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Documenta Archaeobiologiae
Jahrbuch der Staatssammlung f�r
Anthropologie und Pal�oanatomie M�nchen

[ISSN 1611-7484]

Edited by
George McGlynn and Joris Peters

Founded by Gisela Grupe and Joris Peters

Cover: Bioarchaeology beyond Osteology

[Last update: 14.04.2016]

[ DOAB 12 ]

Bioarchaeology beyond Osteology.

Gisela Grupe, George McGlynn and Joris Peters (Eds.)


This volume contains a list of contributors, foreword, six papers, and instructions for authors. The contributions deal with networking in bioarchaeology by the example of the DFG research group FOR 1670 �Transalpine mobility and culture transfer� aiming at the establishment of an isotopic map made up of multi-isotope fingerprints of cremtated skeletal finds in order to detect mobility and migration across the Brenner route [Grupe et al.], with stable oxygen isotope mapping based on modern reference samples of α-cellulose and water along the transalpine Inn-Eisack-Adige passage [G�hring et al.], with the uncremated skeletal remains from the large and well-documented Roman cemetery at G�nzburg-Ulmer Stra�e [Gerstmann et al.], with the approximation of the sea spray effect and limnic influence on δ34S and δ15N values of skeletal finds of terrestrial and freshwater animals and humans from the Hedeby-Schleswig continuum [G�hring et al.], with positions and criteria for terms such as identity and group membership [Vohberger], and with Herbert Bach�s valuable collection of prehistoric human remains and the connection between anthropology and human genetics in the former GDR [Pittelkow, Ho�feld].

Content:212 pages, 83 illustrations, 32 tables    Price:59,80 € (fPr) (incl.7% tax)
Text:English, German 
Abstracts in
other languages:
English, German 
Keywords:animal bones, cemetery, collection, isotope analysis, settlement archaeologySeries:Documenta Archaeobiologiae
Jahrbuch der Staatssammlung f�r
Anthropologie und Pal�oanatomie M�nchen
Cover:Hardcover ISBN-10:3-89646-627-5
Size:21,0 x 29,7 cm / DIN A4 Place of Publication:Rahden/Westf.
weight:930 gDate of Publication:2015

VML Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH   ·   Stellerloh 65   ·   D-32369 Rahden/Westf.   ·   eMail: [email protected]

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