CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 1st European Particle Accelerator Conference
Related conference title(s) EPAC '88
Date(s), location 7 - 11 Jun 1988, Rome, Italy
Editor(s) Tazzari, Sergio (ed.)
Imprint Singapore : World Scientific, 1989 - 2 v.
Note Supplement : poster sessions, v.1-2
ISBN 9789971506421
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Free keywords LEP ; HERA ; rf ; cavity ; storage ; collider ; BEPC ; RFQ ; LEAR ; SSC

Contributions in Inspire: C88-06-07
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

The LEP project (p. 3)
by Picasso, Emilio
The HERA-project (p. 7)
by Voss, G A
Continuous Beam Electron Accelerators (p. 11)
by Herminghaus, H
Synchrotron Radiation Light Sources (p. 17)
by Laclare, J L
Highlights from Japan - Tristan and Post-Tristan Accelerators (p. 22)
by Kimura, Y
Superconducting rf cavities for accelerator application (p. 29)
by Proch, D
Preparation of niobium coated copper superconducting rf cavities for the Large Electron Positron collider (p. 37)
by Benvenuti, Cristoforo
Microwave Properties of the New High T (p. 40)
by Müller, G
Electron beam profile, position systems and measurements on the Daresbury SRS (p. 43)
by MacKay, J S
Commissioning of Super-ACO (p. 46)
by Sommer, E M
A flavour factory and nuclear physics facility based on superconducting linacs (p. 49)
by Amaldi, Ugo
The Linear Superconducting Accelerator Project LISA (p. 52)
by Aragona, A
The transient wake field transformer experiment (p. 55)
by Bialowons, W
Ion Accelerators and Storage Rings (p. 61)
by Angert, N
Review of Spallation Neutron Sources (p. 65)
by Gardner, I S K
Meson factories (p. 70)
by Bradamante, Franco
Pulsed High-Power Beams (p. 75)
by Reginato, L L
Space Charge Dominated, Low V/C Accelerators (p. 78)
by Schempp, A
Sources and Accelerators for Polarized Ions: A Review (p. 83)
by Arvieux, J
Sources of Highly Charged Ions (p. 88)
by Geller, R
The Development of High Current Singly Charged Ion Sources (p. 93)
by Holmes, A J T
rf power sources (p. 101)
by Allen, M A
The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven (p. 109)
by Hahn, H
ASTRID, A Storage Ring for Ions and Electrons (p. 112)
by Møller, S P
Description and Commissioning of MIMAS, Booster Storage Ring for Heavy and Polarized Ions (p. 115)
by Chamouard, P A
Performance of MBE-4, an experimental multiple beam induction linear accelerator for heavy ions (p. 118)
by Warwick, A I
Relativistic klystron research for high gradient accelerators (p. 121)
by Allen, M A
Polarized Beams at PSI (p. 127)
by Schmelzbach, P A
Acceleration and Bunch Formation with Two Coupled RFQ's (p. 130)
by Leipe, P
A mega watt electron positron conversion target : a conceptual design(p. 133)
by Sievers, P
New e- sources switched by laser beams (p. 139)
by Boussoukaya, M
Free Electron Lasers (p. 144)
by Renieri, A
B-Factories (p. 148)
by Wille, K
Accelerators for Radiotherapy (p. 153)
by Jongen, Y
Accelerators in Industrial Applications (p. 158)
by Bethge, Klaus
Superconducting Cyclotrons (p. 166)
by Acerbi, E
Brief review of the development of electrostatic accelerators and continuing work at Strasbourg (p. 171)
by Letournel, M
Current Status of BEPC (p. 175)
by Fang, S X
Beam diagnostic techniques, observations and comparison with theory (p. 181)
by Hofmann, A
Industrial applications of heavy ions beams at GANIL (p. 189)
by Bieth, C
Optimization of Cancer Treatment with Accelerator Produced Radiations (p. 192)
by Pohlit, W
The renormalized theory of beam-beam interaction (p. 195)
by Chin, Y H
Antoher Look at Coherent Longitudinal Instabilities of Bunched Beams (p. 198)
by Rees, G H
Perspectives of Ultracold and Crystalline Ion Beams Cooled by Electrons (p. 201)
by Hofmann, I
Results from electron cooling experiments at LEAR (p. 204)
by Wolf, A
Effects of Ions in the Sincrotrone Trieste (p. 207)
by Bocchetta, C J
The Trieste Synchrotron Light Source ELETTRA (p. 210)
by Wrulich, A F
The CERN ppbar facility (p. 215)
by Jones, E
The large hadron collider (LHC) in the LEP tunnel (p. 218)
by Brianti, Giorgio
The Tevatron: Status and Outlook (p. 223)
by Dugan, G
Brief Comments on Nonlinear Dynamics Studies in Storage Rings (p. 228)
by Chao, A W
The IHEP Accelerating and Storage Complex : Status and Development(p. 233)
by Ageev, A I
The SSC Project (p. 237)
by Peoples, John
The Progress of Low Energy Particle Accelerators in China (p. 242)
by Chen, C
Energy Production with Accelerators (p. 249)
by Bock, R
A High-Brightness Photo-Injector for a Free Electron Laser Proposal (p. 257)
by Joly, S
Plasma Lens Work at UCLA (p. 260)
by Katsouleas, T C
Large Cylindrical Lenses with Solid and Liquid Lithium (p. 263)
by Bayanov, B F
Dynamic Aperture Measurements at the Tevatron (p. 266)
by Peterson, J M
Towards a slow extraction system for the TRIUMF kaon factory extender ring with 0.1% losses (p. 269)
by Wienands, U
Tunning the arcs of the SLAC linear collider (p. 272)
by Fieguth, T
Beam phase space determination at 50 GeV in the SLC Linac (p. 275)
by Seeman, J T
