âワThe IHEP 76-GeV Proton Synchrotronâ (p. 1) |
by Ado, Yu M |
âワThe NAL Accelerator and Future Plansâ (p. 7) |
by Readon, P J |
Progress on the 300 GeV Programme (p. 19) |
by Billinge, Roy |
âワThe Japanese 12-GeV Acceleratorâ (p. 23) |
by Nishikawa, T |
Present Status and Future Plans for the ISR (p. 32) |
by Johnsen, Kjell |
Spear: Status and Improvement Program (p. 37) |
by Allen, M |
DORIS, Present Status and Future Plans (p. 43) |
by Le Duff, J |
Design and status of DCI (p. 49) |
by Martin, P |
Non-destructive diagnostics of coasting beams with schottky noise (p. 53) |
by Borer, J |
Beams Loading in High-Energy Storage Rings (p. 57) |
by Wilson, P B |
A search for a beam-beam effect in the ISR (p. 63) |
by Hübner, K |
Beam-Beam Coupling in SPEAR (p. 66) |
by Helm, R H |
Vacuum conditions for Proton Storage Rings (p. 74) |
by Calder, R |
Influence of the Split Field Magnet spectrometer on the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (p. 75) |
by Bryant, P J |
Dynamic compensation during stacking of the de-tuning caused by space charge effects (p. 80) |
by Bryant, P J |
Tune Shift Computation for Storage Rings with Low-Beta Sections (p. 83) |
by Buon, Jean |
Experimental investigation of single-beam and beam-beam space charge effects (p. 87) |
by Bryant, P J |
RF Systems for High-Energy e e Storage Rings (p. 92) |
by Allen, A |
Beam Dynamics Experiments at SPEAR (p. 97) |
by Sabersky, A P |
Beam enlargement by mismatching the energy-dispersion function (p. 100) |
by Helm, R M |
Adone, present status and experiments (p. 104) |
by Bassetti, M |
Resonant methods for beam size control in storage rings (p. 108) |
by Bassetti, M |
Direct Measurements on the Beam-beam Interaction at SPEAR (p. 113) |
by Sabersky, A P |
RF Superconductivity (p. 115) |
by Kuntze, M |
Progress report on the Stanford superconducting recyclotron (p. 123) |
by MsAshan, M S |
Application of superconducting RF accelerating sections to an electron (p. 128) |
by Sudelin, R M |
Measurements on the first 20-Cell deflector sections for a superconducting RF separator (p. 133) |
by Bauer, W |
Breakdown Fields in a superconducting Niobium cavity at S-Band (p. 140) |
by Kneisel, P |
On the preparation and a Thermal breakdown mechanism of superconducting Niobum X-Band cavities with high magnetic flux densities (p. 143) |
by Hillenbrand, B |
A 6-pass microton using a superconducting electron linac (p. 151) |
by Hanson, A O |
Development and testing of a prototype superconducting rf separator (p. 154) |
by Carne, A |
Development of the superconducting Helix for Heavy-ion acceleration (p. 159) |
by Aron, J |
Superconducting magnets (p. 164) |
by Thomas, D B |
The magnetic and termal stability of superconducting accelerator magnets (p. 170) |
by Sampson, W B |
Pulsed superconducting dipole magnets of the GESSS collaboration (p. 174) |
by Turowski, P |
Experimental superconducting accelerator ring (p. 179) |
by Avery, R |
Progress report on the NAL energy doubler design study (p. 184) |
by Edwards, D A |
Superconducting stretcher ring for the zero gradient synchrotron (p. 193) |
by Crosbie, E A |
8 Superconducting bending magnet in a primary proton beam (p. 198) |
by Allinger, J |
Prediction of radiation effects on accelerators using hadron cascade calculations (p. 204) |
by Ranft, J |
Research work on pulsed superconducting magnets for accelerators (p. 209) |
by Alexeev, V P |
Electron ring acceleration (p. 214) |
by Lambertson, Glen R |
Acceleration of electron rings and investigations on ion-electron instabilities in the Garching ERA Experiment (p. 218) |
by Andelfinger, C |
Energy spreading and energy loss due to negative mass instability in an electron ring experiment (p. 223) |
by Fink, J |
Observations on collective longitudinal instabilities in electron rings (p. 226) |
by Faltens, A |
Experimental and Theoretical studies of electron ring formation and ion loading in the Maryland ERA (p. 230) |
