Cross-section measurements of the Higgs boson decaying into a pair of $\tau$-leptons in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector
A measurement of production cross sections of the Higgs boson in proton-proton collisions is presented in the $H\rightarrow\tau\tau$ decay channel. The analysis is performed using 36.1 fb$^{-1}$ of data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV. All combinations of leptonic ($\tau \rightarrow l \nu \bar{\nu}$ with $l = e$, $\mu$) and hadronic ($\tau \to$ hadrons $\nu$) tau decays are considered. The $H\rightarrow\tau\tau$ signal over the expected background from other Standard Model processes is established with an observed (expected) significance of 4.4 (4.1) standard deviations. Combined with results obtained using data taken at 7 and 8 TeV center-of-mass energies, the observed (expected) significance amounts to 6.4 (5.4) standard deviations and constitutes an observation of $H\rightarrow\tau\tau$ decays. Using the data taken at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV, the total cross section in the $H\rightarrow\tau\tau$ decay channel is measured to be $3.77^{+0.60}_{-0.59}\mathrm{(stat.)}^{+0.87}_{-0.74}\mathrm{(syst.)}$ pb, for a Higgs boson of mass 125 GeV assuming the relative contributions of its production modes as predicted by the Standard Model. Total cross sections in the $H\rightarrow\tau\tau$ decay channel are determined separately for vector-boson-fusion production and gluon-gluon-fusion production to be $0.28 \pm 0.09\mathrm{(stat.)}^{+0.11}_{-0.09}\mathrm{(syst.)}$ pb and $3.1 \pm 1.0\mathrm{(stat.)}^{+1.6}_{-1.3}\mathrm{(syst.)}$ pb, respectively. Similarly, results of a fit are reported in the framework of simplified template cross sections. All measurements are in agreement with Standard Model expectations.
21 November 2018
Table 01
Monte Carlo generators used to describe all signal and background processes together with the corresponding PDF set and the model of parton showering, hadronization and underlying event (UEPS). In addition, the order of the total cross-section calculation is given. The total cross section for VBF production is calculated at approximate-NNLO QCD. More details are given in the text.
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Table 02
Summary of the triggers used to select events for the three analysis channels during 2015 and 2016 data-taking and the corresponding p
T requirements applied in the analysis. For the electron+muon trigger the first number corresponds to the electron p
T requirement, the second to the muon p
T requirement. For the τ
had channel, at least one high-p
T jet in addition to the two τ
had-vis candidates is required for the 2016 dataset (see Section 5.1).
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Table 03
Summary of the event selection requirements for the three analysis channels that are applied in addition to the respective lepton p
T requirements listed in Table 2. E
Tmiss, hard is an alternative E
Tmiss calculated only from the physics objects without the soft-track term. The transverse mass (m
T) is calculated from E
Tmiss and the momentum of the selected light lepton. The visible momentum fractions x
1 and x
2 of the respective τ-lepton and the collinear di-τ mass (m
ττcoll) are calculated in the collinear approximation [98].
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Table 04
Definition of the VBF and boosted analysis categories and of their respective signal regions (SRs). The selection criteria, which are applied in addition to those described in Table 3, are listed for each channel. The VBF high-p
Tττ SR is only defined for the τ
had channel, resulting in a total of seven VBF SRs and six boosted SRs. All SRs are exclusive and their yields add up to those of the corresponding VBF and boosted inclusive regions.
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Table 05
Definitions of the six control regions (CRs) used to constrain the Z→ll and top backgrounds to the event yield in data in the τ
lep and τ
had channels. SF denotes a selection of same-flavor light leptons.
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Table 06
Normalization factors for backgrounds that have their normalization constrained using data in the fit, including all statistical and systematic uncertainties described in Section 7, but without uncertainties in total simulated cross sections extrapolated to the selected phase space. Systematic uncertainties are the dominant contribution to the normalization factor uncertainties. Also shown are the analysis channels to which the normalization factors are applied.
