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Top 10 Most Controversial Horror Movie Scenes of All Time

SIGN IN TO WATCH THIS EXCLUSIVE VIDEO! Top 10 Most Controversial Horror Movie Scenes of All Time
VOICE OVER: Matthew Wende WRITTEN BY: Telly Vlachakis
Written by Telly Vlachakis

Horror movies have the unique ability to excited and scare in equal measure, but these steps are not without controversy! WatchMojo presents the Top 10 Most Controversial Scenes Ever from Horror Movies! But what will take the top spot on our list? Will it be from The Excorcist, A Serbian Film, or Cannibal Holocaust? Watch to find out!

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Big thanks to ninou78 and Andrew A. Dennison for suggesting this idea, and to see how WatchMojo users voted, check out the suggest page here: WatchMojo.comsuggest/Top+10+Most+Controversial+Horror+Movie+Scenes+Of+All+Time read more...
