An overview of the Experimental High Energy Activities in Greece (p. 3) |
by Petridou, C |
The Greek contribution to the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer and the physics studies (p. 10) |
by Kourkoumelis, C |
CMS in Greece (p. 15) |
by Manthos, N |
NESTOR participation in the KM3NeT (p. 21) |
by Anassontzis, E |
The European XFEL Project (p. 28) |
by Trunk, U |
Development of a 3.2 GPixel Camera for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) (p. 37) |
by Oliver, J |
FPGAs in 2008 and beyond presented by Volker LINDENSTRUTH, including slides from Ivo BOLSENS (p. 45) |
by Alfke, P |
Optoelectronics, a global telecom carrier’s perspective (p. 53) |
by Batten, J |
A Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor for a “Tera-Pixel” ECAL at the ILC (p. 63) |
by Crooks, J |
Development of the ATLAS FE-I4 pixel readout IC for b-layer Upgrade and Super-LHC (p. 70) |
by Karagounis, M |
Development of a Front-end Pixel Chip for Readout of Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors (p. 76) |
by Gromov, V |
Design and Characterisation of a Fast Architecture Providing Zero Suppressed Digital Output Integrated in a High Resolution CMOS Pixel Sensor for the STAR Vertex Detector and the EUDET Beam Telescope (p. 80) |
by Hu-guo, C |
Pixel Read-Out Architectures for the NA62 GigaTracker (p. 85) |
by Dellacasa, G |
Development of the ASICs for the NA62 pixel Gigatracker (p. 90) |
by Jarron, P |
Dedicated very front-end electronics for an ILC prototype hadronic calorimeter with SiPM read-out (p. 97) |
by de La Taille, C |
A Readout ASIC for CZT Detectors (p. 102) |
by Jones, L |
Status Report on the LOC ASIC (p. 107) |
by Ye, J |
Evaluation of Two SiGe HBT Technologies for the ATLAS sLHC Upgrade (p. 111) |
by Ullán, M |
The ABCN front-end chip for ATLAS Inner Detector Upgrade (p. 116) |
by Kaplon, J |
The Level 0 Pixel Trigger System for the ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector: implementation, testing and commissioning (p. 123) |
by Aglieri-Rinella, G |
Performance and lessons of the CMS Global Calorimeter Trigger (p. 129) |
by Iles, G |
Operation and Monitoring of the CMS Regional Calorimeter Trigger Hardware (p. 133) |
by Klabbers, P |
Analysis of the initial performance of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (p. 138) |
by Achenbach, R |
Digital signal integrity and stability in the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (p. 143) |
by Achenbach, R |
Evaluation of Multi-Gbps Optical Transceivers for Use in Future HEP Experiments (p. 151) |
by Amaral, L |
Experiences with the ATLAS Pixel Detector Optolink and Researches for Future Links (p. 156) |
by Dopke, J |
Single-Event Upsets in Photodiodes for Multi-Gb/s Data Transmission (p. 161) |
by Troska, J |
Design and Radiation Assessment of Optoelectronic Transceiver Circuits for ITER (p. 167) |
by Leroux, P |
Commissioning the LHC Accelerator and its Physics Programme (p. 175) |
by Tsesmelis, E |
3D IC Pixel Electronics- the Next Challenge (p. 183) |
by Yarema, R |
Mobile Test Bench for the LHC Cryogenic Instrumentation Crate Commissioning (p. 191) |
by Avramidou, R M |
The Radiation Tolerant Electronics for the LHC Cryogenic Controls: Basic Design and First Operational Experience (p. 195) |
by Casas-Cubillos, J |
Results from the commissioning of the ATLAS Pixel Detector (p. 200) |
by Masetti, L |
Design, production and first operation of the ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector system (p. 205) |
by Kluge, A |
Installation, Commissioning and Performance of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter (p. 210) |
by Cartiglia, N |
