CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 17th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas
Date(s), location 7 - 9 May 2007, Clearwater, FL, USA
Editor(s) Ryan, Philip M (ed.) ; Rasmussen, David (ed.)
Imprint New York, NY : AIP, 2007 - 544 p.
Series (AIP conference proceedings ; 933)
ISBN 9780735404441
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

RF Heating and Current Drive in Magnetically Confined Plasma : a Historical Perspective(p. 3)
by Porkolab, Miklos
Recent Advances of RF Systems for Magnetic Fusion (p. 13)
by Jacquinot, J
RF heating needs and plans for ITER (p. 25)
by Bora, Dhiraj
Modification of Sawtooth Oscillations with ICRF Waves in the JET Tokamak (p. 35)
by Mantsinen, M J
ICRH of JET and LHD Majority Ions at Their Fundamental Cyclotron Frequency (p. 43)
by Krasilnikov, A V
Improved break-in-slope analysis for the estimation of power deposition profiles in JET (p. 47)
by Lerche, E A
D majority heating in JET plasmas : ICRH modelling and experimental RF deposition(p. 51)
by Lerche, E
Coupling Of The JET ICRF Antennas In ELMy H-mode Plasmas With ITER Relevant Plasma - Straps Distance (p. 55)
by Mayoral, M L
Toroidal Rotation in RF Heated JET Plasmas (p. 59)
by Eriksson, L G
Recent experimental results and modeling of RF heating of (3He)-D JET plasmas : RF as a tool to study transport(p. 63)
by VanEester, D
Predictive Analysis of High Power ICRF Heating in JET (p. 67)
by Laxåback, M
ICRF mode conversion heating and long-pulse discharges in LHD (p. 71)
by Saitô, K
ICRF Performance with Metallic Plasma Facing Components in Alcator C-Mod (p. 75)
by Wukitch, S J
Tungsten Sputtering during ICRF in ASDEX Upgrade (p. 83)
by Bobkov, Vl
Mode Conversion Current Drive studies on Alcator C-Mod (p. 87)
by Parisot, A
ICRF Heating with ω<ωci in Alcator C-Mod (p. 91)
by Phillips, C K
Effect of Energetic Trapped Particles Produced by ICRF Wave Heating on Sawtooth Instability in the DIII-D Tokamak (p. 95)
by Choi, M
Analysis of ICRF-Accelerated Ions in ASDEX Upgrade (p. 99)
by Mantsinen, M J
Toroidal Rotation in ICRF only Heated ASDEX Upgrade Plasmas with Low Momentum Input (p. 103)
by Assas, S C
HHFW Heating Efficiency on NSTX versus BΦ and Antenna $k_{||} (p. 107)
by Hosea, J
Stochastic RF Heating of Thermal Ions (p. 111)
by Fredrickson, E D
RF Plasma Production in Uragan-2M Torsatron (p. 115)
by Moiseenko, V E
The Tore Supra ITER like ICRF antenna prototype (p. 119)
by Vulliez, K
ITER-Like Antenna electrical performance (p. 127)
by Argouarch, A
Report On The Commissioning Of The JET-EP ITER-Like ICRH Antenna (p. 131)
by Durodié, F
RF Measurements and Modeling from the JET-ITER Like Antenna Testing (p. 135)
by Vrancken, M
Influence of mutual coupling between ICRH antenna straps on the load resilience of hybrid couplers (p. 139)
by Lamalle, P U
Hybrid Couplers On The JET ICRF System : Commissioning And First Results on ELMs(p. 143)
by Mayoral, M -L
Recent Developments in the External Conjugate-T Matching Project at JET (p. 147)
by Monakhov, I
Voltage Node Arcing in the ICRH Antenna Vacuum Transmission Lines at JET (p. 151)
by Monakhov, I
Mechanical design proposal of an Ions Cyclotron Resonant Heating antenna for ITER (p. 155)
by Agarici, G
Status of the ITER ICRF system design - `Externally Matched' approach (p. 159)
by Lamalle, P U
Study of the Load Resilient External Matching Circuit for the ITER ICRH/FWCD System by means of its Mock-up. (p. 163)
by Messiaen, A
Benchmark simulations of ICRF antenna coupling (p. 167)
