A Tribute to Nicholas C. Christofilos (p. 35) |
by Fowler, T K |
Impact of Accelerators on Technology (p. 36) |
by Morgan, I L |
Support of Research on and with Accelerators (p. 40) |
by Wallenmeyer, W A |
Progress on RF Electron Superconducting Accelerators (p. 44) |
by Suelzle, L R |
Progress Report on Superconducting Proton Linacs (p. 49) |
by Kuntze, M |
Electron Multiplication in Cavities (p. 54) |
by Ben-Zvi, I |
RF-tests on deflecting cavities for a superconducting particle separator (p. 59) |
by Bauer, W |
Investigations of a Superconducting Beam Tube Niobium Cavity at S-Band (p. 63) |
by Kneisel, P |
Superconducting Niobium Cavities Prepared by Electropolishing and Anodizing (p. 68) |
by Diepers, H |
Vibration-RF Control of Superconducting Helix Resonators for Heavy-Ion Acceleration (p. 71) |
by Despe, O D |
Development and Operation of a Prototype Superconducting Linac for Heavy-Ion Acceleration (p. 76) |
by Aron, J |
Experience in Recirculating Electrons through a Superconducting Linac (p. 81) |
by Young, L M |
Beam Breakup in a 55-Cell Superconducting Accelerator Structure (p. 86) |
by Mittag, K |
The Bevatron Cryopump (p. 91) |
by Byrns, R A |
Superconducting Niobium Deflectors (p. 95) |
by Aggus, J R |
3 GHz Superconducting Accelerator Cavity for Use in an Electron Synchrotron (p. 98) |
by Sundelin, R |
Electron Loading in L- and S- Band Superconducting Niobium Cavities (p. 101) |
by Lyneis, C |
Recent Measurements at SLAC on Superconducting Niobium X-Band Cavities (p. 104) |
by Wilson, P B |
Investigations of Additional Losses in Superconducting Niobium Cavities due to Frozen-in Flux (p. 108) |
by Piosczyk, B |
Resonant Frequency Control of Superconducter RF Cavities (p. 113) |
by Peebles, Peyton Z |
Superconducting Accelerator Magnet Cooling Systems (p. 119) |
by Van der Arend, P |
Quick Approximations for the HE 3 Points of State (p. 122) |
by Hall, F F |
Large Rectangular Vacuum Windows (p. 125) |
by Walter, J E |
Rapid Cycling Valve for 30-HZ Pulsed H - Ion Source (p. 127) |
by Gorka, A J |
Pressure Differential Gate Valve (p. 130) |
by Moenich, J S |
Titanium Vacuum Chamber Liners in the Cornell Electron Synchrotron (p. 131) |
by Kirchgessner, J L |
Dielectric-Lined Circular Deflectors for Ultrahigh-Energy Beam Separators (p. 133) |
by Chang, C T M |
Some Advances in Negative Ion Technology (p. 136) |
by Purser, K H |
Design and Operating Characteristics of the Developmental H- Ion Source for 30-HZ Injection into the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) Booster (p. 142) |
by Fasolo, J A |
Cyclotron Internal Ion Source with DC Extraction (p. 147) |
by Mallory, M L |
Progress with the SuperHILAC (p. 151) |
by Ghiorso, A |
The Bevalac--An Economical Facility for Very Energetic Heavy Particle Research (p. 155) |
by Ghiorso, A |
Proposed Accelerator for Heavy Ions (p. 159) |
by Stokes, R H |
A National Nuclear Structure Facility for Britain (p. 163) |
by Tait, N R S |
A Multi-Accelerator System for Heavy Ions (p. 168) |
by Hudson, E D |
Energy Multiplication by Beam Recycling in an Isochronous Cyclotron (p. 173) |
by Hudson, E D |
First Phase of Heavy Ion Acceleration at the Bevatron (p. 178) |
by Crebbin, K C |
Production of Intense Proton Beams (p. 182) |
by Hanley, P R |
Design and Measured Characteristics of Minimum Loss Low-Velocity Helix Resonators (p. 185) |
by Bendt, P J |
RF Losses in Helical Resonators (p. 188) |
by Laslett, L J |
Operating Results from NAL (p. 191) |
by Young, D E |
Operating Results from the ANL Booster (p. 198) |
by Simpson, J D |
Present Status of the 590 MeV Ring Cyclotron of SIN (p. 202) |
