, Cristoforo |
Microwave Properties of the New High T (p. 40) |
by Müller, G |
Electron beam profile, position systems and measurements on the Daresbury SRS (p. 43) |
by MacKay, J S |
Commissioning of Super-ACO (p. 46) |
by Sommer, E M |
A flavour factory and nuclear physics facility based on superconducting linacs (p. 49) |
by Amaldi, Ugo |
The Linear Superconducting Accelerator Project LISA (p. 52) |
by Aragona, A |
The transient wake field transformer experiment (p. 55) |
by Bialowons, W |
Ion Accelerators and Storage Rings (p. 61) |
by Angert, N |
Review of Spallation Neutron Sources (p. 65) |
by Gardner, I S K |
Meson factories (p. 70) |
by Bradamante, Franco |
Pulsed High-Power Beams (p. 75) |
by Reginato, L L |
Space Charge Dominated, Low V/C Accelerators (p. 78) |
by Schempp, A |
Sources and Accelerators for Polarized Ions: A Review (p. 83) |
by Arvieux, J |
Sources of Highly Charged Ions (p. 88) |
by Geller, R |
The Development of High Current Singly Charged Ion Sources (p. 93) |
by Holmes, A J T |
rf power sources (p. 101) |
by Allen, M A |
The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven (p. 109) |
by Hahn, H |
ASTRID, A Storage Ring for Ions and Electrons (p. 112) |
by Møller, S P |
Description and Commissioning of MIMAS, Booster Storage Ring for Heavy and Polarized Ions (p. 115) |
by Chamouard, P A |
Performance of MBE-4, an experimental multiple beam induction linear accelerator for heavy ions (p. 118) |
by Warwick, A I |
Relativistic klystron research for high gradient accelerators (p. 121) |
by Allen, M A |
Polarized Beams at PSI (p. 127) |
by Schmelzbach, P A |
Acceleration and Bunch Formation with Two Coupled RFQ's (p. 130) |
by Leipe, P |
A mega watt electron positron conversion target : a conceptual design(p. 133) |
by Sievers, P |
New e- sources switched by laser beams (p. 139) |
by Boussoukaya, M |
Free Electron Lasers (p. 144) |
by Renieri, A |
B-Factories (p. 148) |
by Wille, K |
Accelerators for Radiotherapy (p. 153) |
by Jongen, Y |
Accelerators in Industrial Applications (p. 158) |
by Bethge, Klaus |
Superconducting Cyclotrons (p. 166) |
by Acerbi, E |
Brief review of the development of electrostatic accelerators and continuing work at Strasbourg (p. 171) |
by Letournel, M |
Current Status of BEPC (p. 175) |
by Fang, S X |
Beam diagnostic techniques, observations and comparison with theory (p. 181) |
by Hofmann, A |
Industrial applications of heavy ions beams at GANIL (p. 189) |
by Bieth, C |
Optimization of Cancer Treatment with Accelerator Produced Radiations (p. 192) |
by Pohlit, W |
The renormalized theory of beam-beam interaction (p. 195) |
by Chin, Y H |
Antoher Look at Coherent Longitudinal Instabilities of Bunched Beams (p. 198) |
by Rees, G H |
Perspectives of Ultracold and Crystalline Ion Beams Cooled by Electrons (p. 201) |
by Hofmann, I |
Results from electron cooling experiments at LEAR (p. 204) |
by Wolf, A |
Effects of Ions in the Sincrotrone Trieste (p. 207) |
by Bocchetta, C J |
The Trieste Synchrotron Light Source ELETTRA (p. 210) |
by Wrulich, A F |
The CERN ppbar facility (p. 215) |
by Jones, E |
The large hadron collider (LHC) in the LEP tunnel (p. 218) |
by Brianti, Giorgio |
The Tevatron: Status and Outlook (p. 223) |
by Dugan, G |
Brief Comments on Nonlinear Dynamics Studies in Storage Rings (p. 228) |
by Chao, A W |
The IHEP Accelerating and Storage Complex : Status and Development(p. 233) |
by Ageev, A I |
The SSC Project (p. 237) |
by Peoples, John |
The Progress of Low Energy Particle Accelerators in China (p. 242) |
by Chen, C |
Energy Production with Accelerators (p. 249) |
by Bock, R |
A High-Brightness Photo-Injector for a Free Electron Laser Proposal (p. 257) |
by Joly, S |
Plasma Lens Work at UCLA (p. 260) |
by Katsouleas, T C |
Large Cylindrical Lenses with Solid and Liquid Lithium (p. 263) |
by Bayanov, B F |
Dynamic Aperture Measurements at the Tevatron (p. 266) |
by Peterson, J M |
Towards a slow extraction system for the TRIUMF kaon factory extender ring with 0.1% losses (p. 269) |
by Wienands, U |
Tunning the arcs of the SLAC linear collider (p. 272) |
by Fieguth, T |
Beam phase space determination at 50 GeV in the SLC Linac (p. 275) |
by Seeman, J T |
Status and future of the 3D MAFIA group of codes (p. 279) |
by Ebeling, F |
Linear collider studies in Europe (p. 285) |
by Schnell, Wolfgang |
The 'future' in high-energy physics (p. 290) |
by Rubbia, Carlo |
Peculiarities of the IHEP Accelerator Complex Operation with the Fast-Cycling Booster (p. 303) |
by Ado, Yu M |
The Prospects of Improvemnt and Development of Accelerator Installations at Yerevan Physics Institute (p. 305) |
by Amatuni, A T |
The CERN antiproton collector ring (p. 308) |
by Autin, Bruno |
Initial Design of a (p. 311) |
by Botman, J I M |
CLIO : free electron laser in ORSAY(p. 314) |
by Bourdon, J C |
Upgrade JULIC as Injector for COSY-JÜLICH (p. 317) |
by Bräutigam, W |
Recent developments on the TRIUMF kaon factory proposal (p. 320) |
by Craddock, M K |
Progress Report on the Milan Superconducting Cyclotron (p. 323) |
by Acerbi, E |
The upgrading of the TRIUMF facility to 500 mu.A operation (p. 326) |
