CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 12th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics
Related conference title(s) Neutrino 86
Date(s), location 3 - 8 Jun 1986, Sendai, Japan
Editor(s) Kitagaki, T (ed.) ; Yuta, H (ed.)
Imprint Singapore : World Scientific, 1986 - 824 p.
ISBN 9789971501662
Subject category Particle Physics
Free keywords masses ; mixing ; double ; beta ; heavy ; oscillations ; solar ; sin(2)theta(W) ; dileptons

Contributions in Inspire: C86-06-03
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Theoretical perspectives on neutrino mass (p. 1)
by Wolfenstein, Lincoln
Review of double beta decay results from $^{76}$Ge (p. 77)
by Caldwell, D O
Are massive neutrinos Majorana particles? (p. 114)
by Kotani, T
The MSW effect and solar neutrino experiments (p. 209)
by Rosen, S P
Massive neutrinos and cosmology (p. 231)
by Steigman, G
nu results from IMB (p. 297)
by LoSecco, J M
The search for solar $^{8}$B neutrinos at KAMIOKANDE II (p. 306)
by Susuki, A
Total cross sections for charged current neutrino interactions in Fe, Ne and H$_{2}$ (p. 330)
by Wachsmuth, H W
Results on charged current structure functions (p. 341)
by Pérez, P
Structure functions of nucleons in nuclei as measured in electron and muon experiments (p. 369)
by Bodek, Arie
Results on the universality of nu$_{2}$ and nu$_{mu}$ coupling to the weak neutral current, on the ratio of prompt and nu$_{mu}$ fluxes and a search for an excess of muonless neutrino events (p. 402)
by Dorenbosch, Jheroen
Test of the universality of electron-neutrino and muon-neutrino coupling to the charged weak current (p. 413)
by Santoni, C
Precision measurement of sin$^{2}\vartheta_{W}$ from semileptonic neutrino scattering (p. 445)
by Guyot, C
A precise determination of the electroweak mixing angle from semi-leptonic neutrino scattering (p. 465)
by Allaby, James V
A measurement of the production cross-section of prompt like-sign dimuon events in neutrino and antineutrino beams (p. 492)
by Kleinknecht, K
Hadronic component in neutrino interactions (p. 540)
by Marage, P
Coherent neutrino scattering : some applications(p. 562)
by Sehgal, L M
Results from UA1 and UA2 relevant to the standard electroweak model (p. 570)
by Clark, A G
CP violation and mixing (p. 623)
by Sanda, A I
Search for neutral particles in electron beam-dump experiment (p. 661)
by Sasao, N
Proton decay rate and Monte Carlo simulation in lattice QCD (p. 695)
by Hara, Y
Proton decay in unified theories with supersymmetry and supergravity (p. 707)
by Nath, Pran
Lepton flavor conservation tests with muons (p. 717)
by Blecher, M
Looking beyond the standard model (p. 778)
by Peccei, Roberto D
Observation of coherent charged current neutrino interactions in the 15' bubble chamber at the FNAL Tevatron
by Marage, P
Observation of internal muon bremsstrahlung in nu$_{mu}$-freon interactions
by Grabosch, H J
Preliminary results for the production of mu.e pairs in neutrino interactions in the energy range 3-30 GeV
by Ammosov, V V
Study of coherent production of rho- mesons by charged current antineutrino interactions in BEBC
by Marage, P

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 Record created 1990-01-27, last modified 2021-07-30