CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 10th ICATPP Conference on Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications
Related conference title(s) ICATTP 2007
International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics
Date(s), location 8 - 12 Oct 2007, Villa Olmo, Como, Italy
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Editor(s) Barone, Michele (ed.) (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; Gaddi, Andrea (ed.) (CERN) ; Leroy, Claude (ed.) (Montreal U.) ; Pice, Larry (ed.) (Argonne (main)) ; Rancoita, Pier-Giorgio (ed.) (INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; Ruchti, Randal (ed.) (U. Notre Dame (main) ; NSF, Wash., D.C.)
Imprint Singapore : World Scientific, 2008
Series (Astroparticle, particle, space physics, radiation interaction, detectors and medical physics applications ; 4)
ISBN 9789812819086 (print version, hardback)
9789814470667 (electronic version)
DOI e-proceedings: 10.1142/6906
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C07-10-08.3
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Quality Assurance of Pixel Hybrid Photon Detectors for the LHCb Ring Imaging Cherenkov Counters (p. 40)
by Carson, Laurence
Fast photon-detection for COMPASS RICH-1 (p. 45)
by Chiosso, Michela
Performance of the High Momentum Particle Identification Detector in ALICE at LHC (p. 55)
by De Cataldo, Giacinto
The CMS Muon System and Its Performance in the CMS Cosmic Challenge (p. 80)
by Hoepfner, K
Quantum Efficiency of Hybrid Photon Detectors for the LHCb RICH (p. 85)
by Lambert, R W
Instrumentation of the fast detector (p. 100)
by Barczyk, A.
The Status of the LHCb RICH System (p. 120)
by Plackett, R W
Latest results from a mass–production sample of MRPCs for the ALICE TOF detector (p. 125)
by Akindinov, A
Test Results of the ALICE-HMPID Detector Commissioning (p. 136)
by Volpe, G
Nuclear emulsion scanning in opera: methods and results (p. 143)
by Bozza, C.
The Monitor online system of the OPERA muon magnetic spectrometer (p. 272)
by Ugolino, U.
Search for Solar Axions with the CAST-Experiment (p. 282)
by Vogel, J.
Calorimetry at the LHC (p. 299)
by Cavallari, Francesca
Data Preparation of the Calorimeter Based Algorithms of the High-Level Trigger for the ATLAS experiment at the LHC (p. 311)
by Damazio, D O
The CMS-HF Forward Calorimeter Commissioning (p. 326)
by Gülmez, E
Update on the Hadron calorimeter of the CMS Experiment at CERN. (p. 331)
by Hagopian, Vasken
Status and Performance of the ALICE/PHOS Electromagnetic Calorimeter (p. 336)
by Ippolitov, Mikhail
Performance of the Atlas Liquid Argon Forward Calorimeter in Beam Tests (p. 341)
by Krieger, P
The Measurement of Spectral Characteristics and Composition of Radiation in ATLAS with MEDIPIX2-USB Devices (p. 346)
by Campbell, M.
Performance on the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter (p. 354)
by Pastrone, N
Assessment of the Čerenkov light produced in a PbWO4 crystal by means of the study of the time structure of the signal (p. 359)
by Cavallini, L
LUCID, the Luminosity Monitor for ATLAS - A Status Report (p. 364)
by Pinfold, James
CMS ECAL Intercalibration with Cosmic Rays and 2006 Test Beam Electrons (p. 371)
by Tancini, Valentina
The CALICE Tile Hadron Calorimeter Prototype With SiPM Readout: Design, Construction and First Test Beam Results (p. 381)
by Wattimena, N
Inter-calibration of the CMS Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter Using π0γγ Decays (p. 386)
by Yang, Y
Quality Assurance Procedures for the Construction of ALICE TOF SuperModules (p. 393)
by Akindinov, A
Luminosity Measurement Using Cherenkov Integrating Detector (LUCID) in ATLAS (p. 413)
by Caforio, D
The CMS Magnet Commissioning and the Development of an Improved CMS Conductor Suitable for Future Proposals (p. 418)
by Campi, D
Commissioning the CMS experiment (p. 424)
by Camporesi, T.
The status of the ATLAS simulation project for the LHC startup (p. 436)
by Dell`Acqua, A.