Status and future of the 3D MAFIA group of codes (p. 279)
by Ebeling, F
Linear collider studies in Europe (p. 285)
by Schnell, Wolfgang
The 'future' in high-energy physics (p. 290)
by Rubbia, Carlo
Peculiarities of the IHEP Accelerator Complex Operation with the Fast-Cycling Booster (p. 303)
by Ado, Yu M
The Prospects of Improvemnt and Development of Accelerator Installations at Yerevan Physics Institute (p. 305)
by Amatuni, A T
The CERN antiproton collector ring (p. 308)
by Autin, Bruno
Initial Design of a (p. 311)
by Botman, J I M
CLIO : free electron laser in ORSAY(p. 314)
by Bourdon, J C
Upgrade JULIC as Injector for COSY-JÜLICH (p. 317)
by Bräutigam, W
Recent developments on the TRIUMF kaon factory proposal (p. 320)
by Craddock, M K
Progress Report on the Milan Superconducting Cyclotron (p. 323)
by Acerbi, E
The upgrading of the TRIUMF facility to 500 mu.A operation (p. 326)
by Dutto, G
Commissioning of the SPS as LEP injector (p. 329)
by Cornelis, Karel
General Description of the ESRF Injector System (p. 332)
by Filhol, J M
The Superconducting 130 MeV Electron Accelerator at Darmstadt (p. 335)
by Aab, V
Status Report on the Superconducting Cyclotron AGOR (p. 339)
by Galès, Sydney
Injector AVF Cyclotron at RIKEN (p. 342)
by Goto, A
Heavy Ion Cyclotrons Development at JINR (p. 345)
by Gulbekyan, G G
Diagnostics and Commissioning Progress on ISIS (p. 347)
by Harold, M R
CRYRING - A Heavy-Ion Storage and Synchrotron Ring (p. 350)
by Herrlander, C J
Initial Operation of the Reconstructed Uppsala Synchrocyclotron (p. 353)
by Holm, S
ELSA - The Continuous Beam Accelerator at Bonn (p. 356)
by Husmann, D
The LBL advanced light source (p. 359)
by Jackson, A
The MIT-Bates South Hall Ring (p. 362)
by Flanz, J B
The Heidelberg Test Storage ring for Heavy Ions TSR (p. 365)
by Jaeschke, E
The tau-charm factory storage ring (p. 368)
by Jowett, John M
Four Years of Operation of the 180 MeV CW Electron Accelerator MAMI A (p. 371)
by Kaiser, K H
STA SR Project (p. 374)
by Kamitsubo, H
EURAC: A Concept for a EURopean ACcelerator Neutron Source (p. 377)
by Kley, W
The Dedicated Synchrotron Radiation Source (p. 380)
by Anashin, V V
The Strasbourg project : a 35 MV VIVITRON tandem(p. 383)
by Letournel, M
Status report on the LEP pre-injector (LPI) and the proton synchrotron (PS) as a e+e- accelerator (p. 386)
by Madsen, J H B
The bypass project at DORIS II (p. 389)
by Brefeld, W
Performance of the CERN antiproton accumulator complex (p. 392)
by Autin, Bruno
The Use of the Fermilab Antiproton Accumulator in Medium Energy Physics Experiments (p. 395)
by Bharadwaj, V K
Status of the Project COSY Jülich (p. 398)
by Pfister, U
Bratislave Multipurpose Neutron Source (p. 401)
by Pivarc, J
The Fermilab Antiproton Source: Recent Performance and Improvements (p. 404)
by Rapidis, P A
Performance of ISIS at Julic (p. 407)
by Reich, J
Status of the Celsius Project (p. 410)
by Reistad, D
Project of Small-Dimensional 200 MeV Proton Synchrotron (p. 413)
by Averbukh, I I
Status of the AGS Upgrade Project (p. 416)
by Sluyters, Th
Performance of the Daresbury SRS with an increased brilliance optic (p. 418)
by Suller, V P
The ALPI Project at the Laboratori Nazionali Di Legnaro (p. 421)
by Bassato, G
TRITRON - A Superconducting Cyclotron with Separated Orbits (p. 424)
by Grundey, T
MEQALAC, A 1 MeV Multi-Channel RF-Accelerator for Light Ions (p. 427)
by Urbanus, W H
Felix: The Dutch Free Electron Laser for Infrared Experiments (p. 430)
by Van Amersfoort, P W
The Near-Infrared Free-Electron-Laser Project at Darmstadt (p. 433)
by Aab, V
Status of the AGS Booster Project (p. 436)
by Weng, W T
The use of PETRA as a B-factory (p. 439)
by Nesemann, H
Status Report on RIKEN Ring Cyclotron (p. 442)
by Yano, Y
Design of a Small Storage Ring in JAERI (p. 445)
by Yokomizo, H
The Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility VICKSI (p. 448)
by Busse, W
Proposal for Racetrack Microtrons as Driver for a Free Electron Laser and as Injector for an Electron Storage Ring (p. 453)
by Botman, J I M
The design of low emittance electron storage rings (p. 456)
by Hand, L N
Recent Advances in Magnetically Driven Induction Linacs (p. 459)
by Reginato, L L
Investigations on New Acceleration Schemes in Dubna (p. 461)
by Sarantsev, V P
Design of Compact RFQs (p. 464)
by Schempp, A
Conceptual Design of a Ring Beauty Factory (p. 467)
by Dubrovin, A N
Constant-Current Variable-Voltage (CCVV) Accelerators (p. 470)
by Anderson, O A
Linacs with Self-Acceleration of Bunched Beam (p. 473)
by Bogdanovich, B Yu
Finite Plasma Wakefield Accelerator (p. 475)
by Diakhaté, L
A scheme for a fully superconducting electron injector (p. 478)
by Jablonka, M
Optics effects and options for TeV colliders, 2 (p. 481)
by Spencer, J E
Multipurpose Air-Core Sperconducting Cyclotrons (p. 484)
by Subotic, K M
Electron Injector Designs for Light Source (p. 487)
by Tronc, D
The resonant wake field transformer concept for particle acceleration (p. 490)
by Bialowons, W
A Miniaturized High-Energy Wakefield Accelerator (p. 493)
by Yan, Y T