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Table 07
Observed event yields and predictions as computed by the fit in the τ
lep signal regions. Uncertainties include statistical and systematic components.
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Table 08
Observed event yields and predictions as computed by the fit in the τ
had signal regions. Uncertainties include statistical and systematic components.
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Table 09
Observed event yields and predictions as computed by the fit in the τ
had signal regions. Uncertainties include statistical and systematic components.
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Table 10
Summary of different sources of uncertainty in decreasing order of their impact on σ
H→ττ. Their observed and expected fractional (%) impacts, both computed by the fit, are given, relative to the σ
H→ττ value. Experimental uncertainties in reconstructed objects combine efficiency and energy/momentum scale and resolution uncertainties. Background statistics includes the bin-by-bin statistical uncertainties in the simulated backgrounds as well as statistical uncertainties in misidentified τ backgrounds, which are estimated using data. Background normalization describes the combined impact of all background normalization uncertainties.
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Table 11
Measurement of the VBF and ggF production cross sections in three mutually exclusive regions of phase space of particle-level events. The number of jets N
jets in ggF events comprises all jets with p
T>30GeV. The cross section of ggF events that fail the particle-level requirements of the two ggF regions is set to the measured σ
H→ττggF value. Results are shown along with the SM predictions in the respective particle-level regions. The definitions of the regions closely follow the framework of simplified template cross sections [101].
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Figure 01a
ττMMC distribution for H→ττ and Z→ττ events split by (a) VBF and boosted category and (b) split by analysis channel.
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Figure 01b
ττMMC distribution for H→ττ and Z→ττ events split by (a) VBF and boosted category and (b) split by analysis channel.
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Figure 02a
Observed and expected event yields in the (a) VBF and (b) boosted Z→ττ validation regions. The total background is normalized to data in the respective inclusive Z→ττ validation region.
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Figure 02b
Observed and expected event yields in the (a) VBF and (b) boosted Z→ττ validation regions. The total background is normalized to data in the respective inclusive Z→ττ validation region.
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Figure 03
Schematic view of the signal and control regions that are used in the fit and their associations to analysis channels and categories. Arrows indicate how the background normalizations are correlated in the fit.
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Figure 04
Distribution of the reconstructed di-τ invariant mass (m
ττMMC) for the sum of all signal regions (SRs). The bottom panel shows the differences between observed data events and expected background events (black points). The observed Higgs-boson signal (μ = 1.09) is shown with the solid red line. Entries with values that would exceed the x-axis range are shown in the last bin of each distribution. The signal and background predictions are determined in the likelihood fit. The size of the combined statistical, experimental and theoretical uncertainties in the background is indicated by the hatched bands.
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Figure 05
Likelihood contours for the combination of all channels in the plane of the ggF and VBF signal strengths. The 68% and 95% CL contours are shown as dashed and solid lines, respectively, for m
H=125GeV. The SM expectation indicated by a plus symbol and the best fit to the data is shown as a star.
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Figure 06
Display of an event in the τ
lep final state of the boosted category, where one τ-lepton decays to an electron and the other to a muon. The electron is indicated by a green track and the muon indicated by a red track. The dashed line represents the direction of the E
Tmiss vector and there is a jet marked with a grey cone. The p
T of the electron is p
T=73.0GeV, of the muon p
T=111.8GeV and of the jet p
T=462.2GeV. The event has further E
Tmiss=284.6GeV and m
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Figure 07
Display of an event in the τ
had final state of the VBF category, where one τ-lepton decays to an electron and there are two VBF jets. The p
T of the electron is p
T=45.9GeV, of the τ
had p
T=32.5GeV. The event has a di-jet mass of m
jj=1372.7GeV and a di-τ mass of m
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Figure 08
Display of an event in the τ
had final state of the boosted category. The p
T of the τ
had is p
T=120.8GeV and p
T=102.2GeV and the p
T of the jet is p
T=231.0GeV. The event has further E
Tmiss=23.5GeV, p
Tττ=237GeV and m
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