Observation of $\chi$(2.8) and Search for Charm in Pion Beams (p. 5) |
by Denisov, S P |
A Search for Six Quark States (p. 9) |
by Kycia, T F |
Total Cross Sections of $\pi^\pm$, K$^\pm$, P and $\bar{P}$ on Protons and Deuterons (p. 10) |
by Kycia, T F |
Charge Exchange, Hypercharge, and Baryon Exchange Reactions (p. 11) |
by Moffeit, K C |
Diffractive Dissociation Processes (p. 16) |
by Rosen, J L |
Elastic Scattering (p. 20) |
by Nagy, E |
Elastic Scattering in Coulomb-Nuclear Interference Region (p. 24) |
by Vorobyov, A A |
Resonance Production in Exclusive Final States (p. 26) |
by Van de Walle, R T |
High Energy Hadron Reactions, Spin Dependence (p. 39) |
by Yokosawa, A |
Inclusive Charged and Neutral Particle Production in High Energy Hadron-Hadron Collisions (p. 53) |
by Giacomelli, G |
Inclusive Resonance Production (p. 63) |
by Whitmore, J |
Rapidity and Charge Correlations (p. 69) |
by Kenney, V P |
Density, charge and transverse momentum correlations of particles in non-diffractive proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 52.5 GeV (p. 72) |
by Wahl, Horst D |
Associated Multiplicities in Hadron Reactions (p. 75) |
by Brandenburg, G |
Recent Results from 32 GeV/c K$^+$p, K$^-$ p and pp Interactions (p. 77) |
by Verbeure, F |
A Summary of 400 GeV/c pp Data and Related Topics (p. 80) |
by Kichimi, H |
Some Features of $\bar{p}p$ Annihilations at Low Energies (p. 82) |
by Yuta, H |
Low Energy Photon Interaction (p. 87) |
by Kajikawa, R |
Hadron Spectroscopy, Experimental (p. 101) |
by Ozaki, S |
Hadron Spectroscopy : Mesons, Baryons, Di-Baryons, and Baryonium(p. 129) |
by Igi, K |
Excited Baryons in the Quark Model (p. 135) |
by Karl, G |
The Brayshaw Mechanism for Generating Peaks in the Hadron System (p. 137) |
by Tuan, S F |
Colour Chemistry and Mini-Review on Hadron Dynamics (p. 143) |
by Chan Hong Mo |
Comment on Chan Hong-Mo's Talk : Quasinuclear States in Baryon-Antibaryon Systems(p. 152) |
by Dalkarov, O D |
Developments in Regge on Field Theory (p. 153) |
by Le Bellac, M |
Critical and super-critical RFT (p. 156) |
by White, Alan R |
The Pomeron in Gauge Theories (p. 157) |
by Cheng, H |
Duality and Baryonium in the String-Junction Model (p. 160) |
by Uehara, M |
Result from a 2-Arm Calorimeter-Array JET Experiment (p. 165) |
by Selove, W |
Scaling Properties of Symmetric Hadron Pair Production (p. 170) |
by McCarty, R L |
Results from the CCOR Collaboration (p. 172) |
by Cool, R L |
Large transverse momentum jets in high-energy proton-proton collisions (p. 174) |
by Clark, A G |
Proton-Proton Collisions with a High-/?$_r$ Charged Hadron Trigger at the CERN ISR (p. 177) |
by Hansen, K H |
Results from the Athens-BNL-CERN-Syracuse-Yale Collaboration-High Transverse Momentum $n^o$ and $rj$ Production at the ISR (p. 181) |
by Nakamura, K |
High Statistic Study of the Reaction $p + W \to \mu^+ + \mu^- + X$ at $\sqrt{s}$ = 27 GeV (p. 187) |
by Mockett, P M |
A Study of High Mass $e^+e^-$ Pairs produced in p-p Collisions at the CERN ISR (p. 187) |
by Camilleri, L L |
Electron pairs production at the ISR (p. 189) |
by Kourkoumelis, C |
Measurement of high-mass muon pairs at very high energies (p. 192) |