Charge and Current Neutralization of High-Current Ion Beams (p. 496)
by Agafonov, A V
A Possible Self-Acceleration of a Relativistic Bunch of Electrons in Plasma (p. 499)
by Amatuni, A T
Focusing Properties of a Plasma Wave (p. 502)
by Bobin, J L
Calculation of protonium production rate from corotating beams of $\overline{p}$ and H- in LEAR (p. 505)
by Giannini, R
General Considerations on a Damping Ring for a 5-10 GeV Linear Collider (p. 508)
by Bassetti, M
First Considerations on Stochastic Cooling in Cosy Jülich (p. 511)
by Bongers, N
Maximum Beam Currents of Light Ions in RFQs (p. 514)
by Junior, P
The RFQ as a Neutron Source both for High Intensity and Micropulses (p. 517)
by Junior, P
3D- magneto- and electrostatic calculations using MAFIA-S3 (p. 520)
by Krawczyk, F L
Electromagnetic wave generation with high transformation ratio by intense charged particle bunches (p. 523)
by Laziev, E M
A beam energy analysis and monitoring system for linear accelerators (p. 526)
by Lee, M J
Influence on the Sign of an Ion Charge on Friction Force at Electron Cooling (p. 529)
by Dikanskij, N S
Pulsars as Cosmic Ray Accelerators - The Critical Frequency (p. 532)
by Thielheim, K O
Space Charge Neutralization of Modulated Ion Beams (p. 535)
by Weis, T
The New AGS H RFQ Preinjector (p. 538)
by Alessi, J
LEAR beam stability improvements using FFT analysis (p. 541)
by Asséo, E
RF Tuning and Initial CW Operation of RFQ1 (p. 544)
by Chidley, B G
Status Report on the Initial Cooling Studies in the IUCF Cooler (p. 547)
by Ellison, T J P
The Injector Linac for the Mainz Microtron (p. 550)
by Euteneuer, H
Improvements to the Fermilab Main Ring (p. 553)
by Gerig, R
Luminosity lifetime in the TEVATRON (p. 556)
by Jackson, G
Progress towards H- extraction at TRIUMF (p. 559)
by Laxdal, R E
Performance limitations of the LHC low beta insertions (p. 562)
by Leemann, B T
The Beam Slow Extraction From a Magnetic ring Based on Particle-Target Interaction (p. 565)
by Malitsky, N D
Low Energy Injection in a Compact Synchrotron Radiation Storage Ring (p. 568)
by Liu, N
Variation of longitudinal beam position and profile during acceleration in TRISTAN main ring (p. 570)
by Nakajima, K
Low Energy Injection Scheme of Compact Electron Storage Rings (p. 573)
by Nakayama, K
A preliminary study of a voltage multiplying structure for electron acceleration (CERN-PS-88-32-RF) (p. 576)
by Fiebig, A
Stochastic Precooling of Heavy Fragments in the ESR (p. 579)
by Nolden, F
Commissioning and Operating Experience with the H (p. 582)
by Planner, C W
Extraction of a Steady State Electron Beam from HCD Plasmas for EBIS Applications (p. 585)
by Hershcovitch, A
Performance of the DESY RFQs (p. 587)
by Schempp, A
RFQ-Injector for CRYRING (p. 590)
by Schempp, A
Development of an Experimental RFQ Accelerator (p. 593)
by Sethi, R C
Racetrack Microtron - 150 MeV Injector for Compact SR Ring (p. 596)
by Sugitani, M
Internal Beam Facilities at Kharkov PSSR (p. 599)
by Telegin, Yu P
100 MeV Electron Linac with the DAW Structure as an Injector for the Siberia-2 Storage Ring (p. 602)
by Karliner, M M
30 MeV RFQ Linac Parameters (p. 605)
by Demikhovsky, D A
An Experiment to Evaluate the Possiblility of Electron Cooling of Partially Stripped Heavy Ions (p. 607)
by Becker, R
Pulse Propagation in Free Electron Lasers: The Oscillator Mode and Phase Sensitive Gain Measurements (p. 610)
by Dattoli, Giuseppe
Measurements of the hollow beam at the wake field transformer experiment at DESY (p. 613)
by Decker, Franz Josef
Experimental study of simultaneous acceleration of protons and H- ions in the cyclotron (p. 616)
by Dmitrievsky, V P
The non linear dynamic aperture experiment in the SPS (p. 619)
by Evans, Lyndon R
Beam Studies with an Unmodulated RFQ Beam Line (p. 622)
by Zoubek, N
Collective Coupling States in a Quasineutral Ion Beam (p. 627)
by Agafonov, A V
The Particles Scattering on the Hard Part of Synchrotron Radiation in the Accelerators and Storage Rings: The Influence on the Beam Dynamics (p. 629)
by Arutunian, S G
Longitudinal Instability of Bunched Beam Interacting with High-Frequency Impedance (p. 631)
by Balbekov, V I
Bunch lengthening in the SLC damping ring (p. 634)
by Rivkin, L
The calculated longitudinal impedance of the SLC damping rings (p. 637)
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag
Polarized Beams in the European Hadron Facility (p. 640)
by Blüm, P
Coherent betatron instability in the Tevatron (p. 643)
by Bogacz, S A
Coupled bunch instability in Fermilab booster : longitudinal phase-space simulation(p. 646)
by Bogacz, S A
Analytical Evaluation of Synchrotron Radiation Integrals for Isomagnetic Lattices with Rectangular Dipole Magnets (p. 649)
by Uythoven, J A
The Beam Emittance of Cyclotrons with an Axial Injection System (p. 651)
by Botman, J I M
Exhaustive search of field defect compensation and reading errors in ag machines (p. 654)
by Brandt, D
Proton emittance growth caused by electron rf noise and the beam-beam interaction in HERA (p. 657)
by Brinkmann, R
