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Report number SLAC-PUB-12162
Title Ultrafast Time-Resolved Electron Diffraction with Megavolt Electron Beams
Author(s) Hastings, J B ; Cardoza, J D ; Castro, J M ; Dowell, D H ; Gierman, S M ; Loos, H ; Rudakov, F M ; Schmerge, J F ; Weber, P M
Affiliation (Brown Univ.) ; (Brown Univ.) ; (Brown Univ.) ; (SLAC) ; (SLAC) ; (SLAC)
Publication 2006
Imprint Oct 2006
Number of pages 14
Other source Inspire


 Datensatz erzeugt am 2007-12-14, letzte Änderung am 2008-04-18

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