by Newman, H |
Production of High Mass Muon Pairs by Pion Beams (p. 195) |
by Anderson, K J |
Experiments at the IHEP-Serpukhov (p. 199) |
by Derevshckikov, A A |
Direct Electron Production in 10 GeV Region (p. 203) |
by Kitagaki, T |
General Introduction to Session A11, and structure Functions and Counting Rules (p. 209) |
by Close, F E |
Signatures of Chromodynamics in Hadron Collisions (p. 214) |
by Halzen, F |
Parton Transverse Momenta (p. 221) |
by Matsuda, S |
Quark Counting Rules at Large P$_\perp$ (p. 224) |
by Matveev, V A |
On the Theoretical Status of Perturbative QCD (p. 229) |
by Politzer, H D |
Deep Inelastic Scattering beyond the Leading Order in Asymptotically Free Gauge Theories (p. 234) |
by Muta, T |
Jets (p. 236) |
by De Rújula, Alvaro |
A simple algorithm for QCD jets (p. 241) |
by Konishi, K |
e$^+$ e$\sim$ Reactions (p. 247) |
by Berkelman, K |
Multihadroii Production in e$^+$ e$\sim$ Interactions at ADONE (p. 269) |
by Murtas, G P |
Some Results of the First Experiment with DCI (p. 277) |
by Perez-Y-Jorba, J |
Polarized Electroproduction (p. 286) |
by Hughes, V W |
Hadron Production in Charged Lepton-Nucleon Interactions (Up to 20 GeV ) (p. 291) |
by Soging, P |
Preliminary Results of a Search for Charmed Particles Photoproduced in Nuclear Amulsions Coupled with the OMEGA System of CERN (p. 297) |
by Diambrini-Palazzi, G |
Photoproduction at the SPS : $-\phi$, $\rho'$, K$^+$ K$^-$ $\pi^+$ $\pi^-$ and a search for charmed mesons(p. 300) |
by Kemp, A |
Hadronic Content of Photons (p. 303) |
by Caldwell, D O |
Muon Scattering at Fermilab (p. 306) |
by Wilson, R |
Deep Inelastic Muon Scattering at 270 GeV at Fermilab (p. 309) |
by Chen, K W |
The Electromagnetic Size of the Neutral Kaon (p. 311) |
by Winstein, B |
Direct determination of the kaon form factor (p. 315) |
by Beretvas, A |
The total Cross Sections for Neutrino and Antineutrino Interactions in the Energy Range 3-30 GeV (p. 319) |
by Rjabov, Yu G |
Results from the Aachen-Padova Neutrino Spark Chamber Experiment (p. 321) |
by Radermacher, E |
Measurement of Neutrino-Proton Elastic Scattering (p. 324) |
by Huzita, H |
Measurement of $\nu p \to \nu p$ and $\bar{\nu}p \to \bar{\nu}p$ Elastic Scattering and Determination of Neutral Coupling Constants (p. 325) |
by Williams, H H |
Charged Current Neutrino and Antineutrino Cross Section Results from the CITFR Experiment (p. 328) |
by Buchholz, D |
Density Dependence of 2$\mu$ Rates in CFNRR Experiment (p. 332) |
by Buchholz, D |
Recent Results on Neutrino Reactions (p. 334) |
by Mann, A K |
Recent results from the CDHS experiment (p. 342) |
by Schlatter, W D |
Scaling violations and tests of QCD in neutrino inclusive scattering (p. 345) |
by Mulvey, J H |
Recent Results from Neutrino Interactions in Heavy Neon (p. 349) |
by Palmer, R B |
Dimuon Production by High Energy Neutrino and Antineutrino in the Fermilab 15-Foot Bubble Chamber (p. 352) |
by Peterson, V Z |
Neutrino-hydrogen interactions in BEBC (p. 354) |
by Morrison, Douglas Robert Ogston |
Neutrino and antineutrino scattering off electrons at CERN and di-muons in Gargamelle (p. 360) |
by Haguenauer, Maurice |