by Willax, H A |
Problems and Possible Solutions for the TRIUMF Project (p. 207) |
by Richardson, J R |
Pulsed Beam Capabilities of the Livermore Cyclograaff (p. 213) |
by Davis, J C |
Acceleration of Polarized Protons in the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 217) |
by Ratner, L G |
Present performance of the CERN 800 MeV PS booster (PSB) (p. 221) |
by Bovet, Claude |
Performance Report on the Post Conversion AGS (p. 226) |
by Barton, M |
Recent Progress in the Performance of the Desy-Electron Synchrotron (p. 231) |
by Kumpfert, H |
224 CM Variable Energy Cyclotron at Calcutta (p. 236) |
by Ambasankaran, C |
Main Accelerator Abort System (p. 240) |
by Carrigan, R |
Construction Details of the TRIUMF H - Cyclotron (p. 243) |
by Burgerjon, J J |
Experimental Results from the TRIUMF Central Region Cyclotron (p. 248) |
by Blackmore, E W |
LBL 184-Inch Synchrocyclotron Operational Improvements (p. 250) |
by Glasgow, L R |
The Program Used to Retune the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) after the Installation of a New Vacuum Chamber and Pole Face Windings (p. 253) |
by Kustom, R L |
The S.I.N. Injector Cyclotron (p. 257) |
by Baan, A |
A Variable Energy Racetrack Microtron (p. 260) |
by Froelich, H R |
The Status Report of the LNPI 1 GeV Synchrocyclotron (p. 263) |
by Chernov, N N |
Some Effects at High Intensities at the 76-GeV Proton Synchrotron (p. 266) |
by Ado, Yu M |
Use of USSR Proton Accelerators for Medical Purposes (p. 268) |
by Dzhelepov, V P |
Current Understanding of ERA (p. 271) |
by Laslett, L J |
The New Garching Fast ERA Experiment (p. 276) |
by Andelfinger, C |
ERA Research in Japan (p. 280) |
by Kawasaki, S |
Recent Experiments on ERA in Karlsruhe (p. 283) |
by Dustmann, C H |
Production and Dynamics of High Intensity Electron Beams (p. 286) |
by Brautti, G |
The Hydra Electron Beam Generator (p. 289) |
by Martin, T H |
Aurora, an Electron Accelerator (p. 294) |
by Bernstein, B |
Further Studies of Collective Acceleration of Positive Particles Using Intense Electron Beams (p. 301) |
by Ecker, B |
Ion Acceleration in Electron Beams (p. 305) |
by Kuswa, G W |
Status Report on the University of Maryland Electron Ring Accelerator Project (p. 310) |
by Reiser, M |
The Problem of Coupling a 120-MHz RF Cavity to a 700-A, 6-MeV Pulsed Electron Beam (p. 315) |
by Cooper, R K |
Self Fields and Particle Oscillation Frequencies in a Rotating Electron Sheet Beam Loaded with Positive Ions (p. 318) |
by Reiser, M |
Injector for Maryland E R A Project: Design Features and Initial Performance (p. 321) |
by Burton, J K |
Stopping of an Electron Ring by Induced Image Currents in Resistive Wire Loops (p. 324) |
by Kalnins, J G |
Envelope Instabilities in Relativistic Electron Rings (p. 327) |
by Le Vine, D M |
Negative Mass Instability in Hollow Cylinders (p. 330) |
by Le Vine, D M |
Generation and Diagnosis of TW/cm 2 Electron Beams (p. 333) |
by Pellinen, D G |
Collective Acceleration of Intense Ion Beams in Vacuum (p. 336) |
by Luce, J S |
Multiturn Injection into the Converted AGS (p. 342) |
by Claus, J |
A Device for Bunching Relativistic Electrons (p. 347) |
by Beal, J W |
Synchronous Transfer of Beam from the NAL Fast Cycling Booster Synchrotron to the NAL Main Ring System (p. 351) |
by Dinkel, J A |
Power Supply for NAL Main Ring System (p. 355) |
by Cassel, R |
Design Fundamentals of Current Transductors for Large DC Currents (p. 360) |
by Jackson, L T |
An All Solid-State Line-Type Modulator for 10% Duty Factor (p. 365) |
by Bruinsma, P J T |
Klystrons for Accelerator Improvements (p. 369) |
by Stringall, R L |