Installation and Commissioning of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Read-Out Electronics (p. 215) |
by Perrot, G |
The LHCb Silicon Tracker: lessons learned (so far) (p. 223) |
by Vollhardt, A |
ATLAS SCT Commissioning – TWEPP-08 (p. 228) |
by Magrath, C A |
Studies of the Assembled CMS Tracker (p. 233) |
by Everaerts, P |
CMS Tracker Services: current status and potential for upgrade (p. 238) |
by Stringer, R |
The electronics of ALICE Dimuon tracking chambers (p. 242) |
by Chambert, V |
Readout Electronics of the ATLAS Muon Cathode Strip Chambers (p. 247) |
by Gough Eschrich, I |
Design and Commissioning of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer RPC Read Out Driver (p. 251) |
by Aloisio, A |
Fast Beam Conditions Monitoring (BCM1F) for CMS (p. 259) |
by Bernardino Rodrigues, N |
The ATLAS Beam Condition Monitor Commissioning (p. 264) |
by Gorisek, A |
The ATLAS Radiation Dose Measurement System and its Extension to SLHC Experiments (p. 269) |
by Hartert, J |
The Origami Chip-on-Sensor Concept for Low-Mass Readout of Double-Sided Silicon Detectors (p. 277) |
by Friedl, M |
PMF: the front end electronic of the ALFA detector (p. 282) |
by Barrillon, P |
Custom DC-DC converters for distributing power in SLHC trackers (p. 289) |
by Allongue, B |
System Tests with DC-DC Converters for the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker at SLHC (p. 294) |
by Klein, K |
Design Considerations for High Step-Down ratio Buck Regulators (p. 299) |
by Khanna, R |
Serial Powering of Silicon Strip Modules for the ATLAS Tracker Upgrade (p. 306) |
by Phillips, P W |
The Power System Detector Control System of the Monitored Drift Tubes of the ATLAS Experiment (p. 310) |
by Alexopoulos, T |
Noise Susceptibility Measurements of Front-End Electronics Systems (p. 316) |
by Allongue, B |
Overview and Electronics Needs of ATLAS and CMS High Luminosity Upgrades (p. 323) |
by Hessey, N P |
CO2 cooling for HEP experiments (p. 328) |
by Verlaat, B |
SLHC Upgrade Plans for the ATLAS Pixel Detector (p. 339) |
by Sícho, P |
Design Studies of a Low Power Serial Data Link for a possible Upgrade of the CMS Pixel Detector (p. 344) |
by Meier, B |
Readout architecture of the ATLAS upgraded tracker (p. 349) |
by Darbo, G |
CMS Microstrip Tracker Readout at the SLHC (p. 354) |
by Raymond, M |
Upgrade of the Readout Electronics of the ATLAS MDT Detector for SLHC (p. 359) |
by Richter, R |
Some Lessons from the LHC Projects (p. 367) |
by Sharp, P |
Implementation of the Control and supervision of ALICE ZDC positioning Systems- TWEEP-08 (p. 379) |
by Swoboda, Detlef |
High-Resolution Time-to-Digital Converter in Field Programmable Gate Array (p. 383) |
by Aloisio, A |
Electronics of LHCb calorimeter monitoring system (p. 392) |
by Konoplyannikov, A |
Development and Testing of an Advanced CMOS Readout Architecture dedicated to X-rays silicon strip detectors (p. 397) |
by Noulis, T |
Design and measurements of SEU tolerant latches (p. 402) |
by Menouni, M |
Characterization of the Noise Properties of DC to DC Converters for the sLHC (p. 406) |
by Allongue, B |
Sub-nanosecond machine timing and frequency distribution via serial data links (p. 411) |
by Rohlev, A |
A prototype ASIC buck converter for LHC upgrades (p. 414) |
by Michelis, S |
Mezzanine Cards for the EMU CSC System Upgrade at the CMS (p. 419) |
by Matveev, M |
Detector Control System for the Electromagnetic Calorimeter in the CMS Experiment Summary of the first operational experience (p. 423) |
by Adzic, P |
The Common Infrastructure Control of the ATLAS experiment (p. 428) |
by Burckhart, H J |