Experimental Study of Charged Current Neutrino-Nucleon Interactions at 2-30 GeV with Bubble Chamber SKAT (p. 365) |
by Rjabov, Yu G |
Search for Short-Lived Particles in Nuclear Emulsion Exposed to Accelerator Beams without External Detectors (p. 371) |
by Niu, K |
Search for Short-Lived Particles in Nuclear Emulsion Exposed to Accelerator Beams : A Short Review of Neutrino Experiments with External Detectors(p. 374) |
by Sacton, J |
Prompt Neutrino Production in Proton Nucleus Collisions (p. 378) |
by Kleinknecht, K |
Evidence for Prompt Single Muon Production in High Energy Proton Interactions (p. 383) |
by Barish, B |
A short Review of Axions (p. 385) |
by Peccei, Roberto D |
New Particles, Theoretical (p. 391) |
by Jackson, David J |
Phenomenology of Weak Interactions (p. 411) |
by Altarelli, Guido |
Parity nonconservation in inelastic electron scattering (p. 422) |
by Taylor, Richard E |
Observation of Parity-Nonconservation of parity in Atomic Transitions (p. 425) |
by Barkov, L M |
Decays (p. 427) |
by Sauvage, G |
Summary of Super High Energy Events and Exotic Phenomena in Cosmic Rays (p. 433) |
by Miyake, S |
Centauro (p. 442) |
by Fujimoto, Y |
High Transverse Momenta in Collisions at Cosmic Ray Energies (p. 445) |
by McCusker, C B A |
New Particles in Cosmic Ray Experiments (p. 447) |
by Niu, K |
A Comment to Dr. Niu's Talk (p. 451) |
by Kamae, T |
Multibaryon Interactions at Relativistic Energies (p. 455) |
by Baldin, A M |
A comment to Prof. A.M. Baldin's Talk (p. 465) |
by Skrzypczak, E |
Hadron-Nucleus Inclusive Data from Fetrmilab (p. 465) |
by Ferbel, T |
Big Hadron Model-A Unified Description of Multiple Production off Hadrons and Nuclei (p. 472) |
by Takagi, F |
A Comment to F. Takagi's Talk (p. 474) |
by Wróblewski, A |
Fluctons and Large Momentum Transfer (p. 475) |
by Blokhintsev, Dmitri Ivanovich |
A review of Instanton Physics (p. 481) |
by Callan, C G Jr |
A Theory of Hadronic Structure (p. 486) |
by Gross, D J |
$\eta '$ Meson in non-Abelian Gauge Theories (p. 493) |
by Hosotani, Y |
Development in the Theory of Magnetic Monopoles (p. 497) |
by Yang, C N |
On the Problems of Gribov's Ambiguity (p. 500) |
by Maskawa, T |
Gluon Pairing in QCD and Flux Squeezing (p. 502) |
by Fukuda, R |
Models of the Hadron and QCD (p. 507) |
by Kikkawa, K |
Dynamical and Topological Characterization of Quark Confinement (p. 513) |
by Englert, F |
Tunneling in Minkowsky Field Theory (p. 515) |
by De Vega, H J |
Resonance Properties in Quantum Chromodynamics (p. 517) |
by Zakharov, V I |
Manifestly-Covariant Canonical Formalisms of Non-Abelian Gauge Theory (p. 523) |
by Nakanishi, N |
Relativistic Nonlinear Quantum Mechanics (p. 527) |
by Kibble, T W |
Asymptotic Freedom and the Symplectic and G Groups (p. 529) |
by Chaichian, Masud |
Review of Supersymmetry and Supergravity (p. 535) |
by Freedman, D Z |
Super-Higgs effect in supergravity (p. 548) |
by Scherk, Joel |
Gost-Fields, BRS and Extended Supergravity as Applications of Gauge Geometry (p. 552) |
by Neâeman, Y |
The superspace method for supergravity (p. 555) |
by Zumino, B |
Lagrangian Formulation of Supergravity in Superspace (p. 560) |