by Dutto, G |
Commissioning of the SPS as LEP injector (p. 329) |
by Cornelis, Karel |
General Description of the ESRF Injector System (p. 332) |
by Filhol, J M |
The Superconducting 130 MeV Electron Accelerator at Darmstadt (p. 335) |
by Aab, V |
Status Report on the Superconducting Cyclotron AGOR (p. 339) |
by Galès, Sydney |
Injector AVF Cyclotron at RIKEN (p. 342) |
by Goto, A |
Heavy Ion Cyclotrons Development at JINR (p. 345) |
by Gulbekyan, G G |
Diagnostics and Commissioning Progress on ISIS (p. 347) |
by Harold, M R |
CRYRING - A Heavy-Ion Storage and Synchrotron Ring (p. 350) |
by Herrlander, C J |
Initial Operation of the Reconstructed Uppsala Synchrocyclotron (p. 353) |
by Holm, S |
ELSA - The Continuous Beam Accelerator at Bonn (p. 356) |
by Husmann, D |
The LBL advanced light source (p. 359) |
by Jackson, A |
The MIT-Bates South Hall Ring (p. 362) |
by Flanz, J B |
The Heidelberg Test Storage ring for Heavy Ions TSR (p. 365) |
by Jaeschke, E |
The tau-charm factory storage ring (p. 368) |
by Jowett, John M |
Four Years of Operation of the 180 MeV CW Electron Accelerator MAMI A (p. 371) |
by Kaiser, K H |
STA SR Project (p. 374) |
by Kamitsubo, H |
EURAC: A Concept for a EURopean ACcelerator Neutron Source (p. 377) |
by Kley, W |
The Dedicated Synchrotron Radiation Source (p. 380) |
by Anashin, V V |
The Strasbourg project : a 35 MV VIVITRON tandem(p. 383) |
by Letournel, M |
Status report on the LEP pre-injector (LPI) and the proton synchrotron (PS) as a e+e- accelerator (p. 386) |
by Madsen, J H B |
The bypass project at DORIS II (p. 389) |
by Brefeld, W |
Performance of the CERN antiproton accumulator complex (p. 392) |
by Autin, Bruno |
The Use of the Fermilab Antiproton Accumulator in Medium Energy Physics Experiments (p. 395) |
by Bharadwaj, V K |
Status of the Project COSY Jülich (p. 398) |
by Pfister, U |
Bratislave Multipurpose Neutron Source (p. 401) |
by Pivarc, J |
The Fermilab Antiproton Source: Recent Performance and Improvements (p. 404) |
by Rapidis, P A |
Performance of ISIS at Julic (p. 407) |
by Reich, J |
Status of the Celsius Project (p. 410) |
by Reistad, D |
Project of Small-Dimensional 200 MeV Proton Synchrotron (p. 413) |
by Averbukh, I I |
Status of the AGS Upgrade Project (p. 416) |
by Sluyters, Th |
Performance of the Daresbury SRS with an increased brilliance optic (p. 418) |
by Suller, V P |
The ALPI Project at the Laboratori Nazionali Di Legnaro (p. 421) |
by Bassato, G |
TRITRON - A Superconducting Cyclotron with Separated Orbits (p. 424) |
by Grundey, T |
MEQALAC, A 1 MeV Multi-Channel RF-Accelerator for Light Ions (p. 427) |
by Urbanus, W H |
Felix: The Dutch Free Electron Laser for Infrared Experiments (p. 430) |
by Van Amersfoort, P W |
The Near-Infrared Free-Electron-Laser Project at Darmstadt (p. 433) |
by Aab, V |
Status of the AGS Booster Project (p. 436) |
by Weng, W T |
The use of PETRA as a B-factory (p. 439) |
by Nesemann, H |
Status Report on RIKEN Ring Cyclotron (p. 442) |
by Yano, Y |
Design of a Small Storage Ring in JAERI (p. 445) |
by Yokomizo, H |
The Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility VICKSI (p. 448) |
by Busse, W |
Proposal for Racetrack Microtrons as Driver for a Free Electron Laser and as Injector for an Electron Storage Ring (p. 453) |
by Botman, J I M |
The design of low emittance electron storage rings (p. 456) |
by Hand, L N |
Recent Advances in Magnetically Driven Induction Linacs (p. 459) |
by Reginato, L L |
Investigations on New Acceleration Schemes in Dubna (p. 461) |
by Sarantsev, V P |
Design of Compact RFQs (p. 464) |
by Schempp, A |
Conceptual Design of a Ring Beauty Factory (p. 467) |
by Dubrovin, A N |
Constant-Current Variable-Voltage (CCVV) Accelerators (p. 470) |
by Anderson, O A |
Linacs with Self-Acceleration of Bunched Beam (p. 473) |
by Bogdanovich, B Yu |
Finite Plasma Wakefield Accelerator (p. 475) |
by Diakhaté, L |
A scheme for a fully superconducting electron injector (p. 478) |
by Jablonka, M |
Optics effects and options for TeV colliders, 2 (p. 481) |
by Spencer, J E |
Multipurpose Air-Core Sperconducting Cyclotrons (p. 484) |
by Subotic, K M |
Electron Injector Designs for Light Source (p. 487) |
by Tronc, D |
The resonant wake field transformer concept for particle acceleration (p. 490) |
by Bialowons, W |
A Miniaturized High-Energy Wakefield Accelerator (p. 493) |
by Yan, Y T |
Charge and Current Neutralization of High-Current Ion Beams (p. 496) |
by Agafonov, A V |
A Possible Self-Acceleration of a Relativistic Bunch of Electrons in Plasma (p. 499) |
by Amatuni, A T |
Focusing Properties of a Plasma Wave (p. 502) |
by Bobin, J L |
Calculation of protonium production rate from corotating beams of $\overline{p}$ and H- in LEAR (p. 505) |
by Giannini, R |
General Considerations on a Damping Ring for a 5-10 GeV Linear Collider (p. 508) |
by Bassetti, M |
First Considerations on Stochastic Cooling in Cosy Jülich (p. 511) |
by Bongers, N |
Maximum Beam Currents of Light Ions in RFQs (p. 514) |
by Junior, P |
The RFQ as a Neutron Source both for High Intensity and Micropulses (p. 517) |
by Junior, P |