GALOPR, a beam transport program, with space-charge and bunching (p. 660)
by Bru, B
Improving the Fermilab booster emittance (p. 663)
by Chao, Y
Analytical and numerical evaluation of Landau cavities in the Fermilab booster (p. 666)
by Chao Yu Chiu
Extraction and Central Region Calculations for the Minicyclotron ILEC (p. 669)
by De Regt, R
Measurements and analysis of collective effects in the LEP electron positron accumulator (EPA) (p. 672)
by Bartalucci, S
Analysis of Tracking Data Using Normal Forms (p. 675)
by Neri, F
Selfconsistent simulation of high power tubes with TBCI-SF (p. 678)
by Ebeling, F
Magnet Ramping with Variable Optics in the SIS (p. 681)
by Franczak, B
A Possible Symplectic Coherent Beam-Beam Model (p. 684)
by Chao, A W
Slow Resonant Extraction at the European Hadron Facility (p. 687)
by Galluccio, F
Fast instability of positron bunches in the CERN SPS (p. 690)
by Brandt, D
Optics perturbations due to discontinuous replacement of radiated energy (p. 693)
by Guignard, Gilbert
Analytic calculation of the dynamical aperture for the two dimensional betatron motion in storage rings (p. 696)
by Hagel, J
Analytic theory of synchro-betatron resonances (p. 699)
by Hagel, J
Study of Chromaticity Correction in Low Emittance Storage Ring (p. 702)
by Hara, M
High-frequency limit of the longitudinal impedance of an array of cavities (p. 705)
by Heifets, S A
The loss parameters for very short bunches (p. 708)
by Bisognano, J J
Coupling impedances on a set of resonators (p. 711)
by Henke, H
Beam Emittance Growth by Internal Target Effects in COSY (p. 714)
by Diehl, N
A Particle Tracking Method for Accelerators with Small Radius of Curvature (p. 717)
by Hiramoto, K
The CRYRING Lattice (p. 720)
by Jeansson, J
Status of the SSC lattice design (p. 723)
by Garren, A A
Beam response measurements at SPEAR (p. 726)
by Jowett, John M
Synchronous Particle and Non-Adiabatic Capture (p. 729)
by Kats, J M
A Storage Ring Mode for CEBAF as a Commissioning Tool (p. 732)
by Kewisch, J
Moment Equations with Space Charge for an AVF Cyclotron (p. 735)
by Kleeven, W J G M
The Spin Precession Tune Spread in the Storage Ring (p. 738)
by Koop, I A
Nonlinear Effects in High-Current Beams (p. 740)
by Korolev, A P
The LONG1D simulation code (p. 743)
by Koscielniak, Shane Rupert
Polarization simulation studies for LEP (p. 746)
by Koutchouk, Jean-Pierre
Achromatic Lattice Comparison for Light Sources (p. 749)
by Kramer, S L
Design for a practical, low emittance damping ring (p. 752)
by Krejcik, P
Nonlinear beam behaviour in the CERN antiproton collector (p. 755)
by Krejcik, P
Closed orbit distortions and their corrections in the 600 MeV electron-positron accumulator at LEP (p. 758)
by Kugler, H
The Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Cyclic Accelerator Vacuum Chamber with Small Cross-Section Variations (p. 761)
by Kurennoy, S S
Nonlinear Synchrotron Motion near Transition Energy in RHIC (p. 764)
by Lee, S Y
SLC beam line error analysis using a model-based expert system (p. 767)
by Lee, M
A Study of the Coupling Resonances in the AGS Booster (p. 770)
by Lee, S Y
The RHIC Lattice (p. 773)
by Lee, S H
Collective Effects on Super-ACO (p. 776)
by Level, M P
Simulation of Proton RF Capture in the AGS Booster (p. 779)
by Khiari, F Z
Longitudinal Space Charge Via Multi-Particle Simulation (p. 782)
by Maidment, J R
Bunch coalescing and bunch rotation in the Fermilab main ring : operational experience and comparison with simulations(p. 785)
by Martin, P S
COSY - Lattice Description (p. 788)
by Krejcik, P
An experimental study of the SSC magnet aperture criterion (p. 791)
by Merminga, N
Emittance and Dynamic Aperture in Compact Storage Rings with Superconducting Bending Magnets (p. 794)
by Moser, H O
Numerical Computation of the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance (p. 797)
by Gluckstern, R
Compensation Schemes for Undulator Insertion (p. 800)
by Nghiem, P
TRACY, a tool for accelerator design and analysis (p. 803)
by Nishimura, H
Evaluation of the Dynamic Aperture of TARN II (p. 806)
by Noda, A
Longitudinal instability in TRISTAN main ring observed by a streak camera (p. 809)
by Ogata, A
Low Energy Multi Pulse Stacking in MIMAS by Betatron Deceleration (p. 812)
by Ciret, J C
Transverse Impedance of a Conducting Cylindrical Pop with Discontinuous Cross Section (p. 815)
by Gianfelice, E
Code Comparison for Accelerator Design and Analysis (p. 818)
by Parsa, Z
The Effect of Coupling on Intrabeam Scattering (p. 821)
by Parzen, B
Interactive First Turn and Global Closed Orbit Correction (p. 824)
by Paxson, V
Correction of Random Multipole Errors with Lumped Correctors (p. 827)
by Peterson, J M
Beam instability characteristics of the Daresbury SRS (p. 830)
by Poole, M W
Partial Beam Decorrelation of Sources Providing Ion Out of Axial Magnetic Fields (p. 833)
by Reich, J
Beam-Beam Interactions and Luminosity Considerations in RHIC (p. 836)
by Rhoades-Brown, M J
Beam foil interaction studies for the future stripper of GANIL (p. 839)
by Baron, E A