by Schwarz, J H |
Superspace Formulation of Local Supersymmetries (p. 563) |
by Nath, P |
Recent Developments of Quantum Electrodynamics (p. 571) |
by Kinoshita, T |
Gauge Invariant Spinor Theory (p. 581) |
by Sugawara, H |
A Recent Further Development of the M.I.T. Bag Model (p. 585) |
by Johnson, K |
Fundamental Length Hypothesis and Its Implications to Theory and Experiment (p. 588) |
by Mateev, M D |
Flavor Dynamics (p. 593) |
by Fritzsch, Harald |
Strong and Weak CP-Violation in Gauge Theories : A Review(p. 604) |
by Mohapatra, Rabindra N |
Models and Properties of Leptons (p. 608) |
by Fujikawa, K |
Quark Masses and Cabibbo Angles (p. 611) |
by Harari, H |
Unifying AH Elementary-Particle Forces Including Gravity (p. 617) |
by Terazawa, H |
Unification : Its Implications for Present and Future High Energy-Experimentation(p. 624) |
by Pati, J C |
Spontaneous Compactification (p. 629) |
by Palla, L |
World Topology and Gauged Internal Symmetries (p. 632) |
by Freund, P G O |
Hadron-Hadron Reactions, Low Multiplycity (p. 639) |
by Tsarev, V A |
Hadron-Hadron Reactions, High Multiplicity (p. 666) |
by Diebold, R |
Large $p_T$ Phenomena and the structure of Jets (p. 693) |
by Sosnowski, R |
Dilepton Production in Hadron Collisions (p. 706) |
by Lederman, Leon Max |
Dynamics of hadronic reactions (p. 725) |
by Veneziano, Gabriele |
Dynamics of High Energy Reactions (p. 743) |
by Field, R D |
Annihilation (p. 777) |
by Feldman, G J |
Particle Spectroscopy (p. 793) |
by Flügge, G |
Hadron Spectroscopy of the Light Quarks (p. 811) |
by Cashmore, R J |
Particle Spectroscopy, Theoretical (p. 824) |
by Hara, Y |
Experimental review of electron, muon, and photon physics (p. 841) |
by Gabathuler, Erwin |
Neutrino Reactions I: Charged Current Interactions and Multilepton Production (p. 863) |
by Tittel, K |
Neutrino Interactions II : Neutral Current Interactions and Charm Production(p. 882) |
by Baltay, C |
Weak interactions (p. 907) |
by Weinberg, Steven |
Quantum Chromodynamics and Related Problems (p. 921) |
by Sakita, B |
Unification, Superunification and New Theoretical Ideas (p. 933) |
by Salam, Abdus |
Report on the Status and Plans of the International Committee on Future Accelerators (p. 961) |
by Goldwasser, E L |
Concluding Talk (p. 971) |
by Nambu, Y |
by Saudraix, J. |
A study of high mass $e^{+}e^{-}$ pairs produced in p-p collisions at the CERN ISR |
by Angelis, A L S |
Confirmation of a spin 4, isospin 1 meson resonance in the $K\bar{K}$ charged system |
by Cleland, W E |
Energy dependence of $K^{*}$ production by natural-parity exchange in the reaction $K^{\pm}p \rightarrow K^{0}_{s} \pi^{\pm}p$ |
by Cleland, W E |
Topological Cross-Sections for K+ p Interactions at 147-GeV/c |
by Brick, D |
A Comparison of Delta++ Production in pi+- p and p p Interactions at 147-GeV/c |
by Brick, D |
Measurement of the lifetime and branching ratios of the $\Omega$ |
by Bourquin, Maurice |
Meson resonance production in p-p interaction at $\sqrt{s}$ of 53 GeV |
by Adler, J C |
RHO production at 63 GeV/c |
by Alper, B |
Measurement of the diffractive reaction $\pi^{-} p \to \pi^{-}\pi^{-}\pi^{+} p$ at 93 GeV/c |
by Alper, B |