3D- magneto- and electrostatic calculations using MAFIA-S3 (p. 520) |
by Krawczyk, F L |
Electromagnetic wave generation with high transformation ratio by intense charged particle bunches (p. 523) |
by Laziev, E M |
A beam energy analysis and monitoring system for linear accelerators (p. 526) |
by Lee, M J |
Influence on the Sign of an Ion Charge on Friction Force at Electron Cooling (p. 529) |
by Dikanskij, N S |
Pulsars as Cosmic Ray Accelerators - The Critical Frequency (p. 532) |
by Thielheim, K O |
Space Charge Neutralization of Modulated Ion Beams (p. 535) |
by Weis, T |
The New AGS H RFQ Preinjector (p. 538) |
by Alessi, J |
LEAR beam stability improvements using FFT analysis (p. 541) |
by Asséo, E |
RF Tuning and Initial CW Operation of RFQ1 (p. 544) |
by Chidley, B G |
Status Report on the Initial Cooling Studies in the IUCF Cooler (p. 547) |
by Ellison, T J P |
The Injector Linac for the Mainz Microtron (p. 550) |
by Euteneuer, H |
Improvements to the Fermilab Main Ring (p. 553) |
by Gerig, R |
Luminosity lifetime in the TEVATRON (p. 556) |
by Jackson, G |
Progress towards H- extraction at TRIUMF (p. 559) |
by Laxdal, R E |
Performance limitations of the LHC low beta insertions (p. 562) |
by Leemann, B T |
The Beam Slow Extraction From a Magnetic ring Based on Particle-Target Interaction (p. 565) |
by Malitsky, N D |
Low Energy Injection in a Compact Synchrotron Radiation Storage Ring (p. 568) |
by Liu, N |
Variation of longitudinal beam position and profile during acceleration in TRISTAN main ring (p. 570) |
by Nakajima, K |
Low Energy Injection Scheme of Compact Electron Storage Rings (p. 573) |
by Nakayama, K |
A preliminary study of a voltage multiplying structure for electron acceleration (CERN-PS-88-32-RF) (p. 576) |
by Fiebig, A |
Stochastic Precooling of Heavy Fragments in the ESR (p. 579) |
by Nolden, F |
Commissioning and Operating Experience with the H (p. 582) |
by Planner, C W |
Extraction of a Steady State Electron Beam from HCD Plasmas for EBIS Applications (p. 585) |
by Hershcovitch, A |
Performance of the DESY RFQs (p. 587) |
by Schempp, A |
RFQ-Injector for CRYRING (p. 590) |
by Schempp, A |
Development of an Experimental RFQ Accelerator (p. 593) |
by Sethi, R C |
Racetrack Microtron - 150 MeV Injector for Compact SR Ring (p. 596) |
by Sugitani, M |
Internal Beam Facilities at Kharkov PSSR (p. 599) |
by Telegin, Yu P |
100 MeV Electron Linac with the DAW Structure as an Injector for the Siberia-2 Storage Ring (p. 602) |
by Karliner, M M |
30 MeV RFQ Linac Parameters (p. 605) |
by Demikhovsky, D A |
An Experiment to Evaluate the Possiblility of Electron Cooling of Partially Stripped Heavy Ions (p. 607) |
by Becker, R |
Pulse Propagation in Free Electron Lasers: The Oscillator Mode and Phase Sensitive Gain Measurements (p. 610) |
by Dattoli, Giuseppe |
Measurements of the hollow beam at the wake field transformer experiment at DESY (p. 613) |
by Decker, Franz Josef |
Experimental study of simultaneous acceleration of protons and H- ions in the cyclotron (p. 616) |
by Dmitrievsky, V P |
The non linear dynamic aperture experiment in the SPS (p. 619) |
by Evans, Lyndon R |
Beam Studies with an Unmodulated RFQ Beam Line (p. 622) |
by Zoubek, N |
Collective Coupling States in a Quasineutral Ion Beam (p. 627) |
by Agafonov, A V |
The Particles Scattering on the Hard Part of Synchrotron Radiation in the Accelerators and Storage Rings: The Influence on the Beam Dynamics (p. 629) |
by Arutunian, S G |
Longitudinal Instability of Bunched Beam Interacting with High-Frequency Impedance (p. 631) |
by Balbekov, V I |
Bunch lengthening in the SLC damping ring (p. 634) |
by Rivkin, L |
The calculated longitudinal impedance of the SLC damping rings (p. 637) |
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag |
Polarized Beams in the European Hadron Facility (p. 640) |
by Blüm, P |
Coherent betatron instability in the Tevatron (p. 643) |
by Bogacz, S A |
Coupled bunch instability in Fermilab booster : longitudinal phase-space simulation(p. 646) |
by Bogacz, S A |
Analytical Evaluation of Synchrotron Radiation Integrals for Isomagnetic Lattices with Rectangular Dipole Magnets (p. 649) |
by Uythoven, J A |
The Beam Emittance of Cyclotrons with an Axial Injection System (p. 651) |
by Botman, J I M |
Exhaustive search of field defect compensation and reading errors in ag machines (p. 654) |
by Brandt, D |
Proton emittance growth caused by electron rf noise and the beam-beam interaction in HERA (p. 657) |
by Brinkmann, R |
GALOPR, a beam transport program, with space-charge and bunching (p. 660) |
by Bru, B |
Improving the Fermilab booster emittance (p. 663) |
by Chao, Y |
Analytical and numerical evaluation of Landau cavities in the Fermilab booster (p. 666) |
by Chao Yu Chiu |
Extraction and Central Region Calculations for the Minicyclotron ILEC (p. 669) |
by De Regt, R |
Measurements and analysis of collective effects in the LEP electron positron accumulator (EPA) (p. 672) |
by Bartalucci, S |
Analysis of Tracking Data Using Normal Forms (p. 675) |
by Neri, F |
Selfconsistent simulation of high power tubes with TBCI-SF (p. 678) |