Operation of the Spear RF System (p. 373) |
by Allen, M A |
Twin-Tank Accelerator for High-Voltage Electron Microscopy (HVEM) (p. 378) |
by Reinhold, G |
University of Rochester Tandem Upgrading (p. 383) |
by Purser, K H |
A Fast-Spinning Stripper Mod II for the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) Booster (p. 387) |
by Gorka, A J |
Resonance Injection in the Superconducting Stretcher Ring (p. 392) |
by Khoe, T K |
Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) High Energy Polarized Proton Beam Program-Injector System (p. 395) |
by Parker, E F |
Pole Face Winding (PFW) Equipment for Eddy Current Correction at the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 397) |
by Suddeth, D E |
An R.F. Modulated Electron Gun for NINA Injection Equipment (p. 399) |
by Poole, D E |
New Methods for Multiturn Injection into Synchrotrons (p. 401) |
by Meads, P F |
Beam Terminology (p. 403) |
by Fink, J H |
A Pulsed Ferrite Inflector for the Emittance Measuring Device of the Chalk River High Current Test Facility (p. 405) |
by Pachner, J |
Electrical Design of a Small Solid State Energy Discharge Power Supply (p. 407) |
by Visser, A T |
The NAL Booster Synchrotron Magnet Power Supply Servo (p. 409) |
by Donaldson, A R |
Performance of Transductors for Precision High-Current Measurement and Control (p. 411) |
by Fuja, R E |
NAL Quadrupole Power Supply Active Filter (p. 414) |
by Yarema, R J |
A New RF System for the ORIC (p. 416) |
by Mosko, S W |
A 2nd RF System for Nimrod (p. 418) |
by Sandels, E G |
Two Megawatts RF Power Tetrode (p. 422) |
by McNees, S G |
Half-Integer Resonance Extraction for the NAL Accelerator (p. 424) |
by Edwards, H T |
The NAL Beam Splitting System (p. 428) |
by Oleksiuk, L W |
Simultaneous Resonance Extraction (p. 434) |
by Crosbie, E A |
The fast shaving ejection for beam transfer from the CPS to the CERN 300 GeV machine (p. 438) |
by Bovet, Claude |
A New Approach to the Transport of Heavy Charged Particles (p. 442) |
by Youssef, E A |
Production of a High Energy, High Power Polarized Photon Beam at SLAC (p. 447) |
by Eisele, R L |
SLAC Storage Ring Beam Transport Instrumentation and Operation (p. 451) |
by Huang, T V |
High Intensity Stopped K-Meson Beam at the Bevatron (p. 455) |
by Sah, R C |
New Approach to Shielding Calculations for Very High Energy Accelerators (p. 459) |
by Van Ginneken, A |
Preliminary Observations on the Response of Accelerator Shielding Blocks to Earthquake Motions (p. 462) |
by Godden, W G |
Tests and Description of Beam Containment Devices and Instrumentation-A New Dimension in Safety Problems (p. 465) |
by Walz, D |
Rotating Target for Intense 14-MeV Neutron Source (p. 472) |
by Booth, R |
Density Profiles of a Supersonic Jet Target (p. 475) |
by Brolley, J E |
Space Charge Effects in High Current Linear Accelerator Transport Systems (p. 478) |
by Mavrogenes, G |
Beam Handling System of the University of Maryland Cyclotron (p. 481) |
by Berg, R E |
A.300 GeV High Quality Electron and Pion Beam at the New Generation Proton Accelerators (p. 483) |
by Guiragossian, Z G T |
Problems in Design and Operation of SuperHILAC Beam Transport Systems (p. 488) |
by Selph, F B |
Mechanical Design of a Delay Line for the Astron Linear Accelerator Beam Transport (p. 491) |
by Hurley, C A |
Minimization of Aberrations in Beam Line Design (p. 493) |
by Carey, D C |
Tuning and Operation of the External Proton Beam Lines of the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 496) |
by Wehrle, R B |
Radiation Survey Vehicle for the NAL Main Ring (p. 499) |
by Shafer, R E |