by Louche, F
The analysis of complex antenna structures (like the ITER array) using TOPICA (p. 171)
by Maggiora, R
Simulations of different Faraday screen configurations for the ITER ICRH antenna (p. 175)
by Braun, F
A Feasibility Study on a Load Resilient Antenna for the KSTAR ICRF Heating System (p. 179)
by Kwak, Jong-Gu
Modeling of the EAST ICRF antenna with ICANT Code (p. 183)
by Qin, Chengming
Fast Ferrite ICRF Matching System on Alcator C-Mod (p. 187)
by Lin, Y
A Method of Tuning Resonant Loops (p. 191)
by Baity, F W
Study of RF Breakdown Mechanisms Relevant to an ICH Antenna Environment (p. 195)
by Caughman, J B O
Comparison of Different Arc Detection Methods during Plasma Operations with ICRF Heating on ASDEX Upgrade (p. 203)
by D'Inca, R
Assessment of the RF field and current levels on the ITER blanket modules and of possible grounding solutions for the ICRF antenna (p. 207)
by Louche, F
Progress in Arc Safety System Based on Harmonics Detection for ICRH Antennae (p. 211)
by Berger-By, G
RF-sheath assessment of ICRF Faraday Screens. (p. 215)
by Colas, L
Modeling of DC potential structures induced by RF sheaths with transverse currents in front of ICRF antenna (p. 219)
by Faudot, E
Far Field Sheaths Due to Fast Waves Incident on Material Boundaries (p. 223)
by D'Ippolito, D A
Control of Current Profile and Instability by Radiofrequency Wave Injection in JT-60U and Its Applicability in JT-60SA (p. 229)
by Isayama, A
RF Coupling and Antenna Heat Load Control for Combined LHCD and ICRH in Tore Supra (p. 237)
by Ekedahl, A
Status of the Tore Supra CIMES Project (p. 245)
by Kazarian, F
Overview of recent results on Heating and Current Drive in JET (p. 249)
by Ongena, J
LH Wave Coupling And ICRF Sheaths At JET (p. 257)
by Kirov, K K
LH Wave Coupling over ITER-Like Distances at JET (p. 261)
by Rantamäki, K
Lower hybrid current drive in experiments for transport barriers at high βN of JET (Joint European Torus) (p. 265)
by Cesario, R C
Lower Hybrid Current Drive Experiments in Alcator C-Mod (p. 269)
by Wilson, J R
Lower Hybrid Coupling Experiments on Alcator C-Mod (p. 277)
by Wallace, G
Measurements and Modeling of X-Ray and ECE Spectra During LHCD Experiments on Alcator C-Mod (p. 281)
by Schmidt, A E
Full-wave Electromagnetic Field Simulations of Lower Hybrid Waves in Tokamaks (p. 285)
by Wright, J C
Scattering from edge density fluctuations on the lower hybrid waves in FTU (p. 289)
by Calabrò, Giuseppe
Advanced Lower Hybrid Current Drive Modeling (p. 293)
by Peysson, Y
Full-wave Simulations of LH wave propagation in toroidal plasma with non-Maxwellian electron distributions (p. 297)
by Valeo, E J
TOPLHA : an accurate and efficient numerical tool for analysis and design of LH antennas(p. 301)
by Milanesio, D
Simulations of LH coupling in the Madison Symmetric Torus Reversed Field Pinch (p. 305)
by Carlsson, J
Validating the Lower Hybrid Interdigital-line Antenna on MST (p. 309)
by Kaufman, M C
Diagnosis of Lower Hybrid on MST (p. 313)
by Burke, D R
LHCD Scenarios for Spherical Tokamak Plasmas (p. 317)
by Takase, Y
Electron Bernstein Wave Studies in MAST (p. 323)
by Shevchenko, V
Electron Bernstein Wave Research on NSTX and PEGASUS (p. 331)
by Diem, S J
Plans for Electron Bernstein Wave and Electron Cyclotron Heating in NSTX (p. 339)
by Taylor, G
Simulation of EBW Heating in WEGA (p. 343)
by Preinhaelter, J
Electron Bernstein Wave Experiment on the Madison Symmetric Torus (p. 347)
by Anderson, J K
The Electron Bernstein Waves Heating Project In The TJ-II Stellarator (p. 351)
