CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 5th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference
Related conference title(s) National Particle Accelerator Conference
PAC '73
Date(s), location 5 - 7 Mar 1973, San Francisco, CA, USA
Editor(s) Dupen, Douglas W (ed.)
Imprint 1973
In: IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 20 (1973)
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings

Contributions in Inspire: C73-03-05
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

A Tribute to Nicholas C. Christofilos (p. 35)
by Fowler, T K
Impact of Accelerators on Technology (p. 36)
by Morgan, I L
Support of Research on and with Accelerators (p. 40)
by Wallenmeyer, W A
Progress on RF Electron Superconducting Accelerators (p. 44)
by Suelzle, L R
Progress Report on Superconducting Proton Linacs (p. 49)
by Kuntze, M
Electron Multiplication in Cavities (p. 54)
by Ben-Zvi, I
RF-tests on deflecting cavities for a superconducting particle separator (p. 59)
by Bauer, W
Investigations of a Superconducting Beam Tube Niobium Cavity at S-Band (p. 63)
by Kneisel, P
Superconducting Niobium Cavities Prepared by Electropolishing and Anodizing (p. 68)
by Diepers, H
Vibration-RF Control of Superconducting Helix Resonators for Heavy-Ion Acceleration (p. 71)
by Despe, O D
Development and Operation of a Prototype Superconducting Linac for Heavy-Ion Acceleration (p. 76)
by Aron, J
Experience in Recirculating Electrons through a Superconducting Linac (p. 81)
by Young, L M
Beam Breakup in a 55-Cell Superconducting Accelerator Structure (p. 86)
by Mittag, K
The Bevatron Cryopump (p. 91)
by Byrns, R A
Superconducting Niobium Deflectors (p. 95)
by Aggus, J R
3 GHz Superconducting Accelerator Cavity for Use in an Electron Synchrotron (p. 98)
by Sundelin, R
Electron Loading in L- and S- Band Superconducting Niobium Cavities (p. 101)
by Lyneis, C
Recent Measurements at SLAC on Superconducting Niobium X-Band Cavities (p. 104)
by Wilson, P B
Investigations of Additional Losses in Superconducting Niobium Cavities due to Frozen-in Flux (p. 108)
by Piosczyk, B
Resonant Frequency Control of Superconducter RF Cavities (p. 113)
by Peebles, Peyton Z
Superconducting Accelerator Magnet Cooling Systems (p. 119)
by Van der Arend, P
Quick Approximations for the HE 3 Points of State (p. 122)
by Hall, F F
Large Rectangular Vacuum Windows (p. 125)
by Walter, J E
Rapid Cycling Valve for 30-HZ Pulsed H - Ion Source (p. 127)
by Gorka, A J
Pressure Differential Gate Valve (p. 130)
by Moenich, J S
Titanium Vacuum Chamber Liners in the Cornell Electron Synchrotron (p. 131)
by Kirchgessner, J L
Dielectric-Lined Circular Deflectors for Ultrahigh-Energy Beam Separators (p. 133)
by Chang, C T M
Some Advances in Negative Ion Technology (p. 136)
by Purser, K H
Design and Operating Characteristics of the Developmental H- Ion Source for 30-HZ Injection into the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) Booster (p. 142)
by Fasolo, J A
Cyclotron Internal Ion Source with DC Extraction (p. 147)
by Mallory, M L
Progress with the SuperHILAC (p. 151)
by Ghiorso, A
The Bevalac--An Economical Facility for Very Energetic Heavy Particle Research (p. 155)
by Ghiorso, A
Proposed Accelerator for Heavy Ions (p. 159)
by Stokes, R H
A National Nuclear Structure Facility for Britain (p. 163)
by Tait, N R S
A Multi-Accelerator System for Heavy Ions (p. 168)
by Hudson, E D
Energy Multiplication by Beam Recycling in an Isochronous Cyclotron (p. 173)
by Hudson, E D
First Phase of Heavy Ion Acceleration at the Bevatron (p. 178)