by Ebeling, F |
Magnet Ramping with Variable Optics in the SIS (p. 681) |
by Franczak, B |
A Possible Symplectic Coherent Beam-Beam Model (p. 684) |
by Chao, A W |
Slow Resonant Extraction at the European Hadron Facility (p. 687) |
by Galluccio, F |
Fast instability of positron bunches in the CERN SPS (p. 690) |
by Brandt, D |
Optics perturbations due to discontinuous replacement of radiated energy (p. 693) |
by Guignard, Gilbert |
Analytic calculation of the dynamical aperture for the two dimensional betatron motion in storage rings (p. 696) |
by Hagel, J |
Analytic theory of synchro-betatron resonances (p. 699) |
by Hagel, J |
Study of Chromaticity Correction in Low Emittance Storage Ring (p. 702) |
by Hara, M |
High-frequency limit of the longitudinal impedance of an array of cavities (p. 705) |
by Heifets, S A |
The loss parameters for very short bunches (p. 708) |
by Bisognano, J J |
Coupling impedances on a set of resonators (p. 711) |
by Henke, H |
Beam Emittance Growth by Internal Target Effects in COSY (p. 714) |
by Diehl, N |
A Particle Tracking Method for Accelerators with Small Radius of Curvature (p. 717) |
by Hiramoto, K |
The CRYRING Lattice (p. 720) |
by Jeansson, J |
Status of the SSC lattice design (p. 723) |
by Garren, A A |
Beam response measurements at SPEAR (p. 726) |
by Jowett, John M |
Synchronous Particle and Non-Adiabatic Capture (p. 729) |
by Kats, J M |
A Storage Ring Mode for CEBAF as a Commissioning Tool (p. 732) |
by Kewisch, J |
Moment Equations with Space Charge for an AVF Cyclotron (p. 735) |
by Kleeven, W J G M |
The Spin Precession Tune Spread in the Storage Ring (p. 738) |
by Koop, I A |
Nonlinear Effects in High-Current Beams (p. 740) |
by Korolev, A P |
The LONG1D simulation code (p. 743) |
by Koscielniak, Shane Rupert |
Polarization simulation studies for LEP (p. 746) |
by Koutchouk, Jean-Pierre |
Achromatic Lattice Comparison for Light Sources (p. 749) |
by Kramer, S L |
Design for a practical, low emittance damping ring (p. 752) |
by Krejcik, P |
Nonlinear beam behaviour in the CERN antiproton collector (p. 755) |
by Krejcik, P |
Closed orbit distortions and their corrections in the 600 MeV electron-positron accumulator at LEP (p. 758) |
by Kugler, H |
The Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Cyclic Accelerator Vacuum Chamber with Small Cross-Section Variations (p. 761) |
by Kurennoy, S S |
Nonlinear Synchrotron Motion near Transition Energy in RHIC (p. 764) |
by Lee, S Y |
SLC beam line error analysis using a model-based expert system (p. 767) |
by Lee, M |
A Study of the Coupling Resonances in the AGS Booster (p. 770) |
by Lee, S Y |
The RHIC Lattice (p. 773) |
by Lee, S H |
Collective Effects on Super-ACO (p. 776) |
by Level, M P |
Simulation of Proton RF Capture in the AGS Booster (p. 779) |
by Khiari, F Z |
Longitudinal Space Charge Via Multi-Particle Simulation (p. 782) |
by Maidment, J R |
Bunch coalescing and bunch rotation in the Fermilab main ring : operational experience and comparison with simulations(p. 785) |
by Martin, P S |
COSY - Lattice Description (p. 788) |
by Krejcik, P |
An experimental study of the SSC magnet aperture criterion (p. 791) |
by Merminga, N |
Emittance and Dynamic Aperture in Compact Storage Rings with Superconducting Bending Magnets (p. 794) |
by Moser, H O |
Numerical Computation of the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance (p. 797) |
by Gluckstern, R |
Compensation Schemes for Undulator Insertion (p. 800) |
by Nghiem, P |
TRACY, a tool for accelerator design and analysis (p. 803) |
by Nishimura, H |
Evaluation of the Dynamic Aperture of TARN II (p. 806) |
by Noda, A |
Longitudinal instability in TRISTAN main ring observed by a streak camera (p. 809) |
by Ogata, A |
Low Energy Multi Pulse Stacking in MIMAS by Betatron Deceleration (p. 812) |
by Ciret, J C |
Transverse Impedance of a Conducting Cylindrical Pop with Discontinuous Cross Section (p. 815) |
by Gianfelice, E |
Code Comparison for Accelerator Design and Analysis (p. 818) |
by Parsa, Z |
The Effect of Coupling on Intrabeam Scattering (p. 821) |
by Parzen, B |
Interactive First Turn and Global Closed Orbit Correction (p. 824) |
by Paxson, V |
Correction of Random Multipole Errors with Lumped Correctors (p. 827) |
by Peterson, J M |
Beam instability characteristics of the Daresbury SRS (p. 830) |
by Poole, M W |
Partial Beam Decorrelation of Sources Providing Ion Out of Axial Magnetic Fields (p. 833) |
by Reich, J |
Beam-Beam Interactions and Luminosity Considerations in RHIC (p. 836) |
by Rhoades-Brown, M J |
Beam foil interaction studies for the future stripper of GANIL (p. 839) |
by Baron, E A |
Closed orbit correction of the CERN antiproton collector ring (p. 842) |
by Martini, M |
Optimization of a Low Emittance Lattice for the ESRF (p. 845) |
by Ropert, A |
Polarized antiprotons with the spin splitter (p. 848) |
by Kreiser, H |
Emittance growth induced by radiation fluctuations in the final focus of a linear collider (p. 851) |
by Ruggiero, F |
Beam Optics of a Dipole Fringe Field (p. 854) |
by Sagalovsky, L |
Interactive Global Decoupling of the SSC Injection Lattice (p. 857) |
