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e-proceedings (Intranet):
Contributions to this conference in CDS
Overview and status of calorimetry at LHC (p. 17) |
by Fournier, D |
Performances of the AMS-02 electromagnetic calorimeter (p. 114) |
by Cervelli, F |
Cosmic ray energetics and mass (CREAM) : calibrating a cosmic ray calorimeter(p. 133) |
by Ganel, O |
Performance of the PWO crystals of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (p. 223) |
by Cavallari, F |
Avalanche photodiodes for the CMS lead tungstate calorimeter (p. 231) |
by Grahl, J |
New scintillating crystals for PET scanners (p. 262) |
by Lecoq, P |
Performance of the OPAL Si-W luminometer at LEP I-II (p. 287) |
by Abbiendi, G. |
QCD jet simulation with CMS at LHC and background studies to H to gamma gamma process (p. 325) |
by Litvin, V |
Data volume reduction strategies in the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (p. 339) |
by Paganini, P |
Simulation of hadronic showers in the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeters (p. 354) |
by Kiryunin, A E |
MC simulation of the ATLAS hadronic calorimeter performance (p. 361) |
by Varanda, M J |
Simulation studies of the jet and missing transverse energy performance of the ATLAS calorimeters (p. 367) |
by Wielers, M |
Jet energy reconstruction with the CMS detector (p. 375) |
by Kunori, S |
First results from the MINOS calibration detector (p. 436) |
by Vahle, P |
Time calibration of AMANDA : three variations of a theme of T$_{0}$(p. 452) |
by Hanson, K |
Absolute calibration of electromagnetic calorimeter at LHC with physics processes (p. 459) |
by Tao Hu |
Monitoring light source for CMS lead tungstate crystal calorimeter at LHC (p. 469) |
by Zhang, L |
Present status of CMS HF quartz fiber calorimetry (p. 504) |
by Önel, Y M |
Radiation hardness studies of high OH$^{-}$ quartz fibres for a hadronic forward calorimeter of the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (p. 521) |
by Dumanoglu, I |
Status of the ATLAS tile hadronic calorimeter production (p. 532) |
by Henriques, A |
Studies of the ATLAS tile hadron calorimeter performance (p. 538) |
by Korolkov, I Ya |
An overview of CMS central hadron calorimeter (p. 544) |
by Katta, S |
CDF II integrated calorimetry environment (p. 563) |
by Dell'Agnello, S |
The ATLAS tile calorimeter front end electronics (p. 607) |
by Martin, F |
Overview of Liquid Argon Front End electronics (p. 613) |
by Ferrer-Ribas, E |
Front-end electronics for the CMS preshower detector (p. 621) |
by Go, A |
The front-end electronics for LHCb calorimeters (p. 627) |
by Breton, D |
ATLAS LAr EM calorimeter : construction and uniformity of response(p. 695) |
by Rodier, S |
Performance of ATLAS EM Modules in Test Beam (p. 703) |
by Zerwas, D |
The ATLAS hadronic endcap calorimeter (p. 712) |
by Fincke-Keeler, M |
Jet energy measurement with the ALEPH detector at LEP2 (p. 739) |
by Minard, Marie Noelle |
Jet measurement in OPAL (p. 793) |
by Isamu, N |
Developments on jet reconstruction by DELPHI (p. 798) |
by Kiskinen, A |
Show contributions in CDS
Record created 2008-02-05, last modified 2021-07-30