by Crebbin, K C
Production of Intense Proton Beams (p. 182)
by Hanley, P R
Design and Measured Characteristics of Minimum Loss Low-Velocity Helix Resonators (p. 185)
by Bendt, P J
RF Losses in Helical Resonators (p. 188)
by Laslett, L J
Operating Results from NAL (p. 191)
by Young, D E
Operating Results from the ANL Booster (p. 198)
by Simpson, J D
Present Status of the 590 MeV Ring Cyclotron of SIN (p. 202)
by Willax, H A
Problems and Possible Solutions for the TRIUMF Project (p. 207)
by Richardson, J R
Pulsed Beam Capabilities of the Livermore Cyclograaff (p. 213)
by Davis, J C
Acceleration of Polarized Protons in the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 217)
by Ratner, L G
Present performance of the CERN 800 MeV PS booster (PSB) (p. 221)
by Bovet, Claude
Performance Report on the Post Conversion AGS (p. 226)
by Barton, M
Recent Progress in the Performance of the Desy-Electron Synchrotron (p. 231)
by Kumpfert, H
224 CM Variable Energy Cyclotron at Calcutta (p. 236)
by Ambasankaran, C
Main Accelerator Abort System (p. 240)
by Carrigan, R
Construction Details of the TRIUMF H - Cyclotron (p. 243)
by Burgerjon, J J
Experimental Results from the TRIUMF Central Region Cyclotron (p. 248)
by Blackmore, E W
LBL 184-Inch Synchrocyclotron Operational Improvements (p. 250)
by Glasgow, L R
The Program Used to Retune the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) after the Installation of a New Vacuum Chamber and Pole Face Windings (p. 253)
by Kustom, R L
The S.I.N. Injector Cyclotron (p. 257)
by Baan, A
A Variable Energy Racetrack Microtron (p. 260)
by Froelich, H R
The Status Report of the LNPI 1 GeV Synchrocyclotron (p. 263)
by Chernov, N N
Some Effects at High Intensities at the 76-GeV Proton Synchrotron (p. 266)
by Ado, Yu M
Use of USSR Proton Accelerators for Medical Purposes (p. 268)
by Dzhelepov, V P
Current Understanding of ERA (p. 271)
by Laslett, L J
The New Garching Fast ERA Experiment (p. 276)
by Andelfinger, C
ERA Research in Japan (p. 280)
by Kawasaki, S
Recent Experiments on ERA in Karlsruhe (p. 283)
by Dustmann, C H
Production and Dynamics of High Intensity Electron Beams (p. 286)
by Brautti, G
The Hydra Electron Beam Generator (p. 289)
by Martin, T H
Aurora, an Electron Accelerator (p. 294)
by Bernstein, B
Further Studies of Collective Acceleration of Positive Particles Using Intense Electron Beams (p. 301)
by Ecker, B
Ion Acceleration in Electron Beams (p. 305)
by Kuswa, G W
Status Report on the University of Maryland Electron Ring Accelerator Project (p. 310)
by Reiser, M
The Problem of Coupling a 120-MHz RF Cavity to a 700-A, 6-MeV Pulsed Electron Beam (p. 315)
by Cooper, R K
Self Fields and Particle Oscillation Frequencies in a Rotating Electron Sheet Beam Loaded with Positive Ions (p. 318)
by Reiser, M
Injector for Maryland E R A Project: Design Features and Initial Performance (p. 321)
by Burton, J K
Stopping of an Electron Ring by Induced Image Currents in Resistive Wire Loops (p. 324)
by Kalnins, J G
Envelope Instabilities in Relativistic Electron Rings (p. 327)
by Le Vine, D M
Negative Mass Instability in Hollow Cylinders (p. 330)
by Le Vine, D M
Generation and Diagnosis of TW/cm 2 Electron Beams (p. 333)
by Pellinen, D G
Collective Acceleration of Intense Ion Beams in Vacuum (p. 336)
by Luce, J S
Multiturn Injection into the Converted AGS (p. 342)
by Claus, J
A Device for Bunching Relativistic Electrons (p. 347)
by Beal, J W
Synchronous Transfer of Beam from the NAL Fast Cycling Booster Synchrotron to the NAL Main Ring System (p. 351)
