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Pr�historische Arch�ologie in S�dosteuropa

[ISSN 0723-1725]

Edited by
S�dosteuropa-Gesellschaft e.V. (M�nchen), Bernhard H�nsel and Wolfram Schier

On consignment (13, 14, 16 and 17 vol.) of VML Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, Rahden

Cover: Prehistoric settlement along the lower Jantra from the background of nothern Bulgaria's culture history

[Last update: 24.04.2007]

[ PAS 20 ]

Prehistoric settlement along the lower Jantra from the background of nothern Bulgaria's culture history.

Raiko Krau�


The study is based on field walking around Roman fortresses from 1997-2001, material of older excavations, and finds in museum deposits. A report on finds from the later Hallstatt to the Medieval Period exists [transactions 18th Limes-Congress Amman 2000, BAR 1084 (2002) 673-684]. Now, the finds from the Palaeolithic until the Middle Hallstatt Period are presented and dealt with in their cultural-historical milieu. Main observations are a general expansion of settlement and increasing numbers of sites from the Neolithic until the Hallstatt Period, interrupted only by a deep break in the Early Bronze Age with its completely different settlement pattern. The Neolithic is already remarkable for some particularly substantial sites. In the Aeneolithic, there were not only large tell settlements, but also many small sites. The Early Bronze Age had a fundamentally different organization with a changed economy, probably with intensified husbandry because of a dry-cool climate. During the Late Bronze Age, the first settlement hierarchies emerged, while the Hallstatt Period brought larger settlement clusters with �central places�, the road network of which already laid down the present one.

Content:356 pages, 135 illustrations, 2 tables, 1 map, 100 plates    Price:74,80 € (fPr) (incl.7% tax)
Text:Bulgarian, German 
Abstracts in
other languages:
Keywords:economic history, occupational history, settlement areaSeries:Pr�historische Arch�ologie in S�dosteuropa
Ph D thesisFU Berlin, 2005ISBN-13:978-3-89646-591-7
Cover:Hardcover ISBN-10:3-89646-591-0
Size:21,0 x 29,7 cm / DIN A4 Place of Publication:Rahden/Westf.
weight:1.780 gDate of Publication:2006

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