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6 ways to automate Microsoft Teams

Turn your team chat app into the ultimate collaboration hub.

By Krystina Martinez · August 23, 2023
automate-microsoft-teams primary img

Out of all the team chat apps out there, Microsoft Teams' distinct advantage is its integration with Microsoft 365 products such as Excel and Outlook. Streamlining work and communication is a huge plus for small businesses needing to move quickly.

But let's face it: businesses don't just use Microsoft 365 products to scale. From project management apps to CRM tools, you'll want a secure way to connect them to Microsoft Teams.

With Zapier, you can connect all your apps and create automated workflows—what we call Zaps—that let you better handle team communication, streamline projects, get important reminders, and more. 

You'll need a Zapier account to use the workflows in this piece. If you don't have an account yet, it's free to get started.

Table of contents

  • Monitor communication

  • Get important reminders

  • Track leads

  • Keep a record of document changes

  • Streamline your tasks

  • Stay up to date on marketing efforts

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Monitor communication

The great thing about Microsoft Teams is that it virtually eliminates internal emails. Unfortunately, you still have to monitor your email if you're communicating with potential clients, vendors, and other outside people.

If you're spending the majority of your time in chat, emails will pile up quickly. (I speak from experience.) Try these Zaps, which will send a message in a Teams channel or chat whenever you receive an email.

Get alerts in Microsoft Teams for new emails in Microsoft Outlook

Get alerts in Microsoft Teams for new emails in Microsoft Outlook
  • Microsoft Outlook logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Microsoft Outlook + Microsoft Teams

Send Microsoft Teams channel messages from new Slack notifications

Send Microsoft Teams channel messages from new Slack notifications
  • Slack logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Slack + Microsoft Teams

Send new parsed emails to Microsoft Teams channels

Send new parsed emails to Microsoft Teams channels
  • Email Parser by Zapier logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Email Parser by Zapier + Microsoft Teams

Send Microsoft Teams messages for new Microsoft Office 365 emails

Send Microsoft Teams messages for new Microsoft Office 365 emails
  • Microsoft Office 365 logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Microsoft Office 365 + Microsoft Teams

Create Mems from Teams Mentions or Keywords

Create Mems from Teams Mentions or Keywords
  • Microsoft Teams logo
  • Mem logo
Microsoft Teams + Mem

You can use filter steps to refine these alerts, so you can avoid newsletter subscriptions from clogging your Teams notifications.

Get important reminders

You likely spend a significant amount of time in Microsoft Teams, so why not use it as a place for team reminders? For things you need done on a schedule—hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly—you can use Schedule to send the messages for you. Here are a few we recommend:

Send daily reminders in Microsoft Teams

Send daily reminders in Microsoft Teams
  • Schedule by Zapier logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Schedule by Zapier + Microsoft Teams

Send weekly channel reminders in Microsoft Teams

Send weekly channel reminders in Microsoft Teams
  • Schedule by Zapier logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Schedule by Zapier + Microsoft Teams

Post a random GIF from GIPHY every week on Microsoft Teams

Post a random GIF from GIPHY every week on Microsoft Teams
  • Schedule by Zapier logo
  • Giphy logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Schedule by Zapier + Giphy + Microsoft Teams

If you need to remind your team about an upcoming meeting, you can use Zapier to automatically send a reminder message whenever there's an upcoming event on your calendar.

Post to Microsoft Teams channels when new Google Calendar events start

Post to Microsoft Teams channels when new Google Calendar events start
  • Google Calendar logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Google Calendar + Microsoft Teams

What if you work with tools that don't integrate with Zapier? If your apps have webhook functionality, you can use webhooks to connect your must-have platforms with Microsoft Teams.

Send Microsoft Teams messages from new caught webhooks

Send Microsoft Teams messages from new caught webhooks
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Webhooks by Zapier + Microsoft Teams

Track leads

If all goes well, your marketing efforts will generate leads. Many form and lead management apps have their own notifications, but if they come in by email or are only accessible in that app, there's a risk of overlooking one that will turn into a sale.

Use an automatic workflow to send notifications of new leads to a specific Teams channel. Members of your sales team can jump in and claim specific ones to follow up on, so you'll never have to worry about whether a lead went unclaimed.

