CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-2008-008
Conference title Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics
Related conference title(s) TWEPP08
TWEPP 2008
Date(s), location 15 - 19 Sep 2008, Naxos, Greece
Editor(s) Dho, Evelyne (ed.) (CERN) ; Vasey, François (ed.) (CERN)
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 2008
Series (CERN Yellow Reports: Conference Proceedings)
ISBN 9789290833246 (print version, paperback)
DOI e-proceedings: 10.5170/CERN-2008-008
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Abstract The purpose of the workshop was to present results and original concepts for electronics research and development relevant to particle physics experiments as well as accelerator and beam instrumentation at future facilities; to review the status of electronics for the LHC experiments; to identify and encourage common efforts for the development of electronics; and to promote information exchange and collaboration in the relevant engineering and physics communities.
Copyright/License publication: © 2008-2025 CERN (License: CC-BY-3.0)

Corresponding record in: inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C08-09-15.15
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

An overview of the Experimental High Energy Activities in Greece (p. 3)
by Petridou, C
The Greek contribution to the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer and the physics studies (p. 10)
by Kourkoumelis, C
CMS in Greece (p. 15)
by Manthos, N
NESTOR participation in the KM3NeT (p. 21)
by Anassontzis, E
The European XFEL Project (p. 28)
by Trunk, U
Development of a 3.2 GPixel Camera for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) (p. 37)
by Oliver, J
FPGAs in 2008 and beyond presented by Volker LINDENSTRUTH, including slides from Ivo BOLSENS (p. 45)
by Alfke, P
Optoelectronics, a global telecom carrier’s perspective (p. 53)
by Batten, J
A Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor for a “Tera-Pixel” ECAL at the ILC (p. 63)
by Crooks, J
Development of the ATLAS FE-I4 pixel readout IC for b-layer Upgrade and Super-LHC (p. 70)
by Karagounis, M
Development of a Front-end Pixel Chip for Readout of Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors (p. 76)
by Gromov, V
Design and Characterisation of a Fast Architecture Providing Zero Suppressed Digital Output Integrated in a High Resolution CMOS Pixel Sensor for the STAR Vertex Detector and the EUDET Beam Telescope (p. 80)
by Hu-guo, C
Pixel Read-Out Architectures for the NA62 GigaTracker (p. 85)
by Dellacasa, G
Development of the ASICs for the NA62 pixel Gigatracker (p. 90)
by Jarron, P
Dedicated very front-end electronics for an ILC prototype hadronic calorimeter with SiPM read-out (p. 97)
by de La Taille, C
A Readout ASIC for CZT Detectors (p. 102)
by Jones, L
Status Report on the LOC ASIC (p. 107)
by Ye, J
Evaluation of Two SiGe HBT Technologies for the ATLAS sLHC Upgrade (p. 111)
by Ullán, M
The ABCN front-end chip for ATLAS Inner Detector Upgrade (p. 116)
by Kaplon, J
The Level 0 Pixel Trigger System for the ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector: implementation, testing and commissioning (p. 123)
by Aglieri-Rinella, G
Performance and lessons of the CMS Global Calorimeter Trigger (p. 129)
by Iles, G
Operation and Monitoring of the CMS Regional Calorimeter Trigger Hardware (p. 133)
by Klabbers, P
Analysis of the initial performance of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (p. 138)
by Achenbach, R
Digital signal integrity and stability in the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (p. 143)
by Achenbach, R
Evaluation of Multi-Gbps Optical Transceivers for Use in Future HEP Experiments (p. 151)
by Amaral, L
Experiences with the ATLAS Pixel Detector Optolink and Researches for Future Links (p. 156)
by Dopke, J
Single-Event Upsets in Photodiodes for Multi-Gb/s Data Transmission (p. 161)
by Troska, J
Design and Radiation Assessment of Optoelectronic Transceiver Circuits for ITER (p. 167)