CMS data and workflow management system (p. 441)
by Fanfani, A
Implementation and Performance of the ATLAS Trigger Muon "Vertical Slice" (p. 456)
by Grancagnolo, S
Commissioning of the ATLAS Inner Detector with cosmic rays (p. 466)
by Klinkby, E
Energy loss and damage production by heavy ions and strange quark matter in silicon (p. 471)
by Lazanu, Sorina
Implementation and Performance of the High-Level Trigger electron and photon selection for the ATLAS experiment at the LHC (p. 476)
by Anduaga, X
The CMS ECAL Laser Monitoring System (p. 481)
by Orimoto, T J
The CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter (p. 501)
by Ryan, Matthew John
The Magnetic Distortion Measurement System of the LHCb RICH 2 Detector (p. 506)
by Storaci, B
Resistive Plate Chamber Performance During the CMS Magnet Test Cosmic Challenge (p. 521)
by Trentadue, R
Implementation and Performance of the tau trigger in the ATLAS experiment (p. 526)
by Bosman, M
Study of the Radiation Hardness of VCSEL and PIN Arrays (p. 559)
by Gan, K.K.
ATLAS Inner Detector Alignment (p. 739)
by Bocci, A
ATLAS Distributed Analysis Tools (p. 758)
by Gonzalez de la Hoz, Santiago
The Control System for the CMS Strip Tracking Detector (p. 771)
by Fahrer, Manuel
The Message Reporting System of the ATLAS DAQ System (p. 776)
by Caprini, M
Managemet of Equipment Databases at CERN for the ATLAS Experiment (p. 781)
by Galvão, Kaio Karam
Geant4 Parametrization And Modeling Of Pion Production In Proton-nucleus Interactions Based On Harp Experimental Data: Incident Proton Momenta Are From 3 Gev/c To 12.9 Gev/c (p. 786)
by Giani, S
Track finding in gamma conversions in CMS (p. 797)
by Marinelli, Nancy
The Geant4-Based ATLAS Fast Electromagnetic Shower Simulation (p. 802)
by Barberio, E
Tools to Monitor the Quality of the ALICE-TOF Detector Data (p. 815)
by Akindinov, A
The detailed simulation of the CMS detector (p. 820)
by Rovelli, Chiara
ATLAS Conditions Database Experience With the Cool Project (p. 824)
by Verducci, Monica
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station (p. 896)
by Paniccia, M
The LHCb Muon Sistem (p. 926)
by Brusa, Simone
The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker : from integration to start-up(p. 939)
by Ciulli, V
The VELO (VErtex LOcator) at the LHCb experiment (p. 946)
by De Capua, S.
The CDF II eXtremely Fast Tracker Upgrade (p. 951)
by Fedorko, I
Integration and Commissioning of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer (p. 963)
by Ishino, Masaya
Results from the Commissioning Run of the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker (p. 968)
by Kcira, Dorian
Low and high intensity beam monitoring and tracking (p. 978)
by Lietti, D.
Development of a detector (ALFA) to measure the absolute LHC luminosity at ATLAS (p. 984)
by Mapelli, A
The Tracker–Muon Hardware Alignment System of CMS (p. 989)
by Martínez Rivero, Celso
Production and Quality Assurance of Detector Modules for the LHCb Silicon Tracker (p. 1019)
by Volyanskyy, D
Managing Bias Leakage Currents and High Data Rates in the BABAR Silicon Vertex Tracker (p. 1024)
by Garra-Tico, J
ATLAS Pixel Detector System Test and Cosmic Run (p. 1034)
by Zhong, Jiahang
Production and Quality Assurance of Detector Modules for the LHCb Silicon Tracker
by Volyanskyy, Dmytro
The Vertex Locator (VELO) at the LHCb experiment
by de Capua, Stefano
ALFA : Absolute Luminosity For ATLAS, a scintillating fibre tracker
by Mapelli, A
Implementation and Performance of the High-Level Trigger electron and photon selection for the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
by Monticelli, F
A CMS Multipurpose Maintenance Platform
by Barone, M

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 Journalen skapades 2006-11-23, och modifierades senast 2021-07-30

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