Operation of the NAL Main Ring Extraction System (p. 502) |
by Bleser, E J |
The NAL Computer Control System (p. 505) |
by Daniels, R E |
Operational Aspects of the SLAC Main Control Center (p. 510) |
by Crook, K |
CAMAC Experimental Beam Line Control System (p. 514) |
by Hepinstall, L J |
A New Diagnostic System for Studying the Injector and Injection at the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 518) |
by Kustom, R L |
The beam diagnostic system, serving the Serpukhov fast ejection (p. 523) |
by Cupérus, J |
The beam diagnostics system, serving the Serpukhov fast ejection (p. 523) |
by Cupérus, J |
Computer Programs for AGS Injection (p. 528) |
by Brown, H N |
A Compact Programmable Control Panel for Computer Control Systems (p. 531) |
by Hartway, B L |
Intercomputer Communications in Real Time Control Systems (p. 536) |
by Smith, S R |
Some Effects of (Now Having) Computer Control for the Stanford Linear Accelerator (p. 541) |
by Mallory, K B |
Detection of Optical Transition Radiation and Its Application to Beam Diagnostics (p. 544) |
by Wartski, L |
Measurement of Bunch-Length by a Mode-Locked Laser with a Time Resolution of 10 Picoseconds (p. 549) |
by Fischer, R |
A Modular Control System Utilizing CAMAC Hardware for Interfacing Remote Components at NAL (p. 552) |
by De Luca, W |
Plotting of Beam Variation with Q Value on the 5 GeV Electron Syhnchrotron NINA (p. 555) |
by Marks, N |
The Chromonitor, A Colorful Dynamic Graphic Display Terminal (p. 558) |
by Lothrop, F H G |
Advancements in Control Technology at the Bevatron (p. 561) |
by Evans, D M |
Q measurement with swept RC filter for automatic data acquisition and display (p. 564) |
by Potier, J P |
A Precision Non-Linear Analog Transfer Function Generator (p. 567) |
by Tool, G S |
Booster and Main Accelerator Phase Detector System for Cavity Tuning (p. 570) |
by Higgins, E F |
Beam Monitoring in the Extraction Region of the Nevis Synchrocyclotron (p. 573) |
by Aslanides, E |
Controls for Operating and Processing the MIT-LNS Linac (p. 576) |
by Weaver, J N |
Automatic Control Program for SPEAR (p. 580) |
by Boyarski, A M |
Computer-Based Visualization and Manipulation of Orbit Warps in the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 584) |
by Knott, M J |
Orthogonal Automatic Steering into the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) Using Achromatic Magnets (p. 587) |
by Timm, R E |
A Magnetic Beam Position Monitor (p. 590) |
by Claus, J |
RF Phase Control System (p. 593) |
by Sundelin, R |
A System for Monitoring Proton Losses from the NAL Main Accelerator (p. 596) |
by Lundy, R A |
A Fast RF Structure Monitor (p. 599) |
by De Ball, L M |
Air-Filled Ion Chamber Beam Loss Monitors for the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 602) |
by Suddeth, D E |
Derived Radial Position and Width Signals from a TV Beam Viewer (p. 605) |
by Suddeth, D E |
Beam Phase Lock Using Amplitude Limited Pulse Comparison for the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 608) |
by Suddeth, D E |
A Fast Technique of Measuring Equilibrium Orbit Warps in the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) at Injection (p. 610) |
by Bogaty, J M |
Control of Ion Sources for the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 613) |
by Timm, R E |
I.U. Accelerator Control System Digital Multiplexer (p. 616) |
by Zinneman, T E |
Computer Control of the Oak Ridge Isochronous Cyclotron (p. 618) |
by Ludemann, C A |
Application of Crossbar Relays to the Control of a Buncher Ring (p. 621) |
by Gagnon, W |
Position and Intensity Monitoring System for the SPEAR Transport System at SLAC (p. 624) |
