CERN Accelerating science

CMS Note
Report number CMS-NOTE-2006-138
Title Design, Performance, and Calibration of CMS Hadron-Barrel Calorimeter Wedges

Baiatian, G ; Sirunyan, Albert M ; Emeliantchik, Igor ; Massolov, V ; Shumeiko, Nikolai ; Stefanovich, R ; Damgov, Jordan ; Dimitrov, Lubomir ; Genchev, Vladimir ; Piperov, Stefan ; Vankov, Ivan ; Litov, Leander ; Bencze, Gyorgy ; Vesztergombi, Gyorgy ; Zálán, Peter ; Bawa, Harinder Singh ; Beri, Suman Bala ; Bhatnagar, Vipin ; Kaur, Manjit ; Kohli, Jatinder Mohan ; Kumar, Arun ; Singh, Jas Bir ; Acharya, Bannaje Sripathi ; Banerjee, Sunanda ; Banerjee, Sudeshna ; Chendvankar, Sanjay ; Dugad, Shashikant ; Kalmani, Suresh Devendrappa ; Katta, S ; Mazumdar, Kajari ; Mondal, Naba Kumar ; Nagaraj, P ; Patil, Mandakini Ravindra ; Reddy, L ; Satyanarayana, B ; Sudhakar, Katta ; Verma, Piyush ; Paktinat, S ; Golutvin, Igor ; Kalagin, Vladimir ; Kosarev, Ivan ; Mescheryakov, G ; Sergeyev, S ; Smirnov, Vitaly ; Volodko, Anton ; Zarubin, Anatoli ; Gavrilov, Vladimir ; Gershtein, Yuri ; Kaftanov, Vitali ; Kisselevich, I ; Kolossov, V ; Krokhotin, Andrey ; Kuleshov, Sergey ; Litvintsev, Dmitri ; Stolin, Viatcheslav ; Ulyanov, A ; Demianov, A ; Gribushin, Andrey ; Kodolova, Olga ; Petrushanko, Sergey ; Sarycheva, Ludmila ; Vardanyan, Irina ; Yershov, A ; Abramov, Victor ; Goncharov, Petr ; Khmelnikov, Alexander ; Korablev, Andrey ; Korneev, Yury ; Krinitsyn, Alexander ; Kryshkin, V ; Lukanin, Vladimir ; Pikalov, Vladimir ; Ryazanov, Anton ; Talov, Vladimir ; Turchanovich, L ; Volkov, Alexey ; Camporesi, Tiziano ; De Visser, Theo ; Vlassov, E ; Aydin, Sezgin ; Dumanoglu, Isa ; Eskut, Eda ; Kayis-Topaksu, A ; Kuzucu-Polatoz, A ; Onengüt, G ; Ozdes-Koca, N ; Cankocak, Kerem ; Ozok, Ferhat ; Serin-Zeyrek, M ; Sever, Ramazan ; Zeyrek, Mehmet ; Gülmez, Erhan ; Isiksal, Engin ; Kaya, Mithat ; Ozkorucuklu, Suat ; Levchuk, Leonid ; Sorokin, Pavel ; Grinev, B ; Lubinsky, V ; Senchishin, V ; Anderson, E Walter ; Hauptman, John M ; Elias, John E ; Elvira, D ; Freeman, Jim ; Green, Dan ; Lazic, Dragoslav ; Los, Serguei ; O'Dell, Vivian ; Ronzhin, Anatoly ; Suzuki, Ichiro ; Vidal, Richard ; Whitmore, Juliana ; Antchev, Georgy ; Hazen, Eric ; Lawlor, C ; Machado, Emanuel ; Posch, C ; Rohlf, James ; Wu, Shouxiang ; Adams, Mark Raymond ; Burchesky, Kyle ; Qiang, W ; Abdullin, Salavat ; Baden, Drew ; Bard, Robert ; Eno, Sarah Catherine ; Grassi, Tullio ; Jarvis, Chad ; Kellogg, Richard G ; Kunori, Shuichi ; Skuja, Andris ; Podrasky, V ; Sanzeni, Christopher ; Winn, Dave ; Akgun, Ugur ; Ayan, S ; Duru, Firdevs ; Merlo, Jean-Pierre ; Mestvirishvili, Alexi ; Miller, Michael ; Norbeck, Edwin ; Olson, Jonathan ; Onel, Yasar ; Schmidt, Ianos ; Akchurin, Nural ; Carrell, Kenneth Wayne ; Gumu, K ; Thomas, Ray ; Baarmand, Marc M ; Ralich, Robert ; Vodopiyanov, Igor ; Cushman, Priscilla ; Heering, Arjan Hendrix ; Sherwood, Brian ; Cremaldi, Lucien Marcus ; Reidy, Jim ; Sanders, David A ; Karmgard, Daniel John ; Ruchti, Randy ; Fisher, Wade Cameron ; Mans, Jeremy ; Tully, Christopher ; De Barbaro, Pawel ; Bodek, Arie ; Budd, Howard ; Chung, Yeon Sei ; Haelen, T ; Imboden, Matthias ; Hagopian, Sharon ; Hagopian, Vasken ; Johnson, Kurtis F ; Barnes, Virgil E ; Laasanen, Alvin T ; Pompos, Arnold

Affiliation (JINR, Dubna, Russia) ; (Yerevan Physics Institute Yerevan, Armenia) ; (NCPHEP Minsk, Belarus) ; (Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, Bulgaria) ; (Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria) ; (KFKI-RMKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest, Hungary) ; (Panjab University, Chandigarh, India) ; (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India) ; (Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Tehran, Iran) ; (ITEP, Moscow, Russia) ; (Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia) ; (IHEP, Protvino, Russia) ; (CERN) ; (Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey) ; (Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey) ; (Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey) ; (KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine) ; (Single Crystal Institute, Kharkov, Ukraine) ; (Iowa State University, Ames, USA) ; (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, USA) ; (Boston University, Boston, USA) ; (University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, USA) ; (University of Maryland, College Park, USA) ; (Fairfield University Fairfield, USA) ; (University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA) ; (Texas Tech University Lubbock, USA) ; (Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, USA) ; (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA) ; (University of Mississippi, Oxford, USA) ; (University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, USA) ; (Princeton University, Princeton, USA) ; (University of Rochester, Rochester, USA) ; (Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA) ; (Purdue University West, Lafayette, USA)
Publication 2008
Imprint 28 May 2007
Number of pages 23
In: Eur. Phys. J. C 55 (2008) 159-171
DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-008-0573-y
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; CMS
Test beam H2
Free keywords HCAL
Abstract Extensive measurements have been made with pions, electrons and muons on four production wedges of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) hadron barrel (HB) calorimeter in the H2 beam line at CERN with particle momenta varying from 20 to 300 GeV/c. Data were taken both with and without a prototype electromagnetic lead tungstate crystal calorimeter (EB) in front of the hadron calorimeter. The time structure of the events was measured with the full chain of preproduction front-end electronics running at 34 MHz. Moving-wire radioactive source data were also collected for all scintillator layers in the HB. These measurements set the absolute calibration of the HB prior to first pp collisions to approximately 4%.
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Corresponding record in: Inspire

 Záznam vytvorený 2007-08-07, zmenený 2019-05-14

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