Closed orbit correction of the CERN antiproton collector ring (p. 842)
by Martini, M
Optimization of a Low Emittance Lattice for the ESRF (p. 845)
by Ropert, A
Polarized antiprotons with the spin splitter (p. 848)
by Kreiser, H
Emittance growth induced by radiation fluctuations in the final focus of a linear collider (p. 851)
by Ruggiero, F
Beam Optics of a Dipole Fringe Field (p. 854)
by Sagalovsky, L
Interactive Global Decoupling of the SSC Injection Lattice (p. 857)
by Schachinger, L C
Strategies for longitudinal painting in the EHF booster at injection (p. 860)
by Gianfelice-Wendt, E
Design of a bunching system for a high-intensity electron Linac (p. 863)
by Miller, R H
ITACA: A New Computer Code for the Integration of Transient Particle and Field Equations in Axi-Symmetrical Cavities (p. 866)
by Serafini, L
Bunch Length Measurements at ADONE (p. 869)
by Bassetti, M
The Effect of Perturbation on the Longitudinal Motion of Particles in a Stepped Phase Velocity Linac (p. 872)
by Senichev, Yu
Analysis of the Triple Bend Achromat as a Lattice for BESSY II (p. 875)
by Simon, B
Bunch length and impedance measurements in SPEAR (p. 878)
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag
On the Inhererent Properties of the Cyclotron Equilibrium Orbits (p. 881)
by Milinkovic, Lj S
Effects of Insertion Devices on Beam Dynamics (p. 884)
by Tosi, L
Description of nonlinear beam dynamics in the CERN Large Hadron Collider by using normal form algorithms (p. 887)
by Bazzani, A
Impedance calculation above cut-off with URMEL-I (p. 890)
by Van Rienen, U
Addition of a beam-beam element to MAD : LEP simulation results(p. 893)
by Verdier, A
Transverse stability of the high intensity SPS proton beam (CERN-SPS-88-14-ABM) (p. 896)
by Vos, L
Transverse Two-Beam Instability at LEP (p. 899)
by Wang, J M
Computer simulations of the wake field transformer experiment at DESY (p. 902)
by Bialowons, W
Discrete helical spin rotators (p. 905)
by Wienands, U
Nonlinear beam dynamics in the vicinity of resonances excited by sextupole fields (p. 908)
by Schmidt, F
Persistent current field errors and dynamic aperture of HERA-p (p. 911)
by Brinkmann, R
The Analytical Lattice Approach for the Ring Design of BESSY II (p. 914)
by Wüstefeld, G
Spin Matching Conditions for a Storage Ring with Solenoid Rotators (p. 917)
by Shatilov, D N
Magnet exciting system with dual resonant frequency circuit (p. 923)
by Adachi, T
Protection of Superconducting Magnets against Irradiation during Fast Resonance Extraction from UNK (p. 926)
by Akimov, A N
Advances in BNL's Polarized Ion Source Development (p. 929)
by Alessi, J
Computer Controlled System for RF Manipulation at ITEP Proton Synchrotron (p. 932)
by Alexeev, N N
A Drift Tube Accelerating Structure for CRYRING (p. 935)
by Abrahamsson, K
Industrial Production of Superconducting Accelerating Cavities for HERA (p. 938)
by Arnolds-Mayer, G
Test Results on 1.5 GHz Superconducting Cavities at Saclay (p. 941)
by Aune, B
Large Frequency Swing RF Cavities for MIMAS (p. 944)
by Ausset, P
Matching of ion sources to cyclotron inflectors (p. 947)
by Baartman, R A
Space charge neutralization studies of an H- beam (p. 949)
by Baartman, R A
Operational software for multicycling the CERN super proton synchrotron (p. 951)
by Bailey, R
Development of a High Brightness Electron Gun for the Accelerator Test Facility at Brookhaven National Laboraotry (p. 954)
by Batchelor, K
Superconducting rf cavities for LEP (p. 958)
by Bernard, P
Collisional and Radiative Processes Used for Diagnostics in a Heavy-Ion Storage Ring Employing Electron Cooling (p. 961)
by Beyer, H F
Computer Controls Programming for Decelerating Beam in the Fermilab Antiproton Accumulator (p. 964)
by Bharadwaj, V K
Hollow beam gun for the wake field transformer experiment at DESY (p. 967)
by Bieler, M
Behaviour of warm accelerating rf structures under high gradient (p. 970)
by Bienvenu, G
The MIMAS and SATURNE Kicker Magnet Systems (p. 973)
by Böhner, G
Determination of 100 psec Short Linac Bunches by Broadband Pickups and Reconstruction Technique (p. 976)
by Bongardt, K
Resonant beam position monitor for low intensity ion beams (p. 979)
by Bossart, Rudolf
A 600 MHz Chopper System for an Electron Linac (p. 982)
by Bourat, C
rf feedback applied to a multicell superconducting cavity (p. 985)
by Boussard, Daniel
Test of a 352 MHz superconducting cavity in the CERN SPS (p. 988)
by Bernard, P
The 100 MHz rf system for the CERN collider (p. 991)
by Boussard, Daniel
High emissivity photocathodes (p. 994)
by Boussoukaya, M
The Gun/Chopper System for the MAINZ Microtron (p. 997)
by Braun, H
RF System of COSY Jülich (p. 1000)
by Berg, G
A Fast Chopper for Programmed Population on the Longitudinal Phase Space of the AGS Booster (p. 1003)
by Brennan, J M
A High Harmonic Cavity for Controlled Longitudinal Phase Space Dilution in the AGS (p. 1006)
by Brennan, J M
The Separation of Control Variables in an H (p. 1009)
by Bowling, P S
Beam Transfer Lines for the Tandem-Superconducting Cyclotron at Laboratorio Nazionale Del Sud (p. 1012)