by Chang, A K |
CAMAC Crate Controller for a Serial Control System (p. 631) |
by Barsotti, E J |
The Central Control Room Man-Machine Interface at the Clinton P. Anderson Meson Physics Facility (LAMPF) (p. 633) |
by Hartway, B L |
Experience with Touch Panel Control at SLAC (p. 636) |
by Struven, W |
Monitoring the Beams in SPEAR with Synchrotron Light (p. 638) |
by Sabersky, A P |
Computer Control of Brookhaven 200 MeV Linac (p. 642) |
by Weitman, I |
Thin Film Mapping of Electron Accelerators (p. 645) |
by Little, R G |
The Satellite Minicomputer--A Practical Solution to Accelerator Control (p. 648) |
by Machen, D R |
Digital Filter Design for Accelerator Data and Control Systems (p. 650) |
by Machen, D R |
PRIMET: A Versatile Accelerator Timing System (p. 653) |
by Swoboda, C A |
The orbit measurement system of the CERN 800 MeV PS booster (p. 656) |
by Rabany, Michel |
The 800 MeV measurement line of the CERN PS booster (p. 659) |
by Baribaud, Guy |
High Energy Low Intensity Beam Profile Monitor (p. 662) |
by Chehab, R |
A Wide Band Current Monitor Based on Pulsed Transformer Techniques (p. 665) |
by Sutter, D F |
Summary of International Progress on Superconducting Magnets (p. 668) |
by Gilbert, W S |
The Argonne Superconducting Magnet for Polarized Proton Targets (p. 675) |
by Bywater, J |
Studies of Performance and Field Reproducibility of a Precision 40 KG Superconducting Dipole Magnet (p. 678) |
by Allinger, J |
Superconducting Beam-Transport Magnets for the Bevatron (p. 683) |
by Gilbert, W S |
Superconducting Magnet Models for ISABELLE (p. 688) |
by Dahl, P F |
Results of Physical Tests on Polymer Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures (p. 693) |
by Van de Voorde, M |
Results of physical tests on polymer materials at cryogenic temperatures (p. 693) |
by Van de Voorde, M H |
High Field Pulsed Magnets for a Bubble Chamber Beam (p. 698) |
by Elliott, R T |
The Computation of Poleface Winding Systems Yielding Independent Multipole Fields within the Aperture of Notably Alternating Gradient Synchrotron Magnets (p. 703) |
by Asner, Alfred M |
Radiation Resistant Magnet Coils from Hard Anodized Aluminum Conductor (p. 708) |
by Holland, M M |
Design of Sextupole Magnet for 200 GeV Line (p. 713) |
by Satti, J A |
Modification of LINDA to Treat the Grain Orientation Effect (p. 716) |
by Endo, K |
Septum Magnets for Secondary Beams at NAL (p. 719) |
by Carrigan, R |
Calculations on high field magnets with iron yokes and rectangular coils (p. 723) |
by Umstätter, H H |
Design of Dipole Magnet with Circular Iron Shield (p. 726) |
by Lee, W W |
Zero Gradient Synchrotron Coil Failures in 1970-71 Analysis and Subsequent Remedial Action (p. 729) |
by Martin, J H |
Improvements in the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) Main Magnet Coil Protection (p. 731) |
by Suddeth, D E |
Main Magnet Coil Diagnostic Tests at the Zero Gradient Synchrotron (ZGS) (p. 734) |
by Suddeth, D E |
A Pulsed Beam Shutter for Radio-Frequency Separated Beams at the ZGS (p. 737) |
by Praeg, W F |
Multiparticle Spectrometer Magnet (MPS) (p. 740) |
by Halik, E E |
Resistive Measurements on an Improved Nb-A1-Ge Superconducting Ribbon (p. 742) |
by Eagar, T W |
Preliminary Modeling and Testing of Ramped Superconducting Dipoles for the NAL Doubler (p. 744) |
by Reardon, P J |
Operating results from ISR (p. 747) |
by Schnell, Wolfgang |
Operating Results from SPEAR (p. 752) |
by Richter, Burton |
Storage Ring Program in Novosibirsk (p. 756) |
by Skrinsky, A N |
Beam induced gas desorption in the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (p. 760) |
