CERN Accelerating science

Report number SLAC-REPRINT-1974-004 ; CONF-74-0522
Conference title 9th International Conference on High-energy Accelerators
Related conference title(s) HEACC 1974
Date(s), location 2 - 7 May 1974, SLAC, Stanford, CA, USA
Corporate author(s) Collective
Imprint Washington, DC : A.E.C., 1975 - 790 p.
Note Appendix : Catalogue of high energy accelerators, p.703-766
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Free keywords catalogues

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C74-05-02
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

â€ワThe IHEP 76-GeV Proton Synchrotron” (p. 1)
by Ado, Yu M
â€ワThe NAL Accelerator and Future Plans” (p. 7)
by Readon, P J
Progress on the 300 GeV Programme (p. 19)
by Billinge, Roy
â€ワThe Japanese 12-GeV Accelerator” (p. 23)
by Nishikawa, T
Present Status and Future Plans for the ISR (p. 32)
by Johnsen, Kjell
Spear: Status and Improvement Program (p. 37)
by Allen, M
DORIS, Present Status and Future Plans (p. 43)
by Le Duff, J
Design and status of DCI (p. 49)
by Martin, P
Non-destructive diagnostics of coasting beams with schottky noise (p. 53)
by Borer, J
Beams Loading in High-Energy Storage Rings (p. 57)
by Wilson, P B
A search for a beam-beam effect in the ISR (p. 63)
by Hübner, K
Beam-Beam Coupling in SPEAR (p. 66)
by Helm, R H
Vacuum conditions for Proton Storage Rings (p. 74)
by Calder, R
Influence of the Split Field Magnet spectrometer on the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (p. 75)
by Bryant, P J
Dynamic compensation during stacking of the de-tuning caused by space charge effects (p. 80)
by Bryant, P J
Tune Shift Computation for Storage Rings with Low-Beta Sections (p. 83)
by Buon, Jean
Experimental investigation of single-beam and beam-beam space charge effects (p. 87)
by Bryant, P J
RF Systems for High-Energy e e Storage Rings (p. 92)
by Allen, A
Beam Dynamics Experiments at SPEAR (p. 97)
by Sabersky, A P
Beam enlargement by mismatching the energy-dispersion function (p. 100)
by Helm, R M
Adone, present status and experiments (p. 104)
by Bassetti, M
Resonant methods for beam size control in storage rings (p. 108)
by Bassetti, M
Direct Measurements on the Beam-beam Interaction at SPEAR (p. 113)
by Sabersky, A P
RF Superconductivity (p. 115)
by Kuntze, M
Progress report on the Stanford superconducting recyclotron (p. 123)
by MsAshan, M S
Application of superconducting RF accelerating sections to an electron (p. 128)
by Sudelin, R M
Measurements on the first 20-Cell deflector sections for a superconducting RF separator (p. 133)
by Bauer, W
Breakdown Fields in a superconducting Niobium cavity at S-Band (p. 140)
by Kneisel, P
On the preparation and a Thermal breakdown mechanism of superconducting Niobum X-Band cavities with high magnetic flux densities (p. 143)
by Hillenbrand, B
A 6-pass microton using a superconducting electron linac (p. 151)
by Hanson, A O
Development and testing of a prototype superconducting rf separator (p. 154)
by Carne, A
Development of the superconducting Helix for Heavy-ion acceleration (p. 159)
by Aron, J
Superconducting magnets (p. 164)
by Thomas, D B
The magnetic and termal stability of superconducting accelerator magnets (p. 170)
by Sampson, W B
Pulsed superconducting dipole magnets of the GESSS collaboration (p. 174)
by Turowski, P
Experimental superconducting accelerator ring (p. 179)
by Avery, R
Progress report on the NAL energy doubler design study (p. 184)
by Edwards, D A
Superconducting stretcher ring for the zero gradient synchrotron (p. 193)
by Crosbie, E A
8 Superconducting bending magnet in a primary proton beam (p. 198)
by Allinger, J
Prediction of radiation effects on accelerators using hadron cascade calculations (p. 204)
by Ranft, J
Research work on pulsed superconducting magnets for accelerators (p. 209)
by Alexeev, V P
Electron ring acceleration (p. 214)
by Lambertson, Glen R