by Dinkel, J A
Power Supply for NAL Main Ring System (p. 355)
by Cassel, R
Design Fundamentals of Current Transductors for Large DC Currents (p. 360)
by Jackson, L T
An All Solid-State Line-Type Modulator for 10% Duty Factor (p. 365)
by Bruinsma, P J T
Klystrons for Accelerator Improvements (p. 369)
by Stringall, R L
Operation of the Spear RF System (p. 373)
by Allen, M A
Twin-Tank Accelerator for High-Voltage Electron Microscopy (HVEM) (p. 378)
by Reinhold, G
University of Rochester Tandem Upgrading (p. 383)
by Purser, K H
A Fast-Spinning Stripper Mod II for the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) Booster (p. 387)
by Gorka, A J
Resonance Injection in the Superconducting Stretcher Ring (p. 392)
by Khoe, T K
Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) High Energy Polarized Proton Beam Program-Injector System (p. 395)
by Parker, E F
Pole Face Winding (PFW) Equipment for Eddy Current Correction at the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 397)
by Suddeth, D E
An R.F. Modulated Electron Gun for NINA Injection Equipment (p. 399)
by Poole, D E
New Methods for Multiturn Injection into Synchrotrons (p. 401)
by Meads, P F
Beam Terminology (p. 403)
by Fink, J H
A Pulsed Ferrite Inflector for the Emittance Measuring Device of the Chalk River High Current Test Facility (p. 405)
by Pachner, J
Electrical Design of a Small Solid State Energy Discharge Power Supply (p. 407)
by Visser, A T
The NAL Booster Synchrotron Magnet Power Supply Servo (p. 409)
by Donaldson, A R
Performance of Transductors for Precision High-Current Measurement and Control (p. 411)
by Fuja, R E
NAL Quadrupole Power Supply Active Filter (p. 414)
by Yarema, R J
A New RF System for the ORIC (p. 416)
by Mosko, S W
A 2nd RF System for Nimrod (p. 418)
by Sandels, E G
Two Megawatts RF Power Tetrode (p. 422)
by McNees, S G
Half-Integer Resonance Extraction for the NAL Accelerator (p. 424)
by Edwards, H T
The NAL Beam Splitting System (p. 428)
by Oleksiuk, L W
Simultaneous Resonance Extraction (p. 434)
by Crosbie, E A
The fast shaving ejection for beam transfer from the CPS to the CERN 300 GeV machine (p. 438)
by Bovet, Claude
A New Approach to the Transport of Heavy Charged Particles (p. 442)
by Youssef, E A
Production of a High Energy, High Power Polarized Photon Beam at SLAC (p. 447)
by Eisele, R L
SLAC Storage Ring Beam Transport Instrumentation and Operation (p. 451)
by Huang, T V
High Intensity Stopped K-Meson Beam at the Bevatron (p. 455)
by Sah, R C
New Approach to Shielding Calculations for Very High Energy Accelerators (p. 459)
by Van Ginneken, A
Preliminary Observations on the Response of Accelerator Shielding Blocks to Earthquake Motions (p. 462)
by Godden, W G
Tests and Description of Beam Containment Devices and Instrumentation-A New Dimension in Safety Problems (p. 465)
by Walz, D
Rotating Target for Intense 14-MeV Neutron Source (p. 472)
by Booth, R
Density Profiles of a Supersonic Jet Target (p. 475)
by Brolley, J E
Space Charge Effects in High Current Linear Accelerator Transport Systems (p. 478)
by Mavrogenes, G
Beam Handling System of the University of Maryland Cyclotron (p. 481)
by Berg, R E
A.300 GeV High Quality Electron and Pion Beam at the New Generation Proton Accelerators (p. 483)
by Guiragossian, Z G T
Problems in Design and Operation of SuperHILAC Beam Transport Systems (p. 488)
by Selph, F B
Mechanical Design of a Delay Line for the Astron Linear Accelerator Beam Transport (p. 491)
by Hurley, C A
Minimization of Aberrations in Beam Line Design (p. 493)