by Calabretta, L
Logistics of LEP installation (p. 1015)
by Genier, Claude
Diagnostic and Control System for the LISA Project (p. 1018)
by Castellano, M
Development of Pellet Chain for Charge Carrying (p. 1021)
by Chung, K H
APF Accelerating Structures for Light and Heavy Ions (p. 1024)
by Chuvilo, I V
Design of Hybrid Magnet Undulators with Non-Constant Parameters for High Gain, High Efficiency Free Electron Laser (p. 1027)
by Ciocci, F
The magnet system of the electron positron accumulator (EPA) (p. 1030)
by Cornuet, D
An Adiabatic Electron Gun for the CRYRING Electron Cooler (p. 1033)
by Danared, H
Vacuum Chamber EDDY Current Correction Coil for the AGS Booster (p. 1035)
by Danby, G
Beam Diagnostics for Heavy and Polariezed Ions in the Range of 10 keV/amu to 1 GeV/amu (p. 1038)
by Degueurce, L
New Electron Source Assisted by Two Lasers (p. 1041)
by Girardeau-Montaut, J P
A CW-PION Focusing Horn for Low-Energy Muon Neutrino Beams (p. 1044)
by Dombeck, T
Performance of the Los Alamos Expanding Telescope (p. 1047)
by Dombeck, T
Time stepping klystron and lasertron simulations (p. 1050)
by Dubrovin, A
GANIL D.C. Power Converters: Imporvement of the Response to Mains Fluctuations, Mains Voltage Harmonic Filtering (p. 1053)
by Dugay, G
An Improved Ion Source for a Compact Cyclotron (p. 1056)
by Dworschak, F
Injection and Fast Extraction in the ESR (p. 1059)
by Eickhoff, G
ESRF Insertion Devices (p. 1061)
by Elleaume, P
Three dimensional survey for magnet alignment (p. 1064)
by Endo, K
Corrosion of Copper by Deionized Cooling Water (p. 1067)
by Schöler, H
A 5 kW, 1.5 GHz Klystron for Superconducting Cavities (p. 1069)
by Bearzatto, C
The 3 Preinjectors of MIMAS for Heavy Ions Polarized and Unpolariezed Ions (p. 1072)
by Faure, J
A radiofrequency pulse compressor for square output pulses (p. 1075)
by Fiebig, A
Optical Transition Radiation Diagnostics for Low Emittance, High Energy, Charged Particle Beams (p. 1078)
by Fiorito, R B
Studies of fast wire scanners for LEP (p. 1081)
by Fischer, C
Modulation of the Lepton Production for the CERN LEP Pre-Injector (p. 1084)
by Benincasa, G P
Advanced Concepts in Accelerator Timing Control (p. 1087)
by Frankel, R
The AGS Booster Control System (p. 1090)
by Frankel, R
Separation of Reaction or Decay Products from Cooled Ion Beams Stored in the ESR (p. 1093)
by Franzke, B
Radio Frequency System of the RIKEN Ring Cyclotron (p. 1096)
by Fujisawa, T
52 MHz RF System of HERA (p. 1099)
by Funk, L W
The 52 MHz RF System for PETRA II (p. 1102)
by Funk, L W
The Radio Frequency System for Protons in HERA (p. 1105)
by Gamp, A
RF Sparking in Accelerator Cavities (p. 1108)
by Gerhard, A
Operational Experience with the Distributed Control System of the Milan Superconducting Cyclotron (p. 1111)
by Amato, A
4pi/5 backward TW structure tested for electron linacs optimization (p. 1114)
by Girault, P
Use of VMEBUS in Accelerator Applications (p. 1117)
by Gournay, J F
Control facilities for commissioning and operation of the water cooling, air handling and fire detection of LEP (p. 1120)
by Bertuzzi, C
Studies of Fundamental Processes in High Power Switches (p. 1123)
by Gundersen, M A
Expertsystem for COSY - Control (p. 1126)
by Bongers, N
A Versatile Multi Processed Control System for MIMAS (p. 1129)
by Bogard, D
Magnets and Power Supplies for COSY (p. 1132)
by Bechstedt, U
Investigations of Intense Pulsed Electron Beams from Pseudo - Spark Discharges (p. 1135)
by Benker, W
ECR Ion Source for the Injector AVF Cyclotron at Riken (p. 1138)
by Hatanaka, K
Properties of Spiral Loaded Cavities (p. 1140)
by Häser, J
Development of composite tubes for experimental vacuum chambers of colliders (p. 1143)
by Hauviller, Claude
Computer-aided engineering in high energy physics (p. 1146)
by Bachy, Gérard
Fast Longitudinal Phase Space Diagnostics for the Injector Linac of MAMI (p. 1149)
by Euteneuer, H
The Reversing Magnet of the 850 MeV Stage of MAMI (p. 1151)
by Herminghaus, H
Field measurements and sorting of the HERA E-ring dipoles (p. 1154)
by Holler, Y
Design and fabrication of 33 GHz high-gradient accelerator sections (p. 1157)
by Hopkins, D B
Residual Gas Ionization Beam Profile Monitors for the HERA Proton Machines (p. 1160)
by Hornstra, F
Ground Test Accelerator Control System Software (p. 1163)
by Burczyk, L
Realization of the LEP power converters (p. 1166)
by Isch, Hans W
352.2 MHz RF System for the ESRF (p. 1169)
by Jacob, J
The Electron Cooling Device for the Heavy Ion Storage Ring TSR (p. 1172)
by Steck, Markus
The Magnetsystem of the TSR (p. 1175)
by Krämer, Dietrich
Accelerator Simulation on a Parallel Computer (p. 1178)
by Jejcic, A
Recent Progress of Permanent Magnets (p. 1181)
by Jianming, Xu
Layout, design and construction of the electrostatic separation system of the LEP e+e- collider (p. 1184)
by Kalbreier, Willi
On Niobium Sputter Coated Cavities (p. 1187)
by Arnolds-Mayer, G
Design and performance of a prototype synchronous high tension discharge switch for the separation system of the LEP e+e- collider (p. 1190)
