CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:0805.2245
Title Energy dependence of fluctuations in central Pb+Pb collisions from NA49 at the CERN SPS
Author(s) NA49 Collaboration  Vis alle 100 forfattere
Affiliation (UNIKHEF) ; (Univ. Athens) ; (Comenius Univ., Bratislava) ; (KFKI) ; (MIT) ; (Polish Acad. Sciences, Cracow) ; (GSI) ; (Joint Inst. Nucl. Research, Dubna) ; (Univ., Frankfurt) ; (Jan Kochanowski Univ., Kielce) ; (Univ. Marburg) ; (Max-Planck-Inst. Phys., Munich) ; (Charles Univ., Prague) ; (Pusan Nat. Univ., Pusan) ; (Univ. Washington, Seattle, WA) ; (Sofia Univ.) ; (Inst. Nucl. Research Nucl. Energy, Sofia) ; (SUNYSB) ; (Inst. Nucl. Studies, Warsaw) ; (Univ. Warsaw) ; (Rudjer Boskovic Inst., Zagreb)
Publication 2012
Imprint 27 Aug 2012
Number of pages 5
Note Comments: 5 pages, 4 figures, talk presented at Quark Matter 2008 Reference added and some typos corrected
5 pages, 4 figures, talk presented at Quark Matter 2008
In: J.Phys.G 35 (2008) 104091
DOI 10.1088/0954-3899/35/10/104091
Subject category Nuclear Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; NA49
Abstract The latest NA49 results on fluctuations of multiplicity and average transverse-momentum analyzed on an event-by-event basis are presented for central Pb+Pb interactions over the whole SPS energy range (20A - 158A GeV). The scaled variance of the multiplicity distribution decreases with collision energy whereas the ΦpT measure of <pT> fluctuations is small and independent of collision energy. Thus in central Pb+Pb collisions these fluctuations do not show an indication of the critical point of strongly interacting matter.

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 Element opprettet 2008-05-23, sist endret 2024-03-07

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