Digital part of PARISROC: a photomultiplier array readout chip (p. 432) |
by Dulucq, F |
Instrumentation for Gate Current Noise Measurements on sub-100 nm MOS Transistors (p. 436) |
by Gaioni, L |
Control, Test and Monitoring Software Framework for the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (p. 441) |
by Achenbach, R |
The TOTEM Roman Pot Motherboard (p. 446) |
by Antchev, G |
Infrastructures and Monitoring of the on-line CMS computing centre (p. 450) |
by Bauer, Gerry |
Achieving Best Performance with VME-based Data Acquisition Systems and 2eSST (p. 454) |
by Aloisio, A |
A multi-channel 24.4 ps bin size Time-to-Digital Converter for HEP applications (p. 459) |
by Mester, C |
Testing and calibrating analogue inputs to the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (p. 467) |
by Achenbach, R |
Completion of the Muon Barrel Alignment System and its integration into the CMS detector environment (p. 472) |
by Béni, N |
CMS Tracker, ECAL and Pixel Optical Cabling: Installation and Performance Verification (p. 477) |
by Ricci, D |
Data Acquisition System for a KL Experiment at J-Parc (p. 483) |
by Bogdan, M |
Noise Analysis of Radiation Detector Charge Sensitive Amplifier Architectures (p. 486) |
by Noulis, T |
The CMS Detector Power System (p. 490) |
by Lusin, S |
A Radiation Hard Current Reference Circuit in a Standard 0.13μm CMOS Technology. (p. 494) |
by Gromov, V |
Grounding, Shielding and Cooling Issues on LHCb Electronics at the LHC pit 8 (p. 497) |
by Bobillier, V |
Radiation damage of SiGe HBT Technologies at different bias configurations (p. 500) |
by Ullán, M |
PMm2 ASIC: PARISROC (p. 504) |
by MArtin-Chassard, G |
Radiation Resistant DC- DC Power Conversion with Voltage Ratios > 10 Capable of Operating in High Magnetic Field for LHC Upgrade Detectors (p. 508) |
by Dhawan, S |
A Small Portable Test System for the TileCal Digitizer System (p. 513) |
by Hidvégi, A |
The ALICE Level 0 Pixel Trigger Driver Layer (p. 516) |
by Torcato de Matos, C |
Power Distribution in a CMS Tracker for the SLHC (p. 522) |
by Cussans, D G |
FPGA Implementation of Optimal Filtering Algorithm for TileCal ROD System (p. 526) |
by Torres, J |
An Optical Demo-Link for ATLAS Inner Detector Readout Upgrade (p. 529) |
by Xiang, A |
Detector noise susceptibility issues for the future generation of High Energy Physics Experiments (p. 533) |
by Arteche, F |
Design Considerations for Area-Constrained In-Pixel Photon Counting in Medipix3 (p. 539) |
by Wong, W |
The VFAT Production Test Platform for the TOTEM Experiment (p. 544) |
by Aspell, P |
The Sector Collector of the CMS DT Trigger system: Installation and Performance (p. 551) |
by Travaglini, R |
The Commissioning status and results of ATLAS Level1 Endcap Muon Trigger System (p. 556) |
by Okumura, Y |
Level-3 Calorimetric Resolution available for the Level-1 and Level-2 CDF Triggers (p. 561) |
by Canepa, A. |
Commissioning of the ATLAS Level-1 Central Trigger (p. 566) |
by Berge, D |
Modular trigger processing : The GCT muon and quiet bit system(p. 571) |
by Stettler, Matthew |
Transmission-Line Readout with Good Time and Space Resolutions for Planacon MCP-PMTs (p. 579) |
by Tang, F |
Dynamic Reconfiguration and Incremental Firmware Development in the Xilinx Virtex 5 (p. 583) |
by Jones, J |
ATLAS TDAQ Integration and Commissioning (388- 391) |
by Zhang, J |
The LHCb Silicon Tracker: lessons learned (so far) |
by Vollhardt, Achim |
Electronics of LHCb calorimeter monitoring system |
by Konoplyannikov, Anatoly |
A collaborative HDL management tool for ATLAS L1Calo upgrades |
by Gonnella, Francesco |
Commissioning of the ATLAS Level-1 Central Trigger |
by Berge, D |