by Leroux, P
Commissioning the LHC Accelerator and its Physics Programme (p. 175)
by Tsesmelis, E
3D IC Pixel Electronics- the Next Challenge (p. 183)
by Yarema, R
Mobile Test Bench for the LHC Cryogenic Instrumentation Crate Commissioning (p. 191)
by Avramidou, R M
The Radiation Tolerant Electronics for the LHC Cryogenic Controls: Basic Design and First Operational Experience (p. 195)
by Casas-Cubillos, J
Results from the commissioning of the ATLAS Pixel Detector (p. 200)
by Masetti, L
Design, production and first operation of the ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector system (p. 205)
by Kluge, A
Installation, Commissioning and Performance of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter (p. 210)
by Cartiglia, N
Installation and Commissioning of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Read-Out Electronics (p. 215)
by Perrot, G
The LHCb Silicon Tracker: lessons learned (so far) (p. 223)
by Vollhardt, A
ATLAS SCT Commissioning – TWEPP-08 (p. 228)
by Magrath, C A
Studies of the Assembled CMS Tracker (p. 233)
by Everaerts, P
CMS Tracker Services: current status and potential for upgrade (p. 238)
by Stringer, R
The electronics of ALICE Dimuon tracking chambers (p. 242)
by Chambert, V
Readout Electronics of the ATLAS Muon Cathode Strip Chambers (p. 247)
by Gough Eschrich, I
Design and Commissioning of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer RPC Read Out Driver (p. 251)
by Aloisio, A
Fast Beam Conditions Monitoring (BCM1F) for CMS (p. 259)
by Bernardino Rodrigues, N
The ATLAS Beam Condition Monitor Commissioning (p. 264)
by Gorisek, A
The ATLAS Radiation Dose Measurement System and its Extension to SLHC Experiments (p. 269)
by Hartert, J
The Origami Chip-on-Sensor Concept for Low-Mass Readout of Double-Sided Silicon Detectors (p. 277)
by Friedl, M
PMF: the front end electronic of the ALFA detector (p. 282)
by Barrillon, P
Custom DC-DC converters for distributing power in SLHC trackers (p. 289)
by Allongue, B
System Tests with DC-DC Converters for the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker at SLHC (p. 294)
by Klein, K
Design Considerations for High Step-Down ratio Buck Regulators (p. 299)
by Khanna, R
Serial Powering of Silicon Strip Modules for the ATLAS Tracker Upgrade (p. 306)
by Phillips, P W
The Power System Detector Control System of the Monitored Drift Tubes of the ATLAS Experiment (p. 310)
by Alexopoulos, T
Noise Susceptibility Measurements of Front-End Electronics Systems (p. 316)
by Allongue, B
Overview and Electronics Needs of ATLAS and CMS High Luminosity Upgrades (p. 323)
by Hessey, N P
CO2 cooling for HEP experiments (p. 328)
by Verlaat, B
SLHC Upgrade Plans for the ATLAS Pixel Detector (p. 339)
by Sícho, P
Design Studies of a Low Power Serial Data Link for a possible Upgrade of the CMS Pixel Detector (p. 344)
by Meier, B
Readout architecture of the ATLAS upgraded tracker (p. 349)
by Darbo, G
CMS Microstrip Tracker Readout at the SLHC (p. 354)
by Raymond, M
Upgrade of the Readout Electronics of the ATLAS MDT Detector for SLHC (p. 359)
by Richter, R
Some Lessons from the LHC Projects (p. 367)
by Sharp, P
Implementation of the Control and supervision of ALICE ZDC positioning Systems- TWEEP-08 (p. 379)
by Swoboda, Detlef
High-Resolution Time-to-Digital Converter in Field Programmable Gate Array (p. 383)
by Aloisio, A
Electronics of LHCb calorimeter monitoring system (p. 392)
by Konoplyannikov, A
Development and Testing of an Advanced CMOS Readout Architecture dedicated to X-rays silicon strip detectors (p. 397)
by Noulis, T
Design and measurements of SEU tolerant latches (p. 402)
by Menouni, M
Characterization of the Noise Properties of DC to DC Converters for the sLHC (p. 406)
by Allongue, B
Sub-nanosecond machine timing and frequency distribution via serial data links (p. 411)
by Rohlev, A
A prototype ASIC buck converter for LHC upgrades (p. 414)
by Michelis, S
