The Quest for Elementary Particles (p. 3) |
by Ellis, Jonathan Richard |
CERN and the Hunt for Elementary Particles and Forces (p. 12) |
by Tsesmelis, Emmanuel |
Higgs Boson and New Physics at the LHC (p. 20) |
by Shafi, Qaisar |
Tev Scale Colored Particles, Baryogenesis and Dark Matter (p. 29) |
by Nasri, Salah |
Supersymmetry At LHC (p. 35) |
by Khalil, Shaaban |
Precision Tests of Electroweak Interactions (p. 43) |
by Akhundov, Arif |
QCD Jets from I.S.R. to L.H.C. Energies (p. 49) |
by Saadeddine, Hariri |
Strangeness in Nucleon (p. 53) |
by Benaoum, H B |
The Impact of the BLAST Magnetic Field on the Cerenkov Detectors (p. 58) |
by Tonguc, B |
Status of ATLAS and CMS (p. 62) |
by De Roeck, Albert |
Experimental Tests of Discrete Symmetries with Kaons and B-mesons (p. 70) |
by Peyaud, Bernard |
ALICE : The Quest for `Primordial' Matter(p. 78) |
by Fabjan, Christian Wolfgang |
The Silicon Inner Tracker of CMS : Construction, Organization and Future Upgrade(p. 84) |
by Krammer, Manfred |
Extra Dimensions and New Vector Bosons Searches in CMS (p. 91) |
by Emam, W |
Particle Detectors : Research and Development at CERN(p. 97) |
by Fabjan, Christian Wolfgang |
The 2HDM Inspired by Low Energy QCD Linear Sigma Model with Two Nonets (p. 105) |
by Moussa, Sherif |
Double Higgs production in the Two Higgs Doublet Model at the linear collider (p. 112) |
by Arhrib, Abdesslam |
Universal Extra Dimension models with right-handed neutrinos (p. 122) |
by Matsumoto, Shigeki |
A solution to the $^7$Li problem by the long lived stau (p. 126) |
by Jittoh, Toshifumi |
Beyond the Standard Model : Non Commutative Geometry Approach and LHC Signatures(p. 130) |
by Mebarki, N |
Twistor Strings, Gauge Theory and Gravity (p. 135) |
by Abou-Zeid, Mohab |
Quaternionic Analysis of Generalized Electromagnetic Fields of Superluminal Dyons (p. 142) |
by Bisht, P S |
Indirect search for the fourth genration of quarks and leptons (p. 146) |
by Bashiry, Vali |
Damping of Ultrasoft Fermions in Finite Temperature QED (p. 150) |
by Bouakaz, K |
Toward a Strongly Interacting Scalar Higgs Particle (p. 154) |
by Shalaby, Abouzeid M |
Quark-Gluon Plasma Model and Origin of Magic Numbers (p. 161) |
by Ghahramany, N |
Pion production off the deuteron with real photons including polarization observables (p. 165) |
by Darwish, E M |
The Discrete Super space Formalism and the Quantization of the Standard Model (p. 169) |
by Redouane-Salah, A |
Eta Structure Function via Photo-production (p. 174) |
by Ghahramany, N |
Debye Layer Confinement of Nucleons in Nuclei for Heavy Nuclear Synthesis (p. 178) |
by Ghahramany, N |
Strong coupling constant and flavor thresholds in QCD (p. 182) |
by Khorramian, Ali N |
Polarized nucleon structure function up to NLO (p. 186) |
by AtashbarTehrani, S |
Shielding Calculation for High Energy Radiation X-Ray by Software program (p. 190) |
by AliRahimi, Seyed |