campus kid HOMEWORK HELP

34 Pins
Mrs. T's First Grade Class
This works well for the little ones. With what is before and after. Then work up to adding.
Clothespin & Pipe Cleaner Bees - Quick Craft For Kids
If you are looking for a quick after school craft for kids then look no further than these super simple clothes-peg and pipe cleaner buzzy bees.
10 Homework Tips For Parents - Planning With Kids
Homework Tips For Parents - how to help kids with their homework but not do it for them!
How to Motivate Your Child to Write
How to Motivate Your Child to Write: Create a Writer's Toolbox | This Reading Mama {Guest Post by The Measured Mom}
Cheat Sheets for Math, English, and More - Princess Pinky Girl
8 Great School Cheat Sheets - the kind you won't get in trouble for using!
Marzano: "This is probably one of my favorite things for my classroom so far. It’s a little self-assessment flip chart. I have made one for each student and it will sit on the corner of their desk. It is small enough that it won’t be embarrassing for the student but it’s big enough that I can see at a glance who is having trouble with the topic and who is doing fine. I might not use it for every lesson, but I do think that if I get the kids into the habit of using the flip chart..."
4k Wallpapers & Backgrounds For FREE to use [2300+ HD Wallpapers]
Give each student colored index cards/post-its for their work space. During independent work time or group work, the students use the cards. A teacher I used to work with put red cards on popsicle sticks at the student work centers & prompted them to hold it up when they needed help, rather than calling out. Her classroom was always so quiet!