by Destler, W W |
The electron ring program at Lawrence Berkley Laboratory (p. 235) |
by Chupp, W W |
Compressor design for intense electron rings (p. 240) |
by Hauptman, J M |
Self-consistent equilibria of accelerated relativistic electron rings (p. 245) |
by Hofmann, I |
Report on the Era Research at Karlsruhe (p. 250) |
by Dustmann, C H |
Other Collective Methods (p. 254) |
by Kolomensky, A |
Particle acceleration by intense electron beams (p. 263) |
by Drickey, D |
Collective Ion acceleration in linear electron beams (p. 268) |
by Swain, D W |
two New collective acceleration schemes (p. 272) |
by Olson, C L |
Electron auto-acceleration (p. 278) |
by Briggs, R J |
The autoresonant accelerator concept (p. 283) |
by Sloan, M L |
The high energy polarized beam at the ZGS (p. 288) |
by Khoe, T K |
Intense beams of 100 to 500 MeV positrons (p. 295) |
by Aune, B |
Second harmonic RF acceleration on Nimrod (p. 297) |
by Sandels, E G |
Accelerating Waveguides for High-Energy Accelerators (p. 301) |
by Shalnov, A V |
Phase-free acceleration of charged particles by AC fields (p. 304) |
by Schott, W |
Polarized electron source for the Stanford linear accelerator (p. 309) |
by Alguard, M J |
ITEP experimental assembly for ERA collective method investigations (p. 314) |
by Chuvilo, I V |
Present performance of collective ion accelerator in JINR (p. 318) |
by Barabash, L S |
Maximizing productivity and employee morale in an era of tight budgets (p. 326) |
by Reich, K H |
Ad Hoc Discussion Session (p. 326) |
by Reich, Κ Η |
Collective effects on orbit dynamics (p. 327) |
by Mills, F E |
Transverse collective instability in the NAL 500-GeV accelerator (p. 329) |
by Stiening, R |
Transverse single particle instability in the NAL 500-GeV accelerator (p. 332) |
by Stiening, R |
Fast damping of transverse coherent dipole oscillations in SPEAR (p. 338) |
by Paterson, J M |
Head-tail type instabilities in the CERN PS and Booster (p. 344) |
by Gareyte, Jacques |
Transverse bunched beam instabilities - Theory (p. 347) |
by Sacherer, F J |
Some observations on bunch lengthening at SPEAR (p. 352) |
by Allen, M A |
Investigation and cures of longitudinal instabilities of bunched beams in the ISR (p. 359) |
by Bramham, Peter |
Control of the bunch lengthening phenomenon in electron storage rings (p. 365) |
by Rowe, E M |
The longitudinal feedback system in Adone (p. 370) |
by Renieri, A |
Fast beam-cavity interaction and its effect on bunch shape in storage rings (p. 375) |
by Papiernik, A |
Landau damping by non-linear space-charge forces and octupoles (p. 380) |
by Möhl, D |
The effect of the beam self-field on the transverse betatron oscillation frequency (p. 385) |
by Parzen, G |
Acceleration by phase displacement in the ISR (p. 390) |
by Henrichsen, K N |
Stochasticity (p. 394) |
by Jackson Laslett, L |
Beam loss in a coasting beam from a high order isolated resonance (p. 402) |
by Month, M |
Intra-beam-scattering (p. 405) |
by Piwinski, A |
Detailed Study of the beam-beam interaction at the Orsay storage ring (p. 410) |
by Bergher, M |
Non-linear beam-beam effect computer simulation (p. 414) |
by Renieri, A |
Two-dimensional resonance effects due to a localized bi-gaussian charge distribution (p. 419) |
by Ruggiero, A G |
Instabilities detected in Saturne (p. 424) |
by Faure, J |
Stochastic effects in longitudinal phase space (p. 429) |
by Gumowski, I |
Gamma-transition-jump scheme of the CPS (p. 434) |
by Hardt, Werner |
Dipole two-beam instability in circular beams with azimuthal non-uniformity (p. 439) |
by Zenkevich, P R |
The interaction of a long intensive electron bunch with a passive cavity (p. 444) |
by Voskresensky, G V |
Beam extraction (p. 447) |
by Edwards, H T |
Slow resonance extraction of two simultaneous beam without RF structure (p. 451) |
by Cho, Y |
Extraction for the main ring at NAL (p. 456) |
by Andrews, R A |
