CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 23rd Lake Louise Winter Institute 2008
Related conference title(s) LLWI-08
Fundamental Interactions
Date(s), location 18 - 23 Feb 2008, Lake Louise, Canada
Conference contact Chateau Lake Louise
email: moore'at'
Editor(s) Astbury, Alan (ed.) ; Penin, Alexander (ed.) ; Khanna. Faqir (ed.) ; Moore, Roger (ed.) ; Czarnecki, Andrzej (ed.)
Imprint Hackensack, NJ : World Scientific, 2009
Note Organisers: Roger Moore; Andrzej Czarnecki; Fakir Khanna
ISBN 9789814280938 (print version, hardback)
9789814280945 (electronic version)
DOI e-proceedings: 10.1142/7407

Contributions in Inspire: C08-02-18
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

New Physics and the LHC (p. 1)
by Altarelli, Guido
An overview of top quark analyses from the CMS Collaboration (p. 144)
by Andrea, J
The OPERA long baseline neutrino experiment: Status and first results (p. 164)
by Besnier, M
Search for Heavy Stable Charged Particles at CMS (p. 179)
by Chen, Jie
Higgs in ATLAS (p. 194)
by Di Simone, A
Lepton universality test and the $K^+ \to pi^+ \nu \overline{\nu}$ experiment at the CERN SPS (p. 214)
by Fiorini, M
Prospects for CP Violation studies at LHCb (p. 224)
by Gligorov, Vladimir V
Prospects of heavy flavor physics at ALICE using the electromagnetic calorimeter (p. 234)
by Hamblen, Joshua
Prospects for rare and very rare B decays at LHCb (p. 239)
by Hernando-Morata, Jose Angel
Exclusive $\gamma \gamma \rightarrow \ell^{+} \ell^{-}$ and $\gamma p \rightarrow \Upsilon p \rightarrow \ell^{+}\ell^{-} p$ production at CMS (p. 244)
by Hollar, J
SUSY search at ATLAS (p. 273)
by Kataoka, Y
Quarkonium production and polarisation with early data at ATLAS (p. 338)
by Price, Darren D.
Search for the Higgs Boson in the WW(*) Decay Channel With the CMS Experiment (p. 368)
by Torassa, E
Status of the LHCb detector (p. 378)
by Vazquez, P.
Prospects for CP Violation Studies at LHCb
by Gligorov, Vladimir V
Quarkonium production and polarisation with early data at ATLAS
by Price, D
Prospects for rare B decays in LHCb
by Hernando-Morata, Jose Angel
ATLAS commissioning and physics with early data
by Bell, P J
Status of the LHCb detector
by Regueiro, Pablo Vazquez
Associated Production Z/W H -> GammaGamma with ATLAS detector
by Bertrand Brelier, BB
SUSY search at ATLAS
by Yousuke, K

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 Record created 2008-02-25, last modified 2021-07-30

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