by Carey, D C
Tuning and Operation of the External Proton Beam Lines of the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 496)
by Wehrle, R B
Radiation Survey Vehicle for the NAL Main Ring (p. 499)
by Shafer, R E
Operation of the NAL Main Ring Extraction System (p. 502)
by Bleser, E J
The NAL Computer Control System (p. 505)
by Daniels, R E
Operational Aspects of the SLAC Main Control Center (p. 510)
by Crook, K
CAMAC Experimental Beam Line Control System (p. 514)
by Hepinstall, L J
A New Diagnostic System for Studying the Injector and Injection at the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 518)
by Kustom, R L
The beam diagnostic system, serving the Serpukhov fast ejection (p. 523)
by Cupérus, J
The beam diagnostics system, serving the Serpukhov fast ejection (p. 523)
by Cupérus, J
Computer Programs for AGS Injection (p. 528)
by Brown, H N
A Compact Programmable Control Panel for Computer Control Systems (p. 531)
by Hartway, B L
Intercomputer Communications in Real Time Control Systems (p. 536)
by Smith, S R
Some Effects of (Now Having) Computer Control for the Stanford Linear Accelerator (p. 541)
by Mallory, K B
Detection of Optical Transition Radiation and Its Application to Beam Diagnostics (p. 544)
by Wartski, L
Measurement of Bunch-Length by a Mode-Locked Laser with a Time Resolution of 10 Picoseconds (p. 549)
by Fischer, R
A Modular Control System Utilizing CAMAC Hardware for Interfacing Remote Components at NAL (p. 552)
by De Luca, W
Plotting of Beam Variation with Q Value on the 5 GeV Electron Syhnchrotron NINA (p. 555)
by Marks, N
The Chromonitor, A Colorful Dynamic Graphic Display Terminal (p. 558)
by Lothrop, F H G
Advancements in Control Technology at the Bevatron (p. 561)
by Evans, D M
Q measurement with swept RC filter for automatic data acquisition and display (p. 564)
by Potier, J P
A Precision Non-Linear Analog Transfer Function Generator (p. 567)
by Tool, G S
Booster and Main Accelerator Phase Detector System for Cavity Tuning (p. 570)
by Higgins, E F
Beam Monitoring in the Extraction Region of the Nevis Synchrocyclotron (p. 573)
by Aslanides, E
Controls for Operating and Processing the MIT-LNS Linac (p. 576)
by Weaver, J N
Automatic Control Program for SPEAR (p. 580)
by Boyarski, A M
Computer-Based Visualization and Manipulation of Orbit Warps in the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 584)
by Knott, M J
Orthogonal Automatic Steering into the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) Using Achromatic Magnets (p. 587)
by Timm, R E
A Magnetic Beam Position Monitor (p. 590)
by Claus, J
RF Phase Control System (p. 593)
by Sundelin, R
A System for Monitoring Proton Losses from the NAL Main Accelerator (p. 596)
by Lundy, R A
A Fast RF Structure Monitor (p. 599)
by De Ball, L M
Air-Filled Ion Chamber Beam Loss Monitors for the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 602)
by Suddeth, D E
Derived Radial Position and Width Signals from a TV Beam Viewer (p. 605)
by Suddeth, D E
Beam Phase Lock Using Amplitude Limited Pulse Comparison for the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 608)
by Suddeth, D E
A Fast Technique of Measuring Equilibrium Orbit Warps in the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) at Injection (p. 610)
by Bogaty, J M
Control of Ion Sources for the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 613)
by Timm, R E
I.U. Accelerator Control System Digital Multiplexer (p. 616)
by Zinneman, T E
Computer Control of the Oak Ridge Isochronous Cyclotron (p. 618)