Acceleration of electron rings and investigations on ion-electron instabilities in the Garching ERA Experiment (p. 218)
by Andelfinger, C
Energy spreading and energy loss due to negative mass instability in an electron ring experiment (p. 223)
by Fink, J
Observations on collective longitudinal instabilities in electron rings (p. 226)
by Faltens, A
Experimental and Theoretical studies of electron ring formation and ion loading in the Maryland ERA (p. 230)
by Destler, W W
The electron ring program at Lawrence Berkley Laboratory (p. 235)
by Chupp, W W
Compressor design for intense electron rings (p. 240)
by Hauptman, J M
Self-consistent equilibria of accelerated relativistic electron rings (p. 245)
by Hofmann, I
Report on the Era Research at Karlsruhe (p. 250)
by Dustmann, C H
Other Collective Methods (p. 254)
by Kolomensky, A
Particle acceleration by intense electron beams (p. 263)
by Drickey, D
Collective Ion acceleration in linear electron beams (p. 268)
by Swain, D W
two New collective acceleration schemes (p. 272)
by Olson, C L
Electron auto-acceleration (p. 278)
by Briggs, R J
The autoresonant accelerator concept (p. 283)
by Sloan, M L
The high energy polarized beam at the ZGS (p. 288)
by Khoe, T K
Intense beams of 100 to 500 MeV positrons (p. 295)
by Aune, B
Second harmonic RF acceleration on Nimrod (p. 297)
by Sandels, E G
Accelerating Waveguides for High-Energy Accelerators (p. 301)
by Shalnov, A V
Phase-free acceleration of charged particles by AC fields (p. 304)
by Schott, W
Polarized electron source for the Stanford linear accelerator (p. 309)
by Alguard, M J
ITEP experimental assembly for ERA collective method investigations (p. 314)
by Chuvilo, I V
Present performance of collective ion accelerator in JINR (p. 318)
by Barabash, L S
Maximizing productivity and employee morale in an era of tight budgets (p. 326)
by Reich, K H
Ad Hoc Discussion Session (p. 326)
by Reich, Κ Η
Collective effects on orbit dynamics (p. 327)
by Mills, F E
Transverse collective instability in the NAL 500-GeV accelerator (p. 329)
by Stiening, R
Transverse single particle instability in the NAL 500-GeV accelerator (p. 332)
by Stiening, R
Fast damping of transverse coherent dipole oscillations in SPEAR (p. 338)
by Paterson, J M
Head-tail type instabilities in the CERN PS and Booster (p. 344)
by Gareyte, Jacques
Transverse bunched beam instabilities - Theory (p. 347)
by Sacherer, F J
Some observations on bunch lengthening at SPEAR (p. 352)
by Allen, M A
Investigation and cures of longitudinal instabilities of bunched beams in the ISR (p. 359)
by Bramham, Peter
Control of the bunch lengthening phenomenon in electron storage rings (p. 365)
by Rowe, E M
The longitudinal feedback system in Adone (p. 370)
by Renieri, A
Fast beam-cavity interaction and its effect on bunch shape in storage rings (p. 375)
by Papiernik, A
Landau damping by non-linear space-charge forces and octupoles (p. 380)
by Möhl, D
The effect of the beam self-field on the transverse betatron oscillation frequency (p. 385)
by Parzen, G
Acceleration by phase displacement in the ISR (p. 390)
by Henrichsen, K N
Stochasticity (p. 394)
by Jackson Laslett, L
Beam loss in a coasting beam from a high order isolated resonance (p. 402)
by Month, M
Intra-beam-scattering (p. 405)
by Piwinski, A
Detailed Study of the beam-beam interaction at the Orsay storage ring (p. 410)
by Bergher, M
Non-linear beam-beam effect computer simulation (p. 414)
by Renieri, A
Two-dimensional resonance effects due to a localized bi-gaussian charge distribution (p. 419)
by Ruggiero, A G
Instabilities detected in Saturne (p. 424)
by Faure, J
Stochastic effects in longitudinal phase space (p. 429)
by Gumowski, I
Gamma-transition-jump scheme of the CPS (p. 434)
by Hardt, Werner
Dipole two-beam instability in circular beams with azimuthal non-uniformity (p. 439)
by Zenkevich, P R
The interaction of a long intensive electron bunch with a passive cavity (p. 444)
by Voskresensky, G V
Beam extraction (p. 447)
by Edwards, H T