by Gröbner, Oswald |
Dependence of Phase Instabilities on Bunch Length at the CEA (p. 765) |
by Averill, R |
Beam Dynamics on ACO (p. 768) |
The Creation of Small Interaction Diamonds in the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR) (p. 773) |
by Bryant, P J |
Isabelle e-p Option (p. 777) |
by Chasman, R |
The proposed DESY proton-electron colliding beam experiment (p. 782) |
by Febel, A |
PEP Lattice Design (p. 786) |
by Bangerter, R |
A Method of Analyzing the Momentum and Betatron Amplitude Distributions in a Circulating Beam (p. 790) |
by Peterson, J M |
Experimental Insertions for the ISA (p. 793) |
by Chasman, R |
Measurements of stacking efficiency in the CERN intersecting storage rings (ISR) (p. 796) |
by De Jonge, M J |
Improvement in luminosity, background and chamber protection with beam scrapers in the ISR (p. 799) |
by Bryant, P |
Measurement and Compensation of Space Charge Induced Q-Shifts in the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR) (p. 802) |
by Autin, Bruno |
Extension of the CERN ISR energy by acceleration of stacked beams (p. 805) |
by Hansen, S |
Transverse feedback for the ISR (p. 807) |
by Thorndahl, L |
The use of the ISR for experiments (p. 809) |
by Couchman, B |
Performance of the CEA as an e+e- Storage Ring (p. 813) |
by Averill, R |
Injection into the ISA (p. 816) |
by Blewett, John Pauls |
Controlling Nonlinear Resonances in Superconducting Storage Accelerators (p. 819) |
by Parzen, G |
Limitation in Short Bunches Production within Electron Storage Rings (p. 822) |
by Brück, H |
A longitudinal stability criterion for bunched beams (p. 825) |
by Sacherer, F J |
Experimental investigation of the coherent longitudinal instability of relativistic particle beams (p. 830) |
by Zotter, Bruno W |
Noise in Proton Accelerators (p. 833) |
by Hartwig, E |
Measurements on Beam-Beam Interaction at SPEAR (p. 838) |
by Wiedemann, H |
Stochasticity Limit and Turbulent Motion of Phase-Space Fluid (p. 843) |
by Teng, L C |
Beam Dynamics in the Presence of Ions and Electrons (p. 847) |
by Zotter, Bruno W |
Discussion of Beam Dynamics in the Presence of Ions and Electrons (p. 849) |
by Amman, F |
The 'Head-Tail' Instability (p. 850) |
by Paterson, J M |
Discussion: The 'Head-Tail' Instability (p. 851) |
by Amman, F |
Effect of RF Noise on Stored Beams (p. 852) |
by Courant, E D |
Discussion: Effect of RF Noise on Beam (p. 853) |
by Amman, F |
High-Intensity Effects in the Longitudinal Motion of Stored Particle Beams (p. 854) |
by Sessler, Andrew M |
Discussion: High-Intensity Effects in the Longitudinal Motion of Stored Particle Beams (p. 857) |
by Rees, J R |
Beam-Beam Limits (p. 858) |
by Amman, F |
Discussion: Beam-Beam Limits (p. 860) |
by Amman, F |
Artificial Beam Enlargement (p. 862) |
by Morton, P L |
Correction of Intensity-Dependent Beam Loss in the NAL Booster Synchrotron (p. 863) |
by Hubbard, E L |
Neutralization of nunched proton beams (p. 866) |
by Schönauer, H O |
A Pulsed Quadrupole System for Preventing Depolarization (p. 869) |
by Bywater, J |
Closed Orbit Correction in the AGS (p. 872) |
by Herrera, J C |
Parameter Study of the "Invisible" Long Straight Section for Synchrotrons (p. 875) |
by Meads, P F |
Bunching of intense proton beams with six-dimensional matching to the linac acceptance (p. 877) |
by Weiss, M |
Space charge effects in the vertical plane during injection in a synchrocyclotron (p. 880) |
by Thouroude, D |
Normal Oscillating Modes of a One-Dimensional Maxwellian Beam in the Linear Space Charge Approximation (p. 882) |
by Besnier, G |