by Ludemann, C A
Application of Crossbar Relays to the Control of a Buncher Ring (p. 621)
by Gagnon, W
Position and Intensity Monitoring System for the SPEAR Transport System at SLAC (p. 624)
by Chang, A K
CAMAC Crate Controller for a Serial Control System (p. 631)
by Barsotti, E J
The Central Control Room Man-Machine Interface at the Clinton P. Anderson Meson Physics Facility (LAMPF) (p. 633)
by Hartway, B L
Experience with Touch Panel Control at SLAC (p. 636)
by Struven, W
Monitoring the Beams in SPEAR with Synchrotron Light (p. 638)
by Sabersky, A P
Computer Control of Brookhaven 200 MeV Linac (p. 642)
by Weitman, I
Thin Film Mapping of Electron Accelerators (p. 645)
by Little, R G
The Satellite Minicomputer--A Practical Solution to Accelerator Control (p. 648)
by Machen, D R
Digital Filter Design for Accelerator Data and Control Systems (p. 650)
by Machen, D R
PRIMET: A Versatile Accelerator Timing System (p. 653)
by Swoboda, C A
The orbit measurement system of the CERN 800 MeV PS booster (p. 656)
by Rabany, Michel
The 800 MeV measurement line of the CERN PS booster (p. 659)
by Baribaud, Guy
High Energy Low Intensity Beam Profile Monitor (p. 662)
by Chehab, R
A Wide Band Current Monitor Based on Pulsed Transformer Techniques (p. 665)
by Sutter, D F
Summary of International Progress on Superconducting Magnets (p. 668)
by Gilbert, W S
The Argonne Superconducting Magnet for Polarized Proton Targets (p. 675)
by Bywater, J
Studies of Performance and Field Reproducibility of a Precision 40 KG Superconducting Dipole Magnet (p. 678)
by Allinger, J
Superconducting Beam-Transport Magnets for the Bevatron (p. 683)
by Gilbert, W S
Superconducting Magnet Models for ISABELLE (p. 688)
by Dahl, P F
Results of Physical Tests on Polymer Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures (p. 693)
by Van de Voorde, M
Results of physical tests on polymer materials at cryogenic temperatures (p. 693)
by Van de Voorde, M H
High Field Pulsed Magnets for a Bubble Chamber Beam (p. 698)
by Elliott, R T
The Computation of Poleface Winding Systems Yielding Independent Multipole Fields within the Aperture of Notably Alternating Gradient Synchrotron Magnets (p. 703)
by Asner, Alfred M
Radiation Resistant Magnet Coils from Hard Anodized Aluminum Conductor (p. 708)
by Holland, M M
Design of Sextupole Magnet for 200 GeV Line (p. 713)
by Satti, J A
Modification of LINDA to Treat the Grain Orientation Effect (p. 716)
by Endo, K
Septum Magnets for Secondary Beams at NAL (p. 719)
by Carrigan, R
Calculations on high field magnets with iron yokes and rectangular coils (p. 723)
by Umstätter, H H
Design of Dipole Magnet with Circular Iron Shield (p. 726)
by Lee, W W
Zero Gradient Synchrotron Coil Failures in 1970-71 Analysis and Subsequent Remedial Action (p. 729)
by Martin, J H
Improvements in the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) Main Magnet Coil Protection (p. 731)
by Suddeth, D E
Main Magnet Coil Diagnostic Tests at the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 734)
by Suddeth, D E
A Pulsed Beam Shutter for Radio-Frequency Separated Beams at the ZGS (p. 737)
by Praeg, W F
Multiparticle Spectrometer Magnet (MPS) (p. 740)
by Halik, E E
Resistive Measurements on an Improved Nb-A1-Ge Superconducting Ribbon (p. 742)
by Eagar, T W
Preliminary Modeling and Testing of Ramped Superconducting Dipoles for the NAL Doubler (p. 744)
by Reardon, P J
Operating results from ISR (p. 747)
by Schnell, Wolfgang
Operating Results from SPEAR (p. 752)
by Richter, Burton
Storage Ring Program in Novosibirsk (p. 756)
