Empowering Humanity to Shape Its Future with AI

A blobNet & dots

Excellence, diversity and impact

We thoroughly understand the latest AI techniques and application domains. Scientific excellence, engineering ingenuity and the diversity of people and perspectives define the way we work. We are open to collaboration and always strive for real-world impact.

Get to know our research and meet the people behind it!

Unique Autonomous Tram Introduced in Pilsen

Pilsen is becoming a center of innovation in urban public transportation. In cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University (FEE CTU), the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of West Bohemia (FEL UWB), and Pilsen City Transport Company (PMDP), a technological demonstrator of an autonomous tram is being introduced. This breakthrough technology promises to increase operational efficiency and improve the working conditions of tram drivers.

Industry Collaboration

Horizon Europe project for fair AI algorithms supported by the EU with 3,8 million Euros. Imperial College London, the Israeli Institute of Technology Technion and the National and Capodistrian University of Athens as well as partners from the industry collaborate on developing explainable and transparent algorithms.

Partner up with AIC

We help companies advance their AI technologies through consulting, piloting and contractual research. Joint research lab is one of the possible modes of collaboration which gets us excited the most!

Work with us!

Sebastián García
I am fascinated by the fact that through high-quality security research we are actually protecting civil society.
Sebastián García
Assistant Professor

Academic Partners

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Industry Partners

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