RSI forming Higher Low while price went down. Lot of buy volume in this range the stock is trading at.
Stock did a 20x in a couple months due to reports of their profit which stems from battle royale gaming that everyone plays now. If the gaming industry keeps heating up i assume this stock should perform well. Short term might need a little pull back before it moves farther up.
We are in the acculumation phase right now on the wykcoff cycle imo. The selling climax was $5900 and the trading range we will stay in between for the next several months is $5900-9700. This is the next accumulation range before we have the jump the creek movements described by wyckoff. If we dip lower than $6000 which everyone is hoping for now after that...
Share price is below the thicc, 10 million shares were bought today by someone, stoch rsi at nice low level, MACD at low level. orange box = first unload level. buy buy buy
lmao the thicc on the dow is at 10k, see you all there or a couple thousand above that
Nice parabolic move by amazon and has yet to even retrace, once the inflation hits and the US economy starts to collapse, definitely a good stock to short in my opinion. Also, volume profile is non existent in the range it is being traded at now lol.
Another parabolic stock. what a surprise. "but muh trump will make muh equities go up and never go down." Be ready to short this once a recession hits.
Not even going to draw any lines on this or use any indicators. Zucc Cuck has been dumping his shares for 2 years and if you think facebook wont be outdated in the next several years.... LOLOLOL. Get your shorts ready for this heaping pile of garbage
Red line is most likely where support will turn to resistance and white line is most likely where resistance will turn into support. BUY SILVER. If JPMorgan aka the fed has a record amount of comex silver, you should own as much as you can as well. 18% of my invested portfolio is made up of silver. still going to keep adding more to it until it moons.
trading for $.50 cents rn. nice accumulation range. easy to go up from here, also lowest price this stock has ever traded at.