by Skrinsky, A N
Beam induced gas desorption in the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (p. 760)
by Gröbner, Oswald
Dependence of Phase Instabilities on Bunch Length at the CEA (p. 765)
by Averill, R
Beam Dynamics on ACO (p. 768)
The Creation of Small Interaction Diamonds in the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR) (p. 773)
by Bryant, P J
Isabelle e-p Option (p. 777)
by Chasman, R
The proposed DESY proton-electron colliding beam experiment (p. 782)
by Febel, A
PEP Lattice Design (p. 786)
by Bangerter, R
A Method of Analyzing the Momentum and Betatron Amplitude Distributions in a Circulating Beam (p. 790)
by Peterson, J M
Experimental Insertions for the ISA (p. 793)
by Chasman, R
Measurements of stacking efficiency in the CERN intersecting storage rings (ISR) (p. 796)
by De Jonge, M J
Improvement in luminosity, background and chamber protection with beam scrapers in the ISR (p. 799)
by Bryant, P
Measurement and Compensation of Space Charge Induced Q-Shifts in the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR) (p. 802)
by Autin, Bruno
Extension of the CERN ISR energy by acceleration of stacked beams (p. 805)
by Hansen, S
Transverse feedback for the ISR (p. 807)
by Thorndahl, L
The use of the ISR for experiments (p. 809)
by Couchman, B
Performance of the CEA as an e+e- Storage Ring (p. 813)
by Averill, R
Injection into the ISA (p. 816)
by Blewett, John Pauls
Controlling Nonlinear Resonances in Superconducting Storage Accelerators (p. 819)
by Parzen, G
Limitation in Short Bunches Production within Electron Storage Rings (p. 822)
by Brück, H
A longitudinal stability criterion for bunched beams (p. 825)
by Sacherer, F J
Experimental investigation of the coherent longitudinal instability of relativistic particle beams (p. 830)
by Zotter, Bruno W
Noise in Proton Accelerators (p. 833)
by Hartwig, E
Measurements on Beam-Beam Interaction at SPEAR (p. 838)
by Wiedemann, H
Stochasticity Limit and Turbulent Motion of Phase-Space Fluid (p. 843)
by Teng, L C
Beam Dynamics in the Presence of Ions and Electrons (p. 847)
by Zotter, Bruno W
Discussion of Beam Dynamics in the Presence of Ions and Electrons (p. 849)
by Amman, F
The 'Head-Tail' Instability (p. 850)
by Paterson, J M
Discussion: The 'Head-Tail' Instability (p. 851)
by Amman, F
Effect of RF Noise on Stored Beams (p. 852)
by Courant, E D
Discussion: Effect of RF Noise on Beam (p. 853)
by Amman, F
High-Intensity Effects in the Longitudinal Motion of Stored Particle Beams (p. 854)
by Sessler, Andrew M
Discussion: High-Intensity Effects in the Longitudinal Motion of Stored Particle Beams (p. 857)
by Rees, J R
Beam-Beam Limits (p. 858)
by Amman, F
Discussion: Beam-Beam Limits (p. 860)
by Amman, F
Artificial Beam Enlargement (p. 862)
by Morton, P L
Correction of Intensity-Dependent Beam Loss in the NAL Booster Synchrotron (p. 863)
by Hubbard, E L
Neutralization of nunched proton beams (p. 866)
by Schönauer, H O
A Pulsed Quadrupole System for Preventing Depolarization (p. 869)
by Bywater, J
Closed Orbit Correction in the AGS (p. 872)
by Herrera, J C
Parameter Study of the "Invisible" Long Straight Section for Synchrotrons (p. 875)
by Meads, P F
Bunching of intense proton beams with six-dimensional matching to the linac acceptance (p. 877)
by Weiss, M
Space charge effects in the vertical plane during injection in a synchrocyclotron (p. 880)
by Thouroude, D
Normal Oscillating Modes of a One-Dimensional Maxwellian Beam in the Linear Space Charge Approximation (p. 882)
by Besnier, G
