Associate Professor
Technical University of Denmark
My name is Andrea Burattin, and I am Associate Professor in the Software Systems Engineering section at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of the Technical University of Denmark.
I am member of the Steering Commitee of the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining, and of IEEE.
In 2024, I served as General Chair of ICPM.
In 2023, I served as Program co-Chair of BPM.
In 2022, I served as Program co-Chair of ICPM.
My Ph.D. thesis (2013, supervised by Prof. Alessandro Sperduti) won the Best Process Mining Dissertation Award and has been developed into the Springer monograph “Process Mining Techniques in Business Environments”.
Andrea Burattin
DTU Compute
Richard Petersens Plads, Building 321, Room 024
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby,
P: +45 45 25 37 57
E-mail: and… (click to reveal the full address)
Latest website update: 07 March 2025.