Cyber Security

You will develop the knowledge and skills applicable to protecting computer systems and networks in Wright State’s cyber security program. You will enjoy the flexibility to work this degree into your schedule, as you can complete it online or on campus. Our state-of-the-art Virtual Cyber Security Lab allows you to work in a safe environment while practicing what you learn. Earn a master’s degree or pursue one of two certificate programs at Wright State. If you are a business professional, consider the certificate in cyber security analytics. It will provide you with the technical foundation needed to understand cyberspace risk profiles.

What we offer

Combined Information Technology and Cybersecurity, BSISE & Computer Engineering, MSCE

Combined Information Technology and Cybersecurity, BSITC & Cyber Security, MSCS

Cyber Security Analytics Undergraduate Certificate

Cyber Security Analytics Graduate Certificate

Sample occupations related to this field

  • These career opportunities and occupation data were associated with this degree field using Department of Labor and other government data. Wright State does not guarantee data accuracy nor individual outcomes.

    Reading salary/wage plots: The middle 50 percent of workers earn a salary within the range of the box. The line through the box is the median; half of the workers surveyed made less than this and half made more than this. The left and right whiskers represent the 10th and 90th percentiles, respectively; that is, 10 percent of workers make less than the left whisker and 90 percent make less than the right whisker. Expect to earn on the lower end for an entry level job and work your way up with time, experience, and educational opportunities.

  • Computer and information systems managers

    O*NET Career Profile


    Salary distribution
    10th percentile: 95,220 US dollars per year; 25th percentile: 122,820 US dollars per year; Median: 159,010 US dollars per year; 75th percentile: 198,750 US dollars per year; 90th percentile: 208,000 US dollars per year050k100k150k200kUS dollars per year
    Average openings
    per year
    10 year employment projection
    ↑ 10.9%
    2020: 482,000
    2030: 534,600


    Salary distribution
    10th percentile: 80,880 US dollars per year; 25th percentile: 102,520 US dollars per year; Median: 129,850 US dollars per year; 75th percentile: 164,060 US dollars per year; 90th percentile: 208,000 US dollars per year050k100k150k200kUS dollars per year
    Average openings
    per year
    10 year employment projection
    ↑ 5.6%
    2020: 12,410
    2030: 13,110
    050k100k150k200kUS dollars per year
    Typical educational attainment for entry level job: Bachelor's degree
    Typical experience in related field before attaining this job: 5 years or more
  • Information security analysts

    O*NET Career Profile


    Salary distribution
    10th percentile: 61,520 US dollars per year; 25th percentile: 79,400 US dollars per year; Median: 102,600 US dollars per year; 75th percentile: 131,340 US dollars per year; 90th percentile: 165,920 US dollars per year050k100k150k200kUS dollars per year
    Average openings
    per year
    10 year employment projection
    ↑ 33.4%
    2020: 141,200
    2030: 188,300


    Salary distribution
    10th percentile: 57,220 US dollars per year; 25th percentile: 74,980 US dollars per year; Median: 99,040 US dollars per year; 75th percentile: 126,780 US dollars per year; 90th percentile: 133,190 US dollars per year050k100k150k200kUS dollars per year
    Average openings
    per year
    10 year employment projection
    ↑ 26.5%
    2020: 4,370
    2030: 5,530
    050k100k150k200kUS dollars per year
    Typical educational attainment for entry level job: Bachelor's degree
    Typical experience in related field before attaining this job: Less than 5 years
  • Computer network support specialists

    O*NET Career Profile


    Salary distribution
    10th percentile: 38,560 US dollars per year; 25th percentile: 48,900 US dollars per year; Median: 62,760 US dollars per year; 75th percentile: 80,220 US dollars per year; 90th percentile: 102,410 US dollars per year050k100k150k200kUS dollars per year
    Average openings
    per year
    10 year employment projection
    ↑ 7.5%
    2020: 189,800
    2030: 204,000


    Salary distribution
    10th percentile: 37,020 US dollars per year; 25th percentile: 47,000 US dollars per year; Median: 60,330 US dollars per year; 75th percentile: 77,890 US dollars per year; 90th percentile: 100,730 US dollars per year050k100k150k200kUS dollars per year
    Average openings
    per year
    10 year employment projection
    ↑ 3.8%
    2020: 8,170
    2030: 8,480
    050k100k150k200kUS dollars per year
    Typical educational attainment for entry level job: Associate's degree
    Typical experience in related field before attaining this job: None
  • Computer network architects

    O*NET Career Profile


    Salary distribution
    10th percentile: 63,240 US dollars per year; 25th percentile: 83,870 US dollars per year; Median: 120,520 US dollars per year; 75th percentile: 151,960 US dollars per year; 90th percentile: 168,890 US dollars per year050k100k150k200kUS dollars per year
    Average openings
    per year
    10 year employment projection
    ↑ 5.4%
    2020: 165,200
    2030: 174,200


    Salary distribution
    10th percentile: 66,320 US dollars per year; 25th percentile: 80,490 US dollars per year; Median: 102,770 US dollars per year; 75th percentile: 130,410 US dollars per year; 90th percentile: 163,360 US dollars per year050k100k150k200kUS dollars per year
    Average openings
    per year
    10 year employment projection
    ↑ 0.2%
    2020: 4,770
    2030: 4,780
    050k100k150k200kUS dollars per year
    Typical educational attainment for entry level job: Bachelor's degree
    Typical experience in related field before attaining this job: 5 years or more
  • Network and computer systems administrators

    O*NET Career Profile


    Salary distribution
    10th percentile: 49,560 US dollars per year; 25th percentile: 62,970 US dollars per year; Median: 80,600 US dollars per year; 75th percentile: 102,720 US dollars per year; 90th percentile: 130,830 US dollars per year050k100k150k200kUS dollars per year
    Average openings
    per year
    10 year employment projection
    ↑ 5.4%
    2020: 350,300
    2030: 369,100


    Salary distribution
    10th percentile: 49,030 US dollars per year; 25th percentile: 62,510 US dollars per year; Median: 79,450 US dollars per year; 75th percentile: 101,330 US dollars per year; 90th percentile: 127,870 US dollars per year050k100k150k200kUS dollars per year
    Average openings
    per year
    10 year employment projection
    ↑ 1.6%
    2020: 12,320
    2030: 12,520
    050k100k150k200kUS dollars per year
    Typical educational attainment for entry level job: Bachelor's degree
    Typical experience in related field before attaining this job: None