Send Microsoft Teams channel messages for new HubSpot form submissions

Send Microsoft Teams channel messages for new HubSpot form submissions
  • HubSpot logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
HubSpot + Microsoft Teams

Send messages to Microsoft Teams channels for new Typeform entries

Send messages to Microsoft Teams channels for new Typeform entries
  • Typeform logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Typeform + Microsoft Teams

Send Microsoft Teams Channel Messages for New Jotform Submissions

Send Microsoft Teams Channel Messages for New Jotform Submissions
  • Jotform logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Jotform + Microsoft Teams

Post new Salesforce leads to Microsoft Teams channels

Post new Salesforce leads to Microsoft Teams channels
  • Salesforce logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Salesforce + Microsoft Teams

Keep a record of document changes

Many spreadsheet apps allow multiple collaborators, which is a lifesaver for folks who tend to break spreadsheet formulas or just need a little extra help updating an expense report.

You can use a Zap to automatically notify you in Microsoft Teams whenever there's a new row or updated information in your favorite spreadsheet app.

Post to Microsoft Teams channels with new or updated Google Sheets rows

Post to Microsoft Teams channels with new or updated Google Sheets rows
  • Google Sheets logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Google Sheets + Microsoft Teams

Send messages in Microsoft Teams from new Airtable records

Send messages in Microsoft Teams from new Airtable records
  • Airtable logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Airtable + Microsoft Teams

Create rows in Google Sheets to send channel messages in Microsoft Teams

Create rows in Google Sheets to send channel messages in Microsoft Teams
  • Google Sheets logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Google Sheets + Microsoft Teams

Streamline your tasks 

People ask you to do things all the time, probably in Teams. But those last-minute requests can easily slip through the cracks if you don't routinely check your messages, or another even higher priority request gets thrown your way. 

Zapier can help lift the burden. Whenever someone sends a message in Teams asking you to do something, these Zaps will set them up in your task or project management tool, automatically. 

Create Trello cards for new Microsoft Teams channel messages

Create Trello cards for new Microsoft Teams channel messages
  • Microsoft Teams logo
  • Trello logo
Microsoft Teams + Trello

Create Notion database items from new Microsoft Teams channel messages

Create Notion database items from new Microsoft Teams channel messages
  • Microsoft Teams logo
  • Notion logo
Microsoft Teams + Notion

Capture new Microsoft Teams channel mentions and append them to Evernote notes

Capture new Microsoft Teams channel mentions and append them to Evernote notes
  • Microsoft Teams logo
  • Evernote logo
Microsoft Teams + Evernote

Want to flip these workflows around? If you're anything like me and forget to check your task management tool for any new projects you're collaborating on, you can easily set up these workflows to alert you in Teams whenever a task has your name on it. 

Send Notion database items to Microsoft Teams

Send Notion database items to Microsoft Teams
  • Notion logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Notion + Microsoft Teams

Send Microsoft Teams channel messages for new Trello cards

Send Microsoft Teams channel messages for new Trello cards
  • Trello logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Trello + Microsoft Teams

Stay up to date on marketing efforts

Marketing is a ton of work. To capture even one person's attention, you have to be in all the places: Google search, social media, SMS, and so on. And once you're in all the places, you need to not only track those efforts, but respond appropriately when necessary.

These Zaps will send updates to a Team channel, so you can keep track whenever someone leaves a Google review on your business, sends a message to your business Facebook page, and more.

Send Microsoft Teams channel messages for new Google My Business reviews

Send Microsoft Teams channel messages for new Google My Business reviews
  • Google Business Profile logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Google Business Profile + Microsoft Teams

Send channel messages in Microsoft Teams when new attendees register on Eventbrite

Send channel messages in Microsoft Teams when new attendees register on Eventbrite
  • Eventbrite logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Eventbrite + Microsoft Teams

Transmit messages to Microsoft Teams with new Facebook posts

Transmit messages to Microsoft Teams with new Facebook posts
  • Facebook Pages logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Facebook Pages + Microsoft Teams

Send Microsoft Teams channel messages for new messages sent to pages in Facebook Messenger

Send Microsoft Teams channel messages for new messages sent to pages in Facebook Messenger
  • Facebook Messenger logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Facebook Messenger + Microsoft Teams

Send Microsoft Teams channel message for new Twilio SMS

Send Microsoft Teams channel message for new Twilio SMS
  • Twilio logo
  • Microsoft Teams logo
Twilio + Microsoft Teams

Take your team chat to the next level

The more you can connect your Microsoft Teams account with the rest of your company's tech stack, the more you can scale your business and get more done in your day. 

But this is just the start of all that you can do with Microsoft Teams and Zapier. Zapier supports thousands of apps, so you automate almost any task at work. Start building your Zap now and see what you can create.

Related reading:

  • How to create an auto-responder (and other bots) in Microsoft Teams

  • 7 ways to automate OneNote with Zapier

  • Boost productivity with OneDrive automation

This article was originally published in October 2020. It was most recently updated by Elena Alston in August 2023.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'