by Schachinger, L C |
Strategies for longitudinal painting in the EHF booster at injection (p. 860) |
by Gianfelice-Wendt, E |
Design of a bunching system for a high-intensity electron Linac (p. 863) |
by Miller, R H |
ITACA: A New Computer Code for the Integration of Transient Particle and Field Equations in Axi-Symmetrical Cavities (p. 866) |
by Serafini, L |
Bunch Length Measurements at ADONE (p. 869) |
by Bassetti, M |
The Effect of Perturbation on the Longitudinal Motion of Particles in a Stepped Phase Velocity Linac (p. 872) |
by Senichev, Yu |
Analysis of the Triple Bend Achromat as a Lattice for BESSY II (p. 875) |
by Simon, B |
Bunch length and impedance measurements in SPEAR (p. 878) |
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag |
On the Inhererent Properties of the Cyclotron Equilibrium Orbits (p. 881) |
by Milinkovic, Lj S |
Effects of Insertion Devices on Beam Dynamics (p. 884) |
by Tosi, L |
Description of nonlinear beam dynamics in the CERN Large Hadron Collider by using normal form algorithms (p. 887) |
by Bazzani, A |
Impedance calculation above cut-off with URMEL-I (p. 890) |
by Van Rienen, U |
Addition of a beam-beam element to MAD : LEP simulation results(p. 893) |
by Verdier, A |
Transverse stability of the high intensity SPS proton beam (CERN-SPS-88-14-ABM) (p. 896) |
by Vos, L |
Transverse Two-Beam Instability at LEP (p. 899) |
by Wang, J M |
Computer simulations of the wake field transformer experiment at DESY (p. 902) |
by Bialowons, W |
Discrete helical spin rotators (p. 905) |
by Wienands, U |
Nonlinear beam dynamics in the vicinity of resonances excited by sextupole fields (p. 908) |
by Schmidt, F |
Persistent current field errors and dynamic aperture of HERA-p (p. 911) |
by Brinkmann, R |
The Analytical Lattice Approach for the Ring Design of BESSY II (p. 914) |
by Wüstefeld, G |
Spin Matching Conditions for a Storage Ring with Solenoid Rotators (p. 917) |
by Shatilov, D N |
Magnet exciting system with dual resonant frequency circuit (p. 923) |
by Adachi, T |
Protection of Superconducting Magnets against Irradiation during Fast Resonance Extraction from UNK (p. 926) |
by Akimov, A N |
Advances in BNL's Polarized Ion Source Development (p. 929) |
by Alessi, J |
Computer Controlled System for RF Manipulation at ITEP Proton Synchrotron (p. 932) |
by Alexeev, N N |
A Drift Tube Accelerating Structure for CRYRING (p. 935) |
by Abrahamsson, K |
Industrial Production of Superconducting Accelerating Cavities for HERA (p. 938) |
by Arnolds-Mayer, G |
Test Results on 1.5 GHz Superconducting Cavities at Saclay (p. 941) |
by Aune, B |
Large Frequency Swing RF Cavities for MIMAS (p. 944) |
by Ausset, P |
Matching of ion sources to cyclotron inflectors (p. 947) |
by Baartman, R A |
Space charge neutralization studies of an H- beam (p. 949) |
by Baartman, R A |
Operational software for multicycling the CERN super proton synchrotron (p. 951) |
by Bailey, R |
Development of a High Brightness Electron Gun for the Accelerator Test Facility at Brookhaven National Laboraotry (p. 954) |
by Batchelor, K |
Superconducting rf cavities for LEP (p. 958) |
by Bernard, P |
Collisional and Radiative Processes Used for Diagnostics in a Heavy-Ion Storage Ring Employing Electron Cooling (p. 961) |
by Beyer, H F |
Computer Controls Programming for Decelerating Beam in the Fermilab Antiproton Accumulator (p. 964) |
by Bharadwaj, V K |
Hollow beam gun for the wake field transformer experiment at DESY (p. 967) |
by Bieler, M |
Behaviour of warm accelerating rf structures under high gradient (p. 970) |
by Bienvenu, G |
The MIMAS and SATURNE Kicker Magnet Systems (p. 973) |
by Böhner, G |
Determination of 100 psec Short Linac Bunches by Broadband Pickups and Reconstruction Technique (p. 976) |
by Bongardt, K |
Resonant beam position monitor for low intensity ion beams (p. 979) |
by Bossart, Rudolf |
A 600 MHz Chopper System for an Electron Linac (p. 982) |
by Bourat, C |
rf feedback applied to a multicell superconducting cavity (p. 985) |
by Boussard, Daniel |
Test of a 352 MHz superconducting cavity in the CERN SPS (p. 988) |
by Bernard, P |
The 100 MHz rf system for the CERN collider (p. 991) |
by Boussard, Daniel |
High emissivity photocathodes (p. 994) |
by Boussoukaya, M |
The Gun/Chopper System for the MAINZ Microtron (p. 997) |
by Braun, H |
RF System of COSY Jülich (p. 1000) |
by Berg, G |
A Fast Chopper for Programmed Population on the Longitudinal Phase Space of the AGS Booster (p. 1003) |
by Brennan, J M |
A High Harmonic Cavity for Controlled Longitudinal Phase Space Dilution in the AGS (p. 1006) |
by Brennan, J M |
The Separation of Control Variables in an H (p. 1009) |
by Bowling, P S |
Beam Transfer Lines for the Tandem-Superconducting Cyclotron at Laboratorio Nazionale Del Sud (p. 1012) |
by Calabretta, L |
Logistics of LEP installation (p. 1015) |
by Genier, Claude |
Diagnostic and Control System for the LISA Project (p. 1018) |
by Castellano, M |
Development of Pellet Chain for Charge Carrying (p. 1021) |
by Chung, K H |
APF Accelerating Structures for Light and Heavy Ions (p. 1024) |
by Chuvilo, I V |
