[R E P L A N T I N G   R O O T S]
[coming soon: a total redesign of the website!]
[replanting roots genealogy website]
[tepper-gartner-tobias-lewental family portal]
[mond-löwental-tepper family tree]
[tepper group]
[bircza online]
[bircza area maps]
[bircza images and photos]
[bircza area lists]
[bircza testimonials]
[bircza area 1941 name directory]
[bircza virtual cemetery]
[association of bircza researchers]
[bircza cemetery project]

Bierfass, Bykov, Drozhanski, Fisz, Freifeld, Gärtner, Goldsmith, Hamer, Hoch, Lauberfeld, Lischner, Löwenthal, Mond, Orling, Rothstein, Schnell, Tepper, Tobias, Turner, Puryc

Bircza area, Drohobych, Dynów, Jawornik Ruski, Khyriv (Chyrów), Korzeniec, Leszczawa Dolna, Moscow, Mrzygłód, Nowa Wieś, Poltawa, Przemyśl, Rybotycze, Sanok, Vinnitsa, Żohatyń [Poland, Ukraine, and Russia]
New York City [United States]


welcome to the bircza online website!

[bircza online header]

about the website

Bircza Online! is the ‘virtual shtetl’ for the Jewish community of pre-Holocaust Bircza, a small town (and its environs) in present-day south-eastern Poland, near the city of Przemyśl. A shtetl was the Yiddish term for a town or village in Galicia (the north-eastern region of the Austria-Hungarian Empire, comprising parts of present-day Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic), made up of a Jewish majority or plurality. The aim of this website is to preserve and describe (mostly Jewish) life in Bircza prior to the Second World War, including history, culture, and genealogy. This website serves also as a resource for the history of the Jewish community and its members during the tragic years of the Holocaust and thereafter—both the majority who suffered death at the hands of the Nazis and their accomplices and the luckier few who escaped or survived. Bircza Online! also contains old and contemporary maps and pictures of the Bircza area, both recreating the town as it was once and depicting it as it has developed today.

a bit about bircza

Bircza was a largely-Jewish community south-west of the city of Przemyśl (a former Austrian fortress now located in Poland). Although it was closer to Przemyśl in proximity, it was made part of the Dobromil District, after Poland was recreated in 1919. On the eve of the Holocaust, Jews numbered some 1150 residents out of a total of 2300 in the town of Bircza itself, and a majority of the inhabitants of the greater region. Villages and other sub-communities included in the ‘Bircza area’ are Andztonki, Boguszówka, Brzeżawa, Brzuska, Chominskie, Huta Brzuska, Jawornik Ruski, Kamienna Górka, Korzeniec, Korzenica, Krępak, Łeszcz Dolna, Leszczawa Dolna, Leszczawa Górna, Leszczawka, Lipa, Łazy, Łódzinka Górna, Łomna, Malawa, Nowa Wieś, Rudawka, Stara Bircza, Sufczyna, Wola Korzeniecka (Birecka), Żohatyń, and others.

For more information on Bircza, such as its history and community, please see the Testimonials, which include historical descriptions, comments and interviews with survivors of that region, as well as remarks by researchers who visited the area.

what’s ‘online’ at bircza online

There is a wealth of information contained within the pages of this website. On the left side of every web page, you will see a site map, in addition to the index below:

If you have any information—images, maps, testimonials, and more—that you would like to contribute, please contact me. Collecting this information in one place is the surest way to facilitate research on the Bircza area and to keep the memory of this community alive.

researching roots in bircza

Today, it appears that most vital records concerning life in Bircza before the Second World War have been destroyed. At the same time, discoveries of records in old archives have been made for many towns in Poland and it is possible that records will come to light in the future. According to the Routes to Roots Foundation website, four types of Jewish records for certain periods do exist (notary, immigration, tax lists, and jewish communal records). Furthermore, the State Archive in Przemyśl lists other records that can be found relating to Bircza. For further details, hover the mouse above file codes hyperlinked in green:




Years covered

File code(s)

