Quality Assurance of Pixel Hybrid Photon Detectors for the LHCb Ring Imaging Cherenkov Counters (p. 40) |
by Carson, Laurence |
Fast photon-detection for COMPASS RICH-1 (p. 45) |
by Chiosso, Michela |
Performance of the High Momentum Particle Identification Detector in ALICE at LHC (p. 55) |
by De Cataldo, Giacinto |
The CMS Muon System and Its Performance in the CMS Cosmic Challenge (p. 80) |
by Hoepfner, K |
Quantum Efficiency of Hybrid Photon Detectors for the LHCb RICH (p. 85) |
by Lambert, R W |
Instrumentation of the fast detector (p. 100) |
by Barczyk, A. |
The Status of the LHCb RICH System (p. 120) |
by Plackett, R W |
Latest results from a mass–production sample of MRPCs for the ALICE TOF detector (p. 125) |
by Akindinov, A |
Test Results of the ALICE-HMPID Detector Commissioning (p. 136) |
by Volpe, G |
Nuclear emulsion scanning in opera: methods and results (p. 143) |
by Bozza, C. |
The Monitor online system of the OPERA muon magnetic spectrometer (p. 272) |
by Ugolino, U. |
Search for Solar Axions with the CAST-Experiment (p. 282) |
by Vogel, J. |
Calorimetry at the LHC (p. 299) |
by Cavallari, Francesca |
Data Preparation of the Calorimeter Based Algorithms of the High-Level Trigger for the ATLAS experiment at the LHC (p. 311) |
by Damazio, D O |
The CMS-HF Forward Calorimeter Commissioning (p. 326) |
by Gülmez, E |
Update on the Hadron calorimeter of the CMS Experiment at CERN. (p. 331) |
by Hagopian, Vasken |
Status and Performance of the ALICE/PHOS Electromagnetic Calorimeter (p. 336) |
by Ippolitov, Mikhail |
Performance of the Atlas Liquid Argon Forward Calorimeter in Beam Tests (p. 341) |
by Krieger, P |
The Measurement of Spectral Characteristics and Composition of Radiation in ATLAS with MEDIPIX2-USB Devices (p. 346) |
by Campbell, M. |
Performance on the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter (p. 354) |
by Pastrone, N |
Assessment of the Čerenkov light produced in a PbWO4 crystal by means of the study of the time structure of the signal (p. 359) |
by Cavallini, L |
LUCID, the Luminosity Monitor for ATLAS - A Status Report (p. 364) |
by Pinfold, James |
CMS ECAL Intercalibration with Cosmic Rays and 2006 Test Beam Electrons (p. 371) |
by Tancini, Valentina |
The CALICE Tile Hadron Calorimeter Prototype With SiPM Readout: Design, Construction and First Test Beam Results (p. 381) |
by Wattimena, N |
Inter-calibration of the CMS Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter Using π0→γγ Decays (p. 386) |
by Yang, Y |
Quality Assurance Procedures for the Construction of ALICE TOF SuperModules (p. 393) |
by Akindinov, A |
Luminosity Measurement Using Cherenkov Integrating Detector (LUCID) in ATLAS (p. 413) |
by Caforio, D |
The CMS Magnet Commissioning and the Development of an Improved CMS Conductor Suitable for Future Proposals (p. 418) |
by Campi, D |
Commissioning the CMS experiment (p. 424) |
by Camporesi, T. |
The status of the ATLAS simulation project for the LHC startup (p. 436) |
by Dell`Acqua, A. |
CMS data and workflow management system (p. 441) |
by Fanfani, A |
Implementation and Performance of the ATLAS Trigger Muon "Vertical Slice" (p. 456) |
by Grancagnolo, S |
Commissioning of the ATLAS Inner Detector with cosmic rays (p. 466) |
by Klinkby, E |
Energy loss and damage production by heavy ions and strange quark matter in silicon (p. 471) |
by Lazanu, Sorina |