Mezzanine Cards for the EMU CSC System Upgrade at the CMS (p. 419)
by Matveev, M
Detector Control System for the Electromagnetic Calorimeter in the CMS Experiment Summary of the first operational experience (p. 423)
by Adzic, P
The Common Infrastructure Control of the ATLAS experiment (p. 428)
by Burckhart, H J
Digital part of PARISROC: a photomultiplier array readout chip (p. 432)
by Dulucq, F
Instrumentation for Gate Current Noise Measurements on sub-100 nm MOS Transistors (p. 436)
by Gaioni, L
Control, Test and Monitoring Software Framework for the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (p. 441)
by Achenbach, R
The TOTEM Roman Pot Motherboard (p. 446)
by Antchev, G
Infrastructures and Monitoring of the on-line CMS computing centre (p. 450)
by Bauer, Gerry
Achieving Best Performance with VME-based Data Acquisition Systems and 2eSST (p. 454)
by Aloisio, A
A multi-channel 24.4 ps bin size Time-to-Digital Converter for HEP applications (p. 459)
by Mester, C
Testing and calibrating analogue inputs to the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (p. 467)
by Achenbach, R
Completion of the Muon Barrel Alignment System and its integration into the CMS detector environment (p. 472)
by Béni, N
CMS Tracker, ECAL and Pixel Optical Cabling: Installation and Performance Verification (p. 477)
by Ricci, D
Data Acquisition System for a KL Experiment at J-Parc (p. 483)
by Bogdan, M
Noise Analysis of Radiation Detector Charge Sensitive Amplifier Architectures (p. 486)
by Noulis, T
The CMS Detector Power System (p. 490)
by Lusin, S
A Radiation Hard Current Reference Circuit in a Standard 0.13μm CMOS Technology. (p. 494)
by Gromov, V
Grounding, Shielding and Cooling Issues on LHCb Electronics at the LHC pit 8 (p. 497)
by Bobillier, V
Radiation damage of SiGe HBT Technologies at different bias configurations (p. 500)
by Ullán, M
PMm2 ASIC: PARISROC (p. 504)
by MArtin-Chassard, G
Radiation Resistant DC- DC Power Conversion with Voltage Ratios > 10 Capable of Operating in High Magnetic Field for LHC Upgrade Detectors (p. 508)
by Dhawan, S
A Small Portable Test System for the TileCal Digitizer System (p. 513)
by Hidvégi, A
The ALICE Level 0 Pixel Trigger Driver Layer (p. 516)
by Torcato de Matos, C
Power Distribution in a CMS Tracker for the SLHC (p. 522)
by Cussans, D G
FPGA Implementation of Optimal Filtering Algorithm for TileCal ROD System (p. 526)
by Torres, J
An Optical Demo-Link for ATLAS Inner Detector Readout Upgrade (p. 529)
by Xiang, A
Detector noise susceptibility issues for the future generation of High Energy Physics Experiments (p. 533)
by Arteche, F
Design Considerations for Area-Constrained In-Pixel Photon Counting in Medipix3 (p. 539)
by Wong, W
The VFAT Production Test Platform for the TOTEM Experiment (p. 544)
by Aspell, P
The Sector Collector of the CMS DT Trigger system: Installation and Performance (p. 551)
by Travaglini, R
The Commissioning status and results of ATLAS Level1 Endcap Muon Trigger System (p. 556)
by Okumura, Y
Level-3 Calorimetric Resolution available for the Level-1 and Level-2 CDF Triggers (p. 561)
by Canepa, A.
Commissioning of the ATLAS Level-1 Central Trigger (p. 566)
by Berge, D
Modular trigger processing : The GCT muon and quiet bit system(p. 571)
by Stettler, Matthew
Transmission-Line Readout with Good Time and Space Resolutions for Planacon MCP-PMTs (p. 579)
by Tang, F
Dynamic Reconfiguration and Incremental Firmware Development in the Xilinx Virtex 5 (p. 583)
by Jones, J
ATLAS TDAQ Integration and Commissioning (388- 391)
by Zhang, J
The LHCb Silicon Tracker: lessons learned (so far)
by Vollhardt, Achim
Electronics of LHCb calorimeter monitoring system
by Konoplyannikov, Anatoly
A collaborative HDL management tool for ATLAS L1Calo upgrades
by Gonnella, Francesco
Commissioning of the ATLAS Level-1 Central Trigger
by Berge, D

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 Record created 2008-06-09, last modified 2021-07-30

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