What is Knowledge Exchange and how can we help?
Research England defines knowledge exchange as “the wide range of activities Higher Education Institutions undertake with partners.”
Knowledge exchange is a collaborative venture that involves translating knowledge and research into impact in society and the economy, bringing together academic staff, users of research and wider groups and communities to exchange ideas, evidence and expertise.
Getting involved in knowledge exchange can deliver significant benefits to academics, research partners and to the wider society. Doing this often requires new or improved skills, beyond those that are core to academic work. Engagement with non-academic audiences is ongoing; a life’s work, and not just a one-off activity.
Our knowledge exchange strategic delivery plan
Knowledge Exchange is integral to the five strategic priorities of the new University Research Strategy.
Acknowledging Knowledge Exchange as a core activity broadens our objectives and supports our goals. The KEC Action Plan prioritises strategic improvements within the eight guiding principles, focusing on five priority areas to address specific elements across all principles.
Knowledge Exchange Support at York
Engaging in Knowledge Exchange
Our KE Priorities
- To develop a diverse KE offering that is well articulated, proactive and informed by external stakeholder needs.
- To embed and integrate KE in our teaching and research to enable a wide variety of impacts.
- To create an environment and culture that offers an agile and accessible support service for staff, students and external partners.
- To expand our range of support for KE to transform the University’s approach to industry engagement, public participation in research and policy-related impact.
- To enhance the University’s role in driving positive economic and societal change in the city and region.
- To ensure an open and inclusive culture of KE.