Design of Hybrid Magnet Undulators with Non-Constant Parameters for High Gain, High Efficiency Free Electron Laser (p. 1027) |
by Ciocci, F |
The magnet system of the electron positron accumulator (EPA) (p. 1030) |
by Cornuet, D |
An Adiabatic Electron Gun for the CRYRING Electron Cooler (p. 1033) |
by Danared, H |
Vacuum Chamber EDDY Current Correction Coil for the AGS Booster (p. 1035) |
by Danby, G |
Beam Diagnostics for Heavy and Polariezed Ions in the Range of 10 keV/amu to 1 GeV/amu (p. 1038) |
by Degueurce, L |
New Electron Source Assisted by Two Lasers (p. 1041) |
by Girardeau-Montaut, J P |
A CW-PION Focusing Horn for Low-Energy Muon Neutrino Beams (p. 1044) |
by Dombeck, T |
Performance of the Los Alamos Expanding Telescope (p. 1047) |
by Dombeck, T |
Time stepping klystron and lasertron simulations (p. 1050) |
by Dubrovin, A |
GANIL D.C. Power Converters: Imporvement of the Response to Mains Fluctuations, Mains Voltage Harmonic Filtering (p. 1053) |
by Dugay, G |
An Improved Ion Source for a Compact Cyclotron (p. 1056) |
by Dworschak, F |
Injection and Fast Extraction in the ESR (p. 1059) |
by Eickhoff, G |
ESRF Insertion Devices (p. 1061) |
by Elleaume, P |
Three dimensional survey for magnet alignment (p. 1064) |
by Endo, K |
Corrosion of Copper by Deionized Cooling Water (p. 1067) |
by Schöler, H |
A 5 kW, 1.5 GHz Klystron for Superconducting Cavities (p. 1069) |
by Bearzatto, C |
The 3 Preinjectors of MIMAS for Heavy Ions Polarized and Unpolariezed Ions (p. 1072) |
by Faure, J |
A radiofrequency pulse compressor for square output pulses (p. 1075) |
by Fiebig, A |
Optical Transition Radiation Diagnostics for Low Emittance, High Energy, Charged Particle Beams (p. 1078) |
by Fiorito, R B |
Studies of fast wire scanners for LEP (p. 1081) |
by Fischer, C |
Modulation of the Lepton Production for the CERN LEP Pre-Injector (p. 1084) |
by Benincasa, G P |
Advanced Concepts in Accelerator Timing Control (p. 1087) |
by Frankel, R |
The AGS Booster Control System (p. 1090) |
by Frankel, R |
Separation of Reaction or Decay Products from Cooled Ion Beams Stored in the ESR (p. 1093) |
by Franzke, B |
Radio Frequency System of the RIKEN Ring Cyclotron (p. 1096) |
by Fujisawa, T |
52 MHz RF System of HERA (p. 1099) |
by Funk, L W |
The 52 MHz RF System for PETRA II (p. 1102) |
by Funk, L W |
The Radio Frequency System for Protons in HERA (p. 1105) |
by Gamp, A |
RF Sparking in Accelerator Cavities (p. 1108) |
by Gerhard, A |
Operational Experience with the Distributed Control System of the Milan Superconducting Cyclotron (p. 1111) |
by Amato, A |
4pi/5 backward TW structure tested for electron linacs optimization (p. 1114) |
by Girault, P |
Use of VMEBUS in Accelerator Applications (p. 1117) |
by Gournay, J F |
Control facilities for commissioning and operation of the water cooling, air handling and fire detection of LEP (p. 1120) |
by Bertuzzi, C |
Studies of Fundamental Processes in High Power Switches (p. 1123) |
by Gundersen, M A |
Expertsystem for COSY - Control (p. 1126) |
by Bongers, N |
A Versatile Multi Processed Control System for MIMAS (p. 1129) |
by Bogard, D |
Magnets and Power Supplies for COSY (p. 1132) |
by Bechstedt, U |
Investigations of Intense Pulsed Electron Beams from Pseudo - Spark Discharges (p. 1135) |
by Benker, W |
ECR Ion Source for the Injector AVF Cyclotron at Riken (p. 1138) |
by Hatanaka, K |
Properties of Spiral Loaded Cavities (p. 1140) |
by Häser, J |
Development of composite tubes for experimental vacuum chambers of colliders (p. 1143) |
by Hauviller, Claude |
Computer-aided engineering in high energy physics (p. 1146) |
by Bachy, Gérard |
Fast Longitudinal Phase Space Diagnostics for the Injector Linac of MAMI (p. 1149) |
by Euteneuer, H |
The Reversing Magnet of the 850 MeV Stage of MAMI (p. 1151) |
by Herminghaus, H |
Field measurements and sorting of the HERA E-ring dipoles (p. 1154) |
by Holler, Y |
Design and fabrication of 33 GHz high-gradient accelerator sections (p. 1157) |
by Hopkins, D B |
Residual Gas Ionization Beam Profile Monitors for the HERA Proton Machines (p. 1160) |
by Hornstra, F |
Ground Test Accelerator Control System Software (p. 1163) |
by Burczyk, L |
Realization of the LEP power converters (p. 1166) |
by Isch, Hans W |
352.2 MHz RF System for the ESRF (p. 1169) |
by Jacob, J |
The Electron Cooling Device for the Heavy Ion Storage Ring TSR (p. 1172) |
by Steck, Markus |
The Magnetsystem of the TSR (p. 1175) |
by Krämer, Dietrich |
Accelerator Simulation on a Parallel Computer (p. 1178) |
by Jejcic, A |
Recent Progress of Permanent Magnets (p. 1181) |
by Jianming, Xu |
Layout, design and construction of the electrostatic separation system of the LEP e+e- collider (p. 1184) |
by Kalbreier, Willi |
On Niobium Sputter Coated Cavities (p. 1187) |
by Arnolds-Mayer, G |
Design and performance of a prototype synchronous high tension discharge switch for the separation system of the LEP e+e- collider (p. 1190) |
by Keizer, Reinder L |
Electromagnetic design of the HERA e- vacuum system (p. 1193) |
by Klatt, R |
The Conceptual Design of the ESRF Control System (p. 1196) |
by Klotz, W D |