by Fernández, A
Harmonic Generation in EBW Injection into Plasmas (p. 355)
by Xiang, Nong
Stabilization of Neoclassical Tearing Modes in Tokamaks by Radio Frequency Current Drive (p. 361)
by LaHaye, R J
Increasing NTM Stabilization Efficiency Using Modulated ECCD In ASDEX Upgrade (p. 369)
by Manini, A
ECH experiments aiming at further advanced operations in LHD (p. 377)
by Igami, H
Vertical Launch Third Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating of H-mode on TCV and Access to Quasi-Stationary ELM-free H-mode (p. 385)
by Porte, L
Modeling of Time-dependent Radial Transport of Electron Distribution Perturbations Caused by ECCD in DIII-D (p. 393)
by Harvey, R W
Electron Cyclotron Current Drive at High Electron Temperature on DIII-D (p. 397)
by Petty, C C
Sawtooth Control With ECCD On Tore Supra (p. 401)
by Lennholm, M
Demonstration of Steady State Operation with 1 MW of 170 GHz gyrotron for ITER (p. 405)
by Kasugai, Atsushi
Design of Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive System of ITER (p. 413)
by Kobayashi, N
The Enhanced Performance Launcher Design For The ITER Upper Port ECH Antenna (p. 417)
by Henderson, M A
The W7-X ECRH Plant : Recent Achievements(p. 421)
by Erckmann, V
Upgrade Of The TH1506B 118 GHz Gyrotron Using Modeing Tools (p. 425)
by Darbos, C
Second Harmonic Breakdown in KSTAR (p. 429)
by Bae, Y S
Physics Research in the SciDAC Center for Wave-Plasma Interactions (p. 435)
by Bonoli, P T
Quasilinear Evolution of Multiple Non-thermal Ion Distributions in ICRF Heating (p. 443)
by Jaeger, E F
Time-Dependent Modeling of Nonlinear Plasma Response to Fast Waves With Multiple Damping Mechanisms (p. 447)
by Pinsker, R I
Extended Budden problem associated with an energetic-particle population (p. 451)
by Brizard, A J
Effects of ICRH on the Dynamics of Fast Particle Excited Alfvén Eigenmodes (p. 455)
by Bergkvist, T
Full-wave modeling of ICRF waves : global and quasi-local descriptions(p. 459)
by Dumont, R J
A New Normal Form for Multidimensional Mode Conversion (p. 463)
by Tracy, E R
Higher Order Corrections to Resonant Mode Conversion (p. 467)
by Richardson, A S
Gyrocenter Gauge Theory and Algorithm for Nonlinear Particle Simulations of Radio-Frequency Waves in Plasmas (p. 471)
by Qin, Hong
High Frequency Gyrokinetic Particle-in-Cell Simulation : Application to Heating of Magnetically Confined Plasmas(p. 475)
by Kolesnikov, Roman A
Towards a Predictive Model of Power Loss from Parametric Decay of ICRF Waves (p. 479)
by Myra, J R
Three-D Complex-Geometry Semi-Implicit Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation of Edge Plasma at RF Time-Scales (p. 483)
by Smithe, David N
PIC Modeling Of Collisional Skin Depth In RF-Driven Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas (p. 487)
by Roark, C M
A Negative Hydrogen-Ion Source for SNS Using a Helicon Plasma Generator (p. 493)
by Goulding, R H
Microwave Excitation In ECRIS plasmas (p. 497)
by Ciavola, G
Accurate design of ICRF antennas for RF plasma thruster acceleration units with TOPICA (p. 501)
by Lancellotti, V
Rocket Propulsion Through Multiply-Charged Ions From a Mirror Plasma (p. 505)
by Leung, L
Strong RF Heating in a Mirror During Plasma Build-up (p. 509)
by Moiseenko, V E
Possibilities of Phased Array Antenna (PAA) for Fusion (p. 513)
by Shubov, Anatoly G
Analysis of the heating of the Magnum-PSI and Pilot-PSI plasma in the GHz range (p. 517)
by Koch, R

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