Implementation and Performance of the High-Level Trigger electron and photon selection for the ATLAS experiment at the LHC (p. 476) |
by Anduaga, X |
The CMS ECAL Laser Monitoring System (p. 481) |
by Orimoto, T J |
The CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter (p. 501) |
by Ryan, Matthew John |
The Magnetic Distortion Measurement System of the LHCb RICH 2 Detector (p. 506) |
by Storaci, B |
Resistive Plate Chamber Performance During the CMS Magnet Test Cosmic Challenge (p. 521) |
by Trentadue, R |
Implementation and Performance of the tau trigger in the ATLAS experiment (p. 526) |
by Bosman, M |
Study of the Radiation Hardness of VCSEL and PIN Arrays (p. 559) |
by Gan, K.K. |
ATLAS Inner Detector Alignment (p. 739) |
by Bocci, A |
ATLAS Distributed Analysis Tools (p. 758) |
by Gonzalez de la Hoz, Santiago |
The Control System for the CMS Strip Tracking Detector (p. 771) |
by Fahrer, Manuel |
The Message Reporting System of the ATLAS DAQ System (p. 776) |
by Caprini, M |
Managemet of Equipment Databases at CERN for the ATLAS Experiment (p. 781) |
by Galvão, Kaio Karam |
Geant4 Parametrization And Modeling Of Pion Production In Proton-nucleus Interactions Based On Harp Experimental Data: Incident Proton Momenta Are From 3 Gev/c To 12.9 Gev/c (p. 786) |
by Giani, S |
Track finding in gamma conversions in CMS (p. 797) |
by Marinelli, Nancy |
The Geant4-Based ATLAS Fast Electromagnetic Shower Simulation (p. 802) |
by Barberio, E |
Tools to Monitor the Quality of the ALICE-TOF Detector Data (p. 815) |
by Akindinov, A |
The detailed simulation of the CMS detector (p. 820) |
by Rovelli, Chiara |
ATLAS Conditions Database Experience With the Cool Project (p. 824) |
by Verducci, Monica |
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station (p. 896) |
by Paniccia, M |
The LHCb Muon Sistem (p. 926) |
by Brusa, Simone |
The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker : from integration to start-up(p. 939) |
by Ciulli, V |
The VELO (VErtex LOcator) at the LHCb experiment (p. 946) |
by De Capua, S. |
The CDF II eXtremely Fast Tracker Upgrade (p. 951) |
by Fedorko, I |
Integration and Commissioning of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer (p. 963) |
by Ishino, Masaya |
Results from the Commissioning Run of the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker (p. 968) |
by Kcira, Dorian |
Low and high intensity beam monitoring and tracking (p. 978) |
by Lietti, D. |
Development of a detector (ALFA) to measure the absolute LHC luminosity at ATLAS (p. 984) |
by Mapelli, A |
The Tracker–Muon Hardware Alignment System of CMS (p. 989) |
by Martínez Rivero, Celso |
Production and Quality Assurance of Detector Modules for the LHCb Silicon Tracker (p. 1019) |
by Volyanskyy, D |
Managing Bias Leakage Currents and High Data Rates in the BABAR Silicon Vertex Tracker (p. 1024) |
by Garra-Tico, J |
ATLAS Pixel Detector System Test and Cosmic Run (p. 1034) |
by Zhong, Jiahang |
Production and Quality Assurance of Detector Modules for the LHCb Silicon Tracker |
by Volyanskyy, Dmytro |
The Vertex Locator (VELO) at the LHCb experiment |
by de Capua, Stefano |
ALFA : Absolute Luminosity For ATLAS, a scintillating fibre tracker |
by Mapelli, A |
Implementation and Performance of the High-Level Trigger electron and photon selection for the ATLAS experiment at the LHC |
by Monticelli, F |
A CMS Multipurpose Maintenance Platform |
by Barone, M |