CERN Accelerating science

Conference title UAE-CERN Workshop on High Energy Physics and Applications
Related conference title(s) High Energy Physics and Applications
Date(s), location 26 - 28 Nov 2007, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
Editor(s) Ellis, Jonathan Richard (ed.) (CERN) ; Nasri, Salah (ed.) ; Malkawi, Ehab (ed.)
Imprint New York, NY : AIP, 2008 - 214 p.
Series (AIP conference proceedings ; 1006)
ISBN 9780735405257

Corresponding record in: INSPIRE
Contributions in Inspire: C07-11-26
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

The Quest for Elementary Particles (p. 3)
by Ellis, Jonathan Richard
CERN and the Hunt for Elementary Particles and Forces (p. 12)
by Tsesmelis, Emmanuel
Higgs Boson and New Physics at the LHC (p. 20)
by Shafi, Qaisar
Tev Scale Colored Particles, Baryogenesis and Dark Matter (p. 29)
by Nasri, Salah
Supersymmetry At LHC (p. 35)
by Khalil, Shaaban
Precision Tests of Electroweak Interactions (p. 43)
by Akhundov, Arif
QCD Jets from I.S.R. to L.H.C. Energies (p. 49)
by Saadeddine, Hariri
Strangeness in Nucleon (p. 53)
by Benaoum, H B
The Impact of the BLAST Magnetic Field on the Cerenkov Detectors (p. 58)
by Tonguc, B
Status of ATLAS and CMS (p. 62)
by De Roeck, Albert
Experimental Tests of Discrete Symmetries with Kaons and B-mesons (p. 70)
by Peyaud, Bernard
ALICE : The Quest for `Primordial' Matter(p. 78)
by Fabjan, Christian Wolfgang
The Silicon Inner Tracker of CMS : Construction, Organization and Future Upgrade(p. 84)
by Krammer, Manfred
Extra Dimensions and New Vector Bosons Searches in CMS (p. 91)
by Emam, W
Particle Detectors : Research and Development at CERN(p. 97)
by Fabjan, Christian Wolfgang
The 2HDM Inspired by Low Energy QCD Linear Sigma Model with Two Nonets (p. 105)
by Moussa, Sherif
Double Higgs production in the Two Higgs Doublet Model at the linear collider (p. 112)
by Arhrib, Abdesslam
Universal Extra Dimension models with right-handed neutrinos (p. 122)
by Matsumoto, Shigeki
A solution to the $^7$Li problem by the long lived stau (p. 126)
by Jittoh, Toshifumi
Beyond the Standard Model : Non Commutative Geometry Approach and LHC Signatures(p. 130)
by Mebarki, N
Twistor Strings, Gauge Theory and Gravity (p. 135)
by Abou-Zeid, Mohab
Quaternionic Analysis of Generalized Electromagnetic Fields of Superluminal Dyons (p. 142)
by Bisht, P S
Indirect search for the fourth genration of quarks and leptons (p. 146)
by Bashiry, Vali
Damping of Ultrasoft Fermions in Finite Temperature QED (p. 150)
by Bouakaz, K
Toward a Strongly Interacting Scalar Higgs Particle (p. 154)
by Shalaby, Abouzeid M
Quark-Gluon Plasma Model and Origin of Magic Numbers (p. 161)
by Ghahramany, N
Pion production off the deuteron with real photons including polarization observables (p. 165)
by Darwish, E M
The Discrete Super space Formalism and the Quantization of the Standard Model (p. 169)
by Redouane-Salah, A
Eta Structure Function via Photo-production (p. 174)
by Ghahramany, N
Debye Layer Confinement of Nucleons in Nuclei for Heavy Nuclear Synthesis (p. 178)
by Ghahramany, N
Strong coupling constant and flavor thresholds in QCD (p. 182)
by Khorramian, Ali N
Polarized nucleon structure function up to NLO (p. 186)
by AtashbarTehrani, S
Shielding Calculation for High Energy Radiation X-Ray by Software program (p. 190)
by AliRahimi, Seyed

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 Record created 2008-05-15, last modified 2021-07-30