Notary State Archive in Przemyśl Przemyśl 1909–1911; 1934–1944 728; 1075-1080
Immigration Jewish Historical Institute Warsaw 1929–1939 115 1929–1939: Polish ʿaliyyah passports to Palestine
Tax list Central Archive for the History of the Jewish People Jerusalem 1772–1826; 1933–1935 HM2/8936.16; Source: DALO, LVIV, UW, LWOW 1722–1826: Lists of Jews by street for tax purposes
1933–1935: Community budget and a list of taxpayers
Jewish community Central Archive for the History of the Jewish People Jerusalem 1928–1930 Source: DALO, LVIV, UW, LWOW 1928–1930: List of donors from Bircza for a kollel from Galicia in Palestine
Bircza municipality State Archive in Przemyśl Przemyśl 1944–1954 56:199/0 A, ref. 11-14, 26 A full list of the contents of these records can be found at the State Archive website, however, of interest to Jewish genealogists is a list of returnees after the Second World War and subsequent censuses. Search the ‘Registers of Population in Archival Materials ELA’ database for separate entries for the various vital records.
Land office State Archive in Przemyśl Przemyśl 1944–1946 56:51/0 A & B, ref. 2-16 A full list of the contents of these records can be found at the State Archive website, however, of interest to Jewish genealogists are lists of abandoned property and tenants after the Second World War.
Catholic parish State Archive in Przemyśl Przemyśl 1784–1871 56:146/3; 437/0 This includes birth, marriage, and death records for the Bircza parish. A full list of the contents of these records can be found at the State Archive website. Search the ‘Vital records and civil registers PRADZIAD’ database for separate entries for the various vital records.
Greek Orthodox Bishopric State Archive in Przemyśl Przemyśl 1784–1871; 1807–1844 56:142/0 A & B, ref. 6677-6700; 56:857/4 A This includes birth, marriage, and death records for the Bircza parish. A full list of the contents of these records can be found at the State Archive website. Search the ‘Vital records and civil registers PRADZIAD’ and ‘List of archival fonds SEZAM’ databases for separate entries for the various vital records.
Court State Archive in Przemyśl Przemyśl 1940–1941 56:61/0 A
Political State Archive in Przemyśl Przemyśl 1952–1975; 1972–1989; 1977–1979, 1981–1982; 1959–1969 56:168/0 A; 56:1210/0 A; 56:1694/0 A; 56:1980/0 A A full list of the types and contents of these records can be found at the State Archive website. Search the ‘List of archival fonds SEZAM’ database for separate entries for the various records.
Economic State Archive in Przemyśl Przemyśl 1957–1960; 1957–1960; 1951–1960 60:256/0 A; 60:257/0 A; 56:515/0 A A full list of the types and contents of these records can be found at the State Archive website. Search the ‘List of archival fonds SEZAM’ database for separate entries for the various records.
YIVO Archives New York City 1938–1939 RG 335.7 FA, Folder 25 Activities of the interest-free loan association in Bircza, 1939. Includes an appeal to the landsmanshaft in New York.
Postcards State Archive in Przemyśl Przemyśl 1291–1946 56:1591/0 A & B, ref. 1-321
Other State Archive in Przemyśl Przemyśl 1569–1814; 1569–1814; 1784–1861; 1889–1939; 1578, 1591, 1744, 1784, 1810 29:121/0 B ref. 212-213; 29:121/3 B; 56:146/1 B; 60:463/0 B; 56:69/0 A, ref. 1 A full list of the types and contents of these records can be found at the State Archive website. Search the ‘List of archival fonds SEZAM’ database for separate entries for the various records.

other bircza internet links

Although no other website devoted exclusively to Bircza exists, there are several sites with content that relates to Bircza:

contact bircza online

To contribute information or make contact with Bircza Online, please use this form below, or email [email protected].

Names you are researching:
Places you are researching:
What kind of information do you have? Have you been (or will go) to the Bircza area? Please be specific:
Are you interested to join the Association of Bircza Researchers (ABR)?
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interactive map

Select a village from the list to visit an interactive map of the entire Bircza area.

various images

[Bircza road sign, 2005]
Bircza road sign, 2005
[Bircza municipal building, 2005]
Bircza municipal building, 2005
[Bircza market square, 2005]
Bircza market square, 2005
[Bircza countryside, 2000]
Bircza countryside, 2000
[Priest’s house (former synagogue), 2005]
Priest’s house (former synagogue), 2005
[Gravestone in the ruins of the Jewish cemetery, 1998]
Gravestone in the ruins of the Jewish cemetery, 1998
[Bircza Manour, c. 1911]
Bircza Manour, c. 1911
[Bircza memorial plaque, Har Tsiyyōn (Mt Zion), Jerusalem]
Bircza memorial plaque, Har Tsiyyōn (Mt Zion), Jerusalem
[Postcard of the Bircza war memorial (undated)]
Postcard of the Bircza war memorial (undated)

note: this page is best viewed using UTF-8 encoding.
D Gershon Lewental, PhD
[email protected]
23 Aug 1998–12 Feb 2021