by Keizer, Reinder L
Electromagnetic design of the HERA e- vacuum system (p. 1193)
by Klatt, R
The Conceptual Design of the ESRF Control System (p. 1196)
by Klotz, W D
Architecture of the LEP application software (p. 1199)
by Koutchouk, Jean-Pierre
Meson Factory Accelerating Structure Tuning (p. 1202)
by Bylinsky, Ju V
Computer Aided Beam Diagnostics and Automatic Matching on the MAINZ Microtron (p. 1205)
by Kreidel, H J
Industrial Fabrication of the Superconducting HERA Quadrupole Coil (p. 1208)
by Krischel, D
Five Parameter Method of Tuning of Biperiodic (p. 1211)
by Kulinski, S
Beam Diagnostics Using Variations of Local Magnetic Fields (p. 1214)
by Kuske, P
High Voltage Power Supply for Electrostatic Kickers for CRYRING (p. 1217)
by Kvarngren, M
Design of the 150 kW, 46-62 MHz power amplifier for the TRIUMF kaon factory booster ring (p. 1220)
by Kwiatkowski, S
Dynamic Transfer from MIMAS to SATURNE (p. 1223)
by Aniel, T
Building, Supply Facilities and Infrastructure COSY Jülich (p. 1226)
by Lang, H
Further Development of the Plasma Beam Ion Source (p. 1228)
by Langbein, K
Conversion of the SPS to a multicycling accelerator (p. 1231)
by Beetham, C G
rf impedance calculations for three-dimensional devices for HERA (p. 1234)
by Lawinsky, E
The IMPELA Control System (p. 1237)
by Lawrence, C B
The Design of Photon Absorbers for the ESRF Vacuum Chamber (p. 1240)
by Marot, G
The ESRF Vacuum System (p. 1243)
by Bennett, R J
Introduction of a New Class of High-Power Y-Junction Circulators: The 352MHz/1.5MW Type Designed for CERN/LEP (p. 1246)
by Lenz, S
Capacitive large range intensity beam position monitors at GANIL (p. 1249)
by Loyer, F
Analysis of Beam Losses at PSR (p. 1252)
by Macek, R J
Knowledge engineering methods for accelerator operation (p. 1255)
by Malandain, E
Ramping Controls for the IUCF Storage Ring (p. 1258)
by Manwaring, W
Magnetic Field of the K800 Cyclotron (p. 1261)
by Johnson, D
The Fermilab collider D0 low beta system (p. 1264)
by McInturff, A D
Radial compression of picosecond electrical pulses (p. 1267)
by Bamber, C
Dialog : a system for instrumentation diagnosis(p. 1269)
by Burns, A
The Electrical Test of a Short String of Superconducting HERA Type Magnets (p. 1272)
by Mess, K H
The Test of the Quench Protection Diodes for HERA (p. 1275)
by Mess, K H
Operational Experience and Tests of the Milan K800 Cyclotron Vacuum System (p. 1278)
by Michelato, P
Superconducting cavities for HERA (p. 1281)
by Dwersteg, B
Radiation Dose Measurements and a Study of Damage to Accelerator Components in the TRISTAN e (p. 1284)
by Momose, T
Damping of the HOM's in a multi-cell superconducting cavity (p. 1287)
by Mosnier, A
High Electromagnetic Fields at Low RF Losses in Superconducting S-Band Accelerator Cavities (p. 1289)
by Müller, G
Multimode Investigations on RF Losses and Field Limitations of Single-Cell Niobium Cavities at L- and S-Band Frequencies (p. 1292)
by Müller, G
Nb$_{3}$Sn for Superconducting Accelerators at 4.2 K (p. 1295)
by Peiniger, M
Calculations of EDDY-Current Effects in a Ramped Dipole Field (p. 1298)
by Nilsson, A
A Beam Splitter for the Parasitic Use of the 72 MeV Proton Beam Line to Produce Isotopes (p. 1300)
by Olivo, M
Accelerating Voltage Amplitude and Phase Stabilization for the Milan Superconducting Cyclotron (p. 1303)
by Bosotti, A
Computer Control for the MILAN K800 Cyclotron RF System (p. 1306)
by Bosotti, A
Fabrication and Test of Superconducting RF Cavities for CEBAF (p. 1309)
by Klein, U
A proposed superconducting photoemission source of high brightness (p. 1312)
by Chaloupka, H
Recent Extensions of the Program Magnus-3D for Three-Dimensional Accelerator Magnetic Engineering (p. 1315)
by Ferrari, A M
The transverse polarimeter for LEP (p. 1318)
by Placidi, Massimo
Parallel bias vs perpendicular bias of a ferrite tuned cavity for the TRIUMF kaon factory booster ring (p. 1321)
by Poirier, R L
EPA beam-vacuum interaction ion clearing system (p. 1324)
by Caspers, Friedhelm
Studies of Pulsed Volume Sources of H (p. 1327)
by Prelec, K
Beam Monitoring System for the Kharkov 2 GeV Electron Linac (p. 1330)
by Pugachev, G D
Development of a Lithium Liquid Metal Ion Source for MeV Ion Beam Analysis (p. 1332)
by Read, P M
Source of Polarized Electrons (p. 1335)
by Hartmann, W
Vacuum system design and performance for the Daresbury HBL (p. 1337)
by Reid, R J
Experimental results of high power dual frequency resonant magnet excitation at TRIUMF (p. 1340)
by Reiniger, K W
Beam loading analysis of a transformer-coupled rf cavity (p. 1343)
by Bartalucci, S
A Z-pinch plasma lens for focusing high-energy particles in an accelerator (CERN-PS-88-34-AR) (p. 1346)
by Autin, Bruno
Development of a strategy for modelling operation and failure of high power rf windows (p. 1349)
by Rimmer, R A
Measurement of H2 Stripping Cross Sections in Carbon and Aluminium Foils (p. 1352)
by Ludwig, T
The Magnetic Field Measuring System of the Milan Superconducting Cyclotron (p. 1355)
by Acerbi, E
Tapered Undulators for FEL (p. 1358)