Slow resonance extraction of two simultaneous beam without RF structure (p. 451)
by Cho, Y
Extraction for the main ring at NAL (p. 456)
by Andrews, R A
BNL fast shaving extraction system (p. 462)
by Blumberg, L
Simulation of simultaneous beam sharing between internal targets and slow ejection at the CPS (p. 467)
by Bell, M
Expected energy-spread in the extracted beam of Saturne II (p. 471)
by Brück, H
Injection and trapping of the beam at 800 MeV in the CPS (p. 475)
by Boussard, Daniel
The CERN PS booster: design expectation confronted with reality, two years after start-up (p. 480)
by Reich, K H
Computer Control of Accelerators. A Review Paper (p. 485)
by Crowley-Milling, M C
User's assessment of the computer controls system of the CERN PS Booster (p. 490)
by Baribaud, Guy
Use of a general-purpose time shared computer in accelerator control (p. 495)
by Barton, M Q
The operator interface of the 300-GeV accelerator (p. 499)
by Beck, F
The computer control system for the SPS (p. 503)
by Hyman, J T
The impact of computer control on the performance of the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (p. 508)
by Wolstenholme, P
Digital control of rectifier firing angles for the zero gradient synchrotron (ZGS) ring magnet Power supply (p. 511)
by Knott, M J
A control computer method for displaying amplitude and phase of ripple (p. 516)
by Lewis, L G
Initial experience with a multi-processor control system (p. 521)
by Mallory, K B
The CPS improvements 1965-1973 : An assessment(p. 524)
Simultaneous steering of H and H beams at LAMPF (p. 529)
by Crandall, K R
Fusion reaction in colliding beams (p. 531)
by Blewett, John Pauls
Will negative hydrogen ion sources soon replace proton sources in high energy accelerators ? (p. 536)
by Sluyters, T
ISABELLE design study of intersecting storage accelerators (p. 537)
by Hahn, H
Design and status of EPIC (p. 548)
by Bennett, J R J
The proton-electron -positron project- PER (p. 557)
by Smith, L
The PEP electron-positron ring - PEP stage I (p. 564)
by Rees, J R
ISABELLE antiproton option (p. 572)
by Baltay, C
SLED : a method of doubling SLAC’s energy(p. 576)
by Farkas, Z D
A preliminary design of tri-ring intersecting storage accelerators in Nippon , TRISTAN (p. 584)
by Nishikawa, T
The super-Adone electron-positron storage ring design (p. 588)
by Amman, F
Bunched Beam Intersecting storage accelerators for proton-proton collisions (p. 593)
by Month, M
Insertions for colliding-beam storage rings (p. 599)
by Lee, W W
Resonance crossing in a protron synchrotron, application to ISABELLE (p. 604)
by Chasman, R
Main Ring magnets system of KEK PS (p. 610)
by Ando, A
Saturne II : proposal of a renovated proton facility at Saclay(p. 615)
by Brück, H
The electron Pulse stretcher EROS (p. 618)
by Heese, N R
Preliminary design considerations for the stage I PEP Lattice (p. 622)
by Helm, R H
Design considerations for high energy electron-positron storage ring (p. 629)
by Wiedemann, H
High-Intensity storage rings for Meson factory (p. 633)
by Batskikh, G I
Trends of the development of strong current cyclic accelerators - meson factories (p. 638)
by Dzhelepov, V P
First beam tests with the 590 MeV ring cyclotron at SIN (p. 643)
by Blaser, J P
Basic design considerations ion an electron beam stretcher (p. 648)
by Herminghaus, H
The next step: accelerators vs storage rings (p. 650)
by Lederman, Leon Max
Perspectives on colliding beams (p. 660)
by Keil, Eberhard
Synchrotron radiation sources (p. 671)
by Kapitza, Sergei P
Astrophysics and Elementary particle Physics (p. 675)
by Rufini, R
A 2 GeV 1A electron storage ring dedicated to the production of synchrotron radiation (p. 680)
by Thompson, D J
The Stanford synchrotron radiation project (SSRP) (p. 685)
by Winick, Herman
the conversion of the NBS 180-MeV electron Synchrotron to a 240-MeV electron storage ring for synchrotron radiation research (p. 689)
by Rowe, EM

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