

Alexis Jazz留言 | 贡献2023年10月9日 (一) 21:59的版本 (Updating gadget usage statistics from Special:GadgetUsage (phab:T121049))

This page provides a historical record of Special:GadgetUsage through its page history. To get the data in CSV format, see wikitext. To customize this message or add categories, create /top. 以下是缓存的数据,最后更新于2023-10-09T17:00:12Z。缓存中最多有5000条结果。

小工具 用户人数 活跃用户
AdvancedSiteNotices 默认 默认
Blackskin 15 0
Cat-a-lot 40 2
CleanDeleteReasons 默认 默认
Edittools-VFD 56 2
Edittools-ZHC 75 2
Edittools-admin 33 0
Edittools-cite 83 2
Edittools-default 62 0
Edittools-plus 128 2
Edittools-user 44 1
HotCat 113 3
JSL 90 1
Navigation popups 100 4
PreviewWithVariant 29 1
UTCLiveClock 95 3
blinktalk 35 1
contribsrange 56 2
easy-archive 17 1
edit0 96 2
hantsect 53 1
internalLinkHelper-altcolor 默认 默认
internalLinkHelper-cravix 3 0
internalLinkHelper-external 3 0
internalLinkHelper-ilbluehl 6 1
internalLinkHelper-redonly 2 0
internalLinkHelper-redplain 4 0
internalLinkHelper-redtipsy 5 0
internalLinkHelper-suffix 4 0
moveEditsection 32 1
noteTA 默认 默认
popupUserLanguage 39 0
removeAccessKeys 19 0
specialchars 82 2
wikEd 71 0
wikEd intl hans 79 0
wikEd intl hant 52 0
wikimediaplayer 77 1