Verweij, A (CERN) ; Baggiolini, V (CERN) ; Ballarino, A (CERN) ; Bellesia, B (CERN) ; Bordry, Frederick (CERN) ; Cantone, A (CERN) ; Casas Lino, M (CERN) ; Castaneda Serra, A (CERN) ; Castillo Trello, C (CERN) ; Catalan-Lasheras, N (CERN) ; Charifoulline, Z (CERN) ; Coelingh, G (CERN) ; Dahlerup-Petersen, K (CERN) ; D'Angelo, G (CERN) ; Denz, R (CERN) ; Fehér, S (CERN) ; Flora, R (CERN) ; Gruwé, M (CERN) ; Kain, V (CERN) ; Khomenko, B (CERN) ; Kirby, G (CERN) ; MacPherson, A (CERN) ; Marqueta Barbero, A (CERN) ; Mess, K H (CERN) ; Modena, M (CERN) ; Mompo, R (CERN) ; Montabonnet, V (CERN) ; le Naour, S (CERN) ; Nisbet, D (CERN) ; Parma, V (CERN) ; Pojer, M (CERN) ; Ponce, L (CERN) ; Raimondo, A (CERN) ; Redaelli, S (CERN) ; Reymond, H (CERN) ; Richter, D (CERN) ; de Rijk, G (CERN) ; Rijllart, A (CERN) ; Romera Ramirez, I (CERN) ; Saban, R (CERN) ; Sanfilippo, S (CERN) ; Schmidt, R (CERN) ; Siemko, A (CERN) ; Solfaroli Camillocci, M (CERN) ; Thurel, Y (CERN) ; Thiessen, H (CERN) ; Venturini-Delsolaro, W (CERN) ; Vergara Fernandez, A (CERN) ; Wolf, R (CERN) ; Zerlauth, M (CERN) |
| During hardware commissioning of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), 8 main dipole circuits are tested at 1.9 K and up to their nominal current. Each dipole circuit contains 154 magnets of 15 m length, and has a total stored energy of up to 1.3 GJ. All magnets are wound from Nb-Ti superconducting Rutherford cables, and contain heaters to quickly force the transition to the normal conducting state in case of a quench, and hence reduce the hot spot temperature. In this paper the performance of the first three of these circuits is presented, focussing on quench detection, heater performance, operation of the cold bypass diodes, and magnet-to-magnet quench propagation. The results as measured on the entire circuits will be compared to the test results obtained during the reception tests of the individual magnets. |