Architecture of the LEP application software (p. 1199) |
by Koutchouk, Jean-Pierre |
Meson Factory Accelerating Structure Tuning (p. 1202) |
by Bylinsky, Ju V |
Computer Aided Beam Diagnostics and Automatic Matching on the MAINZ Microtron (p. 1205) |
by Kreidel, H J |
Industrial Fabrication of the Superconducting HERA Quadrupole Coil (p. 1208) |
by Krischel, D |
Five Parameter Method of Tuning of Biperiodic (p. 1211) |
by Kulinski, S |
Beam Diagnostics Using Variations of Local Magnetic Fields (p. 1214) |
by Kuske, P |
High Voltage Power Supply for Electrostatic Kickers for CRYRING (p. 1217) |
by Kvarngren, M |
Design of the 150 kW, 46-62 MHz power amplifier for the TRIUMF kaon factory booster ring (p. 1220) |
by Kwiatkowski, S |
Dynamic Transfer from MIMAS to SATURNE (p. 1223) |
by Aniel, T |
Building, Supply Facilities and Infrastructure COSY Jülich (p. 1226) |
by Lang, H |
Further Development of the Plasma Beam Ion Source (p. 1228) |
by Langbein, K |
Conversion of the SPS to a multicycling accelerator (p. 1231) |
by Beetham, C G |
rf impedance calculations for three-dimensional devices for HERA (p. 1234) |
by Lawinsky, E |
The IMPELA Control System (p. 1237) |
by Lawrence, C B |
The Design of Photon Absorbers for the ESRF Vacuum Chamber (p. 1240) |
by Marot, G |
The ESRF Vacuum System (p. 1243) |
by Bennett, R J |
Introduction of a New Class of High-Power Y-Junction Circulators: The 352MHz/1.5MW Type Designed for CERN/LEP (p. 1246) |
by Lenz, S |
Capacitive large range intensity beam position monitors at GANIL (p. 1249) |
by Loyer, F |
Analysis of Beam Losses at PSR (p. 1252) |
by Macek, R J |
Knowledge engineering methods for accelerator operation (p. 1255) |
by Malandain, E |
Ramping Controls for the IUCF Storage Ring (p. 1258) |
by Manwaring, W |
Magnetic Field of the K800 Cyclotron (p. 1261) |
by Johnson, D |
The Fermilab collider D0 low beta system (p. 1264) |
by McInturff, A D |
Radial compression of picosecond electrical pulses (p. 1267) |
by Bamber, C |
Dialog : a system for instrumentation diagnosis(p. 1269) |
by Burns, A |
The Electrical Test of a Short String of Superconducting HERA Type Magnets (p. 1272) |
by Mess, K H |
The Test of the Quench Protection Diodes for HERA (p. 1275) |
by Mess, K H |
Operational Experience and Tests of the Milan K800 Cyclotron Vacuum System (p. 1278) |
by Michelato, P |
Superconducting cavities for HERA (p. 1281) |
by Dwersteg, B |
Radiation Dose Measurements and a Study of Damage to Accelerator Components in the TRISTAN e (p. 1284) |
by Momose, T |
Damping of the HOM's in a multi-cell superconducting cavity (p. 1287) |
by Mosnier, A |
High Electromagnetic Fields at Low RF Losses in Superconducting S-Band Accelerator Cavities (p. 1289) |
by Müller, G |
Multimode Investigations on RF Losses and Field Limitations of Single-Cell Niobium Cavities at L- and S-Band Frequencies (p. 1292) |
by Müller, G |
Nb$_{3}$Sn for Superconducting Accelerators at 4.2 K (p. 1295) |
by Peiniger, M |
Calculations of EDDY-Current Effects in a Ramped Dipole Field (p. 1298) |
by Nilsson, A |
A Beam Splitter for the Parasitic Use of the 72 MeV Proton Beam Line to Produce Isotopes (p. 1300) |
by Olivo, M |
Accelerating Voltage Amplitude and Phase Stabilization for the Milan Superconducting Cyclotron (p. 1303) |
by Bosotti, A |
Computer Control for the MILAN K800 Cyclotron RF System (p. 1306) |
by Bosotti, A |
Fabrication and Test of Superconducting RF Cavities for CEBAF (p. 1309) |
by Klein, U |
A proposed superconducting photoemission source of high brightness (p. 1312) |
by Chaloupka, H |
Recent Extensions of the Program Magnus-3D for Three-Dimensional Accelerator Magnetic Engineering (p. 1315) |
by Ferrari, A M |
The transverse polarimeter for LEP (p. 1318) |
by Placidi, Massimo |
Parallel bias vs perpendicular bias of a ferrite tuned cavity for the TRIUMF kaon factory booster ring (p. 1321) |
by Poirier, R L |
EPA beam-vacuum interaction ion clearing system (p. 1324) |
by Caspers, Friedhelm |
Studies of Pulsed Volume Sources of H (p. 1327) |
by Prelec, K |
Beam Monitoring System for the Kharkov 2 GeV Electron Linac (p. 1330) |
by Pugachev, G D |
Development of a Lithium Liquid Metal Ion Source for MeV Ion Beam Analysis (p. 1332) |
by Read, P M |
Source of Polarized Electrons (p. 1335) |
by Hartmann, W |
Vacuum system design and performance for the Daresbury HBL (p. 1337) |
by Reid, R J |
Experimental results of high power dual frequency resonant magnet excitation at TRIUMF (p. 1340) |
by Reiniger, K W |
Beam loading analysis of a transformer-coupled rf cavity (p. 1343) |
by Bartalucci, S |
A Z-pinch plasma lens for focusing high-energy particles in an accelerator (CERN-PS-88-34-AR) (p. 1346) |
by Autin, Bruno |
Development of a strategy for modelling operation and failure of high power rf windows (p. 1349) |
by Rimmer, R A |
Measurement of H2 Stripping Cross Sections in Carbon and Aluminium Foils (p. 1352) |
by Ludwig, T |
The Magnetic Field Measuring System of the Milan Superconducting Cyclotron (p. 1355) |
by Acerbi, E |
Tapered Undulators for FEL (p. 1358) |
by Sabia, Elio |