by Sabia, Elio
Electron Beam with an Energy 1 MeV in the Recuperation Regime (p. 1361)
by Veis, M E
The AGS Booster High Frequency RF System (p. 1364)
by Sanders, R
Accelerating and separating mixed beams of ions with similar charge to mass ratio in the CERN PS complex (p. 1367)
by Angert, N
An ECR-Ionizer for a Polarized Ion Source (p. 1370)
by Schmelzbach, P A
Multicycling of the CERN-SPS : supercycle generation and first experience with this mode of operation(p. 1372)
by Cornelis, Karel
Initial operating experience and recent development on the TRIUMF optically pumped polarized H- ion source (p. 1375)
by Schmor, P W
Metallized ceramic vacuum chambers for the LEP injection kicker magnets (p. 1378)
by Mayer, M R
The injection kicker systems of LEP (p. 1381)
by Schröder, G
New electrostatic pick-ups for the PS (p. 1384)
by Schulte, E C
Beam Position Pick-Ups in the Straight Sections of the HERA Proton Ring (p. 1387)
by Schütte, W
Description of the Directional Coupler Position Monitor as N-Port (p. 1390)
by Schütte, W
Operation of a Laser-Ion Source in a Van De Graaff (p. 1393)
by Sellmair, J
Van-De-Graaf Accelerator Operation with Laser Source of Highly-Charged Heavy Ions (p. 1396)
by Barabash, L S
3T Superconducting Dipole Magnet with a Highly Homogeneous Field (p. 1398)
by Shelaev, I A
Performance and operational experience with CERN-lithium lenses (p. 1401)
by Sievers, P
Injection in CRYRING (p. 1404)
by Simonsson, A
Input Coupler for Superconducting Accelerator Structure (p. 1407)
by Komkov, A A
Design and Technical Features of the Vacuum System at COSY (p. 1410)
by Stechemesser, H
The SIS-Beam Diagnostic System (p. 1413)
by Strehl, P
Low frequency ferrite cavities (p. 1416)
by Susini, A
The Plane Wave Transformer Linac Structure (p. 1418)
by Swenson, D A
Design and performance of the AAC stack core cooling system (p. 1421)
by Bosser, Jacques
The Thermodynamics of Hydrogen Micro-Spheres as Internal Targets in Ion Storage Rings (p. 1424)
by Trostel, B
Production of (p. 1427)
by Buranov, V V
Experiment of the First Prototypes of Pipe Cooled 500 MHz Cavities from Explosion Bonded Niobium Copper (p. 1430)
by Dwersteg, B
A New 100 KW CW Y-Junction Stripline Circulator Concept and its Realization in the 500 MHz Range (p. 1433)
by Weiser, W
Electron Cooling on the ESR at GSI (p. 1436)
by Angert, N
High Current Commissioning of the H (p. 1439)
by Wroe, H
Design Study of a New Central Region of the Princeton University AVF Cyclotron for High-Quality N=2 Beams (p. 1442)
by Yoon, M
Performance of BEPC-SR Magnet System (p. 1445)
by Cao, Z
Some Consideration on the Application of Linear Resonance Accelerators to the Ion Implantation (p. 1451)
by Antropov, A N
Medical Radioisotopes Production at the Isochronous Cyclotron in ALMA-ATA (p. 1454)
by Arzumanov, A A
High-Power Small RF Accelerator of Electrons ILU-8 with Local Radiation Protection (p. 1456)
by Auslender, V L
Medical synchrotron for proton therapy (p. 1459)
by Endo, K
Commercial Ion Linacs (p. 1462)
by Hamm, R W
A Vacuum Electrostatic Generator (p. 1465)
by Choi, B H
Design Study of High-Energy, High-Current RF Accelerators for Ion Implantation (p. 1468)
by Deitinghoff, H
A Project of Tandem Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility at Peking University (p. 1471)
by Li, K
The European light ion medical accelerator (p. 1474)
by Mandrillon, P
The Activity on Accelerators at the ENEA Frascati Center: Status and Perspectives (p. 1477)
by Messina, G
The High-Frequency Electron Accelerator for the Use in Industrial Technological Lines (p. 1480)
by Auslender, V L
Design Study of a Synchrotron Radiation Source for X-ray Lithography (p. 1483)
by Bassetti, M
Calibration of Medical Linear Accelerators in Louisiana Using Task Group 21 Protocol (p. 1486)
by Pullen, B P
Operational Experience with the 500 (p. 1488)
by Bol, J L
A Radioactive Ion Beam Facility at Louvain-la-Neuve (p. 1491)
by Huyser, M
Deflection Systems in Medical Linacs (p. 1494)
by Sagalovsky, L
The Systems to Extract the Linear, Ring and Concentrated Electron Beam into the Atmoshere (p. 1497)
by Veis, M E
80 KW Industrial Electron Accelerators based on Rectifier (p. 1500)
by Veis, M E
A compact H- cyclotron for isotope production (p. 1502)
by Schneider, H R
TRAPP-Facility for Proton Therapy of Cancer (p. 1505)
by Balakin, V E
A CW High Power and High Quality Electrostatic Accelerator for FEL Devices (p. 1506)
by Boscolo, I
A Compact 1-MeV Deuteron RFQ Linac (p. 1509)
by Swenson, D A
Advanced Ultrafine Particle Accelerator (p. 1512)
by Swenson, D A
IMPELA: An Industrial Accelerator Family (p. 1515)
by Ungrin, J
Utilization of the Light Ion Cyclotron of the Joint Research Centre at ISPRA (VA) Italy (p. 1518)
by Von der Hardt, P
Development of heavy ion induction linear accelerators as drivers for inertial confinement fusion (p. 1521)
by Warwick, A I
COSY - A Compact Electron Storage Ring for Synchrotron Radiation (p. 1523)
by Weihreter, E

Show contributions in CDS

 Record created 1990-01-27, last modified 2021-07-30