MagPIE Dataset

MagPIE is a publicly available dataset for the evaluation of indoor positioning algorithms that use magnetic anomalies. Our dataset contains IMU and magnetometer measurements along with ground truth position measurements that have centimeter-level accuracy. To produce this dataset, we collected over 13 hours of data (51 kilometers of total distance traveled) from three different buildings, with sensors both handheld and mounted on a wheeled robot, in environments with and without changes in the placement of objects that affect magnetometer measurements ("live loads'').

Dataset and Code

The file structure of the MagPIE dataset.

The file structure of the MagPIE dataset.

Full dataset with all 723 sequences: zip (545MB)


Data for computing IMU Allan variance: zip (5.36MB)


ROS package to convert individual MagPIE trials to ROS bags: click here

Dataset Characteristics

Coordinated Sciences Laboratory (CSL)

Coordinated Sciences Laboratory (CSL)

Loomis Laboratory

Loomis Laboratory

Talbot Laboratory

Talbot Laboratory

Building and Platform Num. Training Cases Num. Dead Load Cases Num. Live Load Cases
CSL UGV 93 11 10
CSL WLK 100 11 11
Talbot UGV 100 11 11
Talbot WLK 99 11 11
Loomis UGV 99 11 11
Loomis WLK 100 12 11
Aggregating over all trials:
Total Time 13.96 hrs
Total Distance 51.35 km
Average Time of Test Cases 90.80 sec
Minimum Time of Test Cases 21.10 sec
Maximum Time of Test Cases 245.66 sec
Average Distance of Test Cases 101.54 m
Minimum Distance of Test Cases 23.01 m
Maximum Distance of Test Cases 297.98 m

Related Webpages and Links

We created an Android application for the Lenovo Phab 2 Pro which uses Google Tango.

We also used an Android application to store and file IMU and magnetometer data on a Moto Z Play.


D. Hanley, A. B. Faustino, S. D. Zelman, D. A. Degenhardt, and T. Bretl, "MagPIE: A Dataset for Positioning with Magnetic Anomalies", in Eigth International Conference of Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Sapporo, Japan, September 2017. [pdf]


Please send bug reports to David Hanley: [email protected]

KNown issues

7/21/2017 - The relative orientations of the Z Play and Phab 2 Pro for the UGV and WLK cases are different causing issues for mapping based on individual axes measurements. FIXED: README now includes correct rotations matrix for UGV and WLK cases.