Parametrization of Linear Coupled Motion in Periodic Systems (p. 885) |
by Edwards, D A |
Effect of Random Fluctuations on Synchrotron Phase Motion (p. 889) |
by Snowdon, S C |
Correcting Closed-Orbit Distortion in the NAL Main Ring (p. 892) |
by MacLachlan, J A |
Prebunching with Space Charge (p. 895) |
by Olcese, J J |
Closed Orbit Correctiion in SPEAR (p. 898) |
by King, A S |
Evaluation of Synchrotron Radiation Integrals (p. 900) |
by Helm, R H |
General Design Equations for Isochronous Cyclotrons (p. 902) |
by Jain, A |
Operating Results on the 800-MeV Proton Linac at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (p. 905) |
by Hagerman, D C |
The SLAC Recirculating Linear Accelerator (p. 910) |
by Herrmannsfeldt, W B |
Initial Operation of the MIT Electron Linear Accelerator (p. 914) |
by Haimson, J |
Subnanosecond High-Intensity Beam Pulse (p. 919) |
by Mavrogenes, G |
The 50-MeV Bevatron Injection Linac (p. 923) |
by Brodzik, D |
Operation of a High Gradient Recirculating RF Accelerating Cavity (p. 928) |
by Kirchgessner, J L |
100% Duty Factor Electron Linac (p. 932) |
by Baglin, J E E |
A Multi-Orbit Recirculation System for a Superconducting Linear Accelerator - The Recyclotron (p. 938) |
by Rand, R E |
Equivalent Circuit for a Perturbed Multi-Cell Structure (p. 943) |
by Jule, W E |
Operating Characteristics of Argonne's 50 s RF Particle Separator Beam (p. 949) |
by Moretti, A |
Properties of Disc-Loaded Lines (p. 952) |
by Gallagher, W J |
Properties of Contoured Cavities (p. 957) |
by Olcese, J J |
Beam Loading of RF Cavities (p. 960) |
by Gallagher, W J |
Single- and double-drift bunchers as possible injection schemes for the CPS linac (p. 963) |
by Bru, B |
Use of Strong Relativistic Electron Rings for the Confinement of Thermonuclear Plasmas (p. 966) |
by Fleischmann, H H |
Radiobiological Experiments with Heavy Ions at the Bevatron (p. 970) |
by Tobias, C A |
Research Using Synchrotron Radiation (p. 973) |
by Rowe, E M |
A Free Electron Laser (p. 980) |
by Madey, J M J |
Synchrotron Radiation at the Cambridge Electron Accelerator (p. 984) |
by Winick, Herman |
The Expanding Role of the Small Van de Graaff in Nuclear Nondestructive Analysis (p. 989) |
by Evans, A E |
Picosecond Time Measurements with a Linear Accelerator and RF Separator (p. 994) |
by Guiragossian, Z G T |
Production of Negative Pions of Medical Interest by High-Energy Protons (p. 997) |
by Berley, D |
Small Accelerators for Studies in the Application of Neutrons in Biomedicine (p. 1002) |
by Bull, S R |
Application of Proton Radiation Therapy (p. 1007) |
by Archambeau, J O |
Shattering Rock with Intense Bursts of Energetic Electrons (p. 1010) |
by Avery, R T |
60 kw Electron Accelerator for a Paint-Curing Facility (p. 1015) |
by Reinhold, G |
The Racetrack Microtron as a Negative Pion Source for Radiotherapy (p. 1018) |
by Wilson, P B |
A Versatile Patient Positioner for Radiation Therapy (p. 1022) |
by Gunn, J T |
Electron Beam Flattening with an Annular Scattering Foil (p. 1025) |
by Sandberg, G |
Mechanical Design of the LAMPF Low Energy Pion Channel (p. 1027) |
by Fulton, R L |
A Negative Pion Beam Transport Channel for Radiobiology and Radiation Therapy at TRIUMF (p. 1029) |
by Harrison, R W |
Radiotracer Measurements of Sputtered Contamination Incurred During ION Implantation Processing (p. 1032) |
by Masters, B J |
A Tribute to Lev Artsimovich (p. 1035) |
by Kolb, A C |
ISABELLE Design Study (p. 1036) |
by Mills, F E |
Proton-Electron-Positron Design Study (p. 1039) |
by Elioff, T |
High Energy Physics Horizons (p. 1045) |
by Panofsky, Wolfgang Kurt Hermann |