BNL fast shaving extraction system (p. 462) |
by Blumberg, L |
Simulation of simultaneous beam sharing between internal targets and slow ejection at the CPS (p. 467) |
by Bell, M |
Expected energy-spread in the extracted beam of Saturne II (p. 471) |
by Brück, H |
Injection and trapping of the beam at 800 MeV in the CPS (p. 475) |
by Boussard, Daniel |
The CERN PS booster: design expectation confronted with reality, two years after start-up (p. 480) |
by Reich, K H |
Computer Control of Accelerators. A Review Paper (p. 485) |
by Crowley-Milling, M C |
User's assessment of the computer controls system of the CERN PS Booster (p. 490) |
by Baribaud, Guy |
Use of a general-purpose time shared computer in accelerator control (p. 495) |
by Barton, M Q |
The operator interface of the 300-GeV accelerator (p. 499) |
by Beck, F |
The computer control system for the SPS (p. 503) |
by Hyman, J T |
The impact of computer control on the performance of the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (p. 508) |
by Wolstenholme, P |
Digital control of rectifier firing angles for the zero gradient synchrotron (ZGS) ring magnet Power supply (p. 511) |
by Knott, M J |
A control computer method for displaying amplitude and phase of ripple (p. 516) |
by Lewis, L G |
Initial experience with a multi-processor control system (p. 521) |
by Mallory, K B |
The CPS improvements 1965-1973 : An assessment(p. 524) |
Simultaneous steering of H and H beams at LAMPF (p. 529) |
by Crandall, K R |
Fusion reaction in colliding beams (p. 531) |
by Blewett, John Pauls |
Will negative hydrogen ion sources soon replace proton sources in high energy accelerators ? (p. 536) |
by Sluyters, T |
ISABELLE design study of intersecting storage accelerators (p. 537) |
by Hahn, H |
Design and status of EPIC (p. 548) |
by Bennett, J R J |
The proton-electron -positron project- PER (p. 557) |
by Smith, L |
The PEP electron-positron ring - PEP stage I (p. 564) |
by Rees, J R |
ISABELLE antiproton option (p. 572) |
by Baltay, C |
SLED : a method of doubling SLACâs energy(p. 576) |
by Farkas, Z D |
A preliminary design of tri-ring intersecting storage accelerators in Nippon , TRISTAN (p. 584) |
by Nishikawa, T |
The super-Adone electron-positron storage ring design (p. 588) |
by Amman, F |
Bunched Beam Intersecting storage accelerators for proton-proton collisions (p. 593) |
by Month, M |
Insertions for colliding-beam storage rings (p. 599) |
by Lee, W W |
Resonance crossing in a protron synchrotron, application to ISABELLE (p. 604) |
by Chasman, R |
Main Ring magnets system of KEK PS (p. 610) |
by Ando, A |
Saturne II : proposal of a renovated proton facility at Saclay(p. 615) |
by Brück, H |
The electron Pulse stretcher EROS (p. 618) |
by Heese, N R |
Preliminary design considerations for the stage I PEP Lattice (p. 622) |
by Helm, R H |
Design considerations for high energy electron-positron storage ring (p. 629) |
by Wiedemann, H |
High-Intensity storage rings for Meson factory (p. 633) |
by Batskikh, G I |
Trends of the development of strong current cyclic accelerators - meson factories (p. 638) |
by Dzhelepov, V P |
First beam tests with the 590 MeV ring cyclotron at SIN (p. 643) |
by Blaser, J P |
Basic design considerations ion an electron beam stretcher (p. 648) |
by Herminghaus, H |
The next step: accelerators vs storage rings (p. 650) |
by Lederman, Leon Max |
Perspectives on colliding beams (p. 660) |
by Keil, Eberhard |
Synchrotron radiation sources (p. 671) |
by Kapitza, Sergei P |
Astrophysics and Elementary particle Physics (p. 675) |
by Rufini, R |
A 2 GeV 1A electron storage ring dedicated to the production of synchrotron radiation (p. 680) |
by Thompson, D J |
The Stanford synchrotron radiation project (SSRP) (p. 685) |
by Winick, Herman |
the conversion of the NBS 180-MeV electron Synchrotron to a 240-MeV electron storage ring for synchrotron radiation research (p. 689) |
by Rowe, EM |