Parametrization of Linear Coupled Motion in Periodic Systems (p. 885)
by Edwards, D A
Effect of Random Fluctuations on Synchrotron Phase Motion (p. 889)
by Snowdon, S C
Correcting Closed-Orbit Distortion in the NAL Main Ring (p. 892)
by MacLachlan, J A
Prebunching with Space Charge (p. 895)
by Olcese, J J
Closed Orbit Correctiion in SPEAR (p. 898)
by King, A S
Evaluation of Synchrotron Radiation Integrals (p. 900)
by Helm, R H
General Design Equations for Isochronous Cyclotrons (p. 902)
by Jain, A
Operating Results on the 800-MeV Proton Linac at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (p. 905)
by Hagerman, D C
The SLAC Recirculating Linear Accelerator (p. 910)
by Herrmannsfeldt, W B
Initial Operation of the MIT Electron Linear Accelerator (p. 914)
by Haimson, J
Subnanosecond High-Intensity Beam Pulse (p. 919)
by Mavrogenes, G
The 50-MeV Bevatron Injection Linac (p. 923)
by Brodzik, D
Operation of a High Gradient Recirculating RF Accelerating Cavity (p. 928)
by Kirchgessner, J L
100% Duty Factor Electron Linac (p. 932)
by Baglin, J E E
A Multi-Orbit Recirculation System for a Superconducting Linear Accelerator - The Recyclotron (p. 938)
by Rand, R E
Equivalent Circuit for a Perturbed Multi-Cell Structure (p. 943)
by Jule, W E
Operating Characteristics of Argonne's 50 s RF Particle Separator Beam (p. 949)
by Moretti, A
Properties of Disc-Loaded Lines (p. 952)
by Gallagher, W J
Properties of Contoured Cavities (p. 957)
by Olcese, J J
Beam Loading of RF Cavities (p. 960)
by Gallagher, W J
Single- and double-drift bunchers as possible injection schemes for the CPS linac (p. 963)
by Bru, B
Use of Strong Relativistic Electron Rings for the Confinement of Thermonuclear Plasmas (p. 966)
by Fleischmann, H H
Radiobiological Experiments with Heavy Ions at the Bevatron (p. 970)
by Tobias, C A
Research Using Synchrotron Radiation (p. 973)
by Rowe, E M
A Free Electron Laser (p. 980)
by Madey, J M J
Synchrotron Radiation at the Cambridge Electron Accelerator (p. 984)
by Winick, Herman
The Expanding Role of the Small Van de Graaff in Nuclear Nondestructive Analysis (p. 989)
by Evans, A E
Picosecond Time Measurements with a Linear Accelerator and RF Separator (p. 994)
by Guiragossian, Z G T
Production of Negative Pions of Medical Interest by High-Energy Protons (p. 997)
by Berley, D
Small Accelerators for Studies in the Application of Neutrons in Biomedicine (p. 1002)
by Bull, S R
Application of Proton Radiation Therapy (p. 1007)
by Archambeau, J O
Shattering Rock with Intense Bursts of Energetic Electrons (p. 1010)
by Avery, R T
60 kw Electron Accelerator for a Paint-Curing Facility (p. 1015)
by Reinhold, G
The Racetrack Microtron as a Negative Pion Source for Radiotherapy (p. 1018)
by Wilson, P B
A Versatile Patient Positioner for Radiation Therapy (p. 1022)
by Gunn, J T
Electron Beam Flattening with an Annular Scattering Foil (p. 1025)
by Sandberg, G
Mechanical Design of the LAMPF Low Energy Pion Channel (p. 1027)
by Fulton, R L
A Negative Pion Beam Transport Channel for Radiobiology and Radiation Therapy at TRIUMF (p. 1029)
by Harrison, R W
Radiotracer Measurements of Sputtered Contamination Incurred During ION Implantation Processing (p. 1032)
by Masters, B J
A Tribute to Lev Artsimovich (p. 1035)
by Kolb, A C
ISABELLE Design Study (p. 1036)
by Mills, F E
Proton-Electron-Positron Design Study (p. 1039)
by Elioff, T
High Energy Physics Horizons (p. 1045)
by Panofsky, Wolfgang Kurt Hermann

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 Record created 1990-01-27, last modified 2021-07-30