Electron Beam with an Energy 1 MeV in the Recuperation Regime (p. 1361) |
by Veis, M E |
The AGS Booster High Frequency RF System (p. 1364) |
by Sanders, R |
Accelerating and separating mixed beams of ions with similar charge to mass ratio in the CERN PS complex (p. 1367) |
by Angert, N |
An ECR-Ionizer for a Polarized Ion Source (p. 1370) |
by Schmelzbach, P A |
Multicycling of the CERN-SPS : supercycle generation and first experience with this mode of operation(p. 1372) |
by Cornelis, Karel |
Initial operating experience and recent development on the TRIUMF optically pumped polarized H- ion source (p. 1375) |
by Schmor, P W |
Metallized ceramic vacuum chambers for the LEP injection kicker magnets (p. 1378) |
by Mayer, M R |
The injection kicker systems of LEP (p. 1381) |
by Schröder, G |
New electrostatic pick-ups for the PS (p. 1384) |
by Schulte, E C |
Beam Position Pick-Ups in the Straight Sections of the HERA Proton Ring (p. 1387) |
by Schütte, W |
Description of the Directional Coupler Position Monitor as N-Port (p. 1390) |
by Schütte, W |
Operation of a Laser-Ion Source in a Van De Graaff (p. 1393) |
by Sellmair, J |
Van-De-Graaf Accelerator Operation with Laser Source of Highly-Charged Heavy Ions (p. 1396) |
by Barabash, L S |
3T Superconducting Dipole Magnet with a Highly Homogeneous Field (p. 1398) |
by Shelaev, I A |
Performance and operational experience with CERN-lithium lenses (p. 1401) |
by Sievers, P |
Injection in CRYRING (p. 1404) |
by Simonsson, A |
Input Coupler for Superconducting Accelerator Structure (p. 1407) |
by Komkov, A A |
Design and Technical Features of the Vacuum System at COSY (p. 1410) |
by Stechemesser, H |
The SIS-Beam Diagnostic System (p. 1413) |
by Strehl, P |
Low frequency ferrite cavities (p. 1416) |
by Susini, A |
The Plane Wave Transformer Linac Structure (p. 1418) |
by Swenson, D A |
Design and performance of the AAC stack core cooling system (p. 1421) |
by Bosser, Jacques |
The Thermodynamics of Hydrogen Micro-Spheres as Internal Targets in Ion Storage Rings (p. 1424) |
by Trostel, B |
Production of (p. 1427) |
by Buranov, V V |
Experiment of the First Prototypes of Pipe Cooled 500 MHz Cavities from Explosion Bonded Niobium Copper (p. 1430) |
by Dwersteg, B |
A New 100 KW CW Y-Junction Stripline Circulator Concept and its Realization in the 500 MHz Range (p. 1433) |
by Weiser, W |
Electron Cooling on the ESR at GSI (p. 1436) |
by Angert, N |
High Current Commissioning of the H (p. 1439) |
by Wroe, H |
Design Study of a New Central Region of the Princeton University AVF Cyclotron for High-Quality N=2 Beams (p. 1442) |
by Yoon, M |
Performance of BEPC-SR Magnet System (p. 1445) |
by Cao, Z |
Some Consideration on the Application of Linear Resonance Accelerators to the Ion Implantation (p. 1451) |
by Antropov, A N |
Medical Radioisotopes Production at the Isochronous Cyclotron in ALMA-ATA (p. 1454) |
by Arzumanov, A A |
High-Power Small RF Accelerator of Electrons ILU-8 with Local Radiation Protection (p. 1456) |
by Auslender, V L |
Medical synchrotron for proton therapy (p. 1459) |
by Endo, K |
Commercial Ion Linacs (p. 1462) |
by Hamm, R W |
A Vacuum Electrostatic Generator (p. 1465) |
by Choi, B H |
Design Study of High-Energy, High-Current RF Accelerators for Ion Implantation (p. 1468) |
by Deitinghoff, H |
A Project of Tandem Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility at Peking University (p. 1471) |
by Li, K |
The European light ion medical accelerator (p. 1474) |
by Mandrillon, P |
The Activity on Accelerators at the ENEA Frascati Center: Status and Perspectives (p. 1477) |
by Messina, G |
The High-Frequency Electron Accelerator for the Use in Industrial Technological Lines (p. 1480) |
by Auslender, V L |
Design Study of a Synchrotron Radiation Source for X-ray Lithography (p. 1483) |
by Bassetti, M |
Calibration of Medical Linear Accelerators in Louisiana Using Task Group 21 Protocol (p. 1486) |
by Pullen, B P |
Operational Experience with the 500 (p. 1488) |
by Bol, J L |
A Radioactive Ion Beam Facility at Louvain-la-Neuve (p. 1491) |
by Huyser, M |
Deflection Systems in Medical Linacs (p. 1494) |
by Sagalovsky, L |
The Systems to Extract the Linear, Ring and Concentrated Electron Beam into the Atmoshere (p. 1497) |
by Veis, M E |
80 KW Industrial Electron Accelerators based on Rectifier (p. 1500) |
by Veis, M E |
A compact H- cyclotron for isotope production (p. 1502) |
by Schneider, H R |
TRAPP-Facility for Proton Therapy of Cancer (p. 1505) |
by Balakin, V E |
A CW High Power and High Quality Electrostatic Accelerator for FEL Devices (p. 1506) |
by Boscolo, I |
A Compact 1-MeV Deuteron RFQ Linac (p. 1509) |
by Swenson, D A |
Advanced Ultrafine Particle Accelerator (p. 1512) |
by Swenson, D A |
IMPELA: An Industrial Accelerator Family (p. 1515) |
by Ungrin, J |
Utilization of the Light Ion Cyclotron of the Joint Research Centre at ISPRA (VA) Italy (p. 1518) |
by Von der Hardt, P |
Development of heavy ion induction linear accelerators as drivers for inertial confinement fusion (p. 1521) |
by Warwick, A I |
COSY - A Compact Electron Storage Ring for Synchrotron Radiation (p. 1523) |
by Weihreter, E |