🖤 Venus governs currency, resources, desire, art, and collective values. During Cazimi Venus is “in the throne room” of the Sun 🖤 Venus Cazimi acts like a cosmic software update—the perfect time to embed intentions into the collective astral matrix. In darker practices, they may deliberately invert Venus’s frequencies. 🖤 Financial systems often see synchronistic...
In geocentric astrology, the orbs of influence refer to the energetic “zones” where planetary aspects begin to exert their effects. These orbs create a gravitational and energetic window that shapes mass psychology and collective movements. Within these orbs, price action can become highly reactive, often preceding major moves as these archetypes “whisper” their...
The heliocentric Saturn-Uranus square is a potent astrological configuration known to influence significant market cycles, particularly in the SPX (S&P 500) often triggering periods of volatility and sometimes resulting in notable market crashes. Saturn, representing time, structure, karma, and restraint, squares off with Uranus, the planet of sudden change,...
Please watch my previously posted part one video to grasp the fundamentals. Now, let's dive into part two. Price action fluency involves more than just technical knowledge—it requires a deep understanding of your psychological behavioral responses. Your brain will have it as its prime objective to avoid pain. It will send signals to the eyes to ignore setups...
This is the most important educational video I have shared. Reading price action is akin to acquiring a second or foreign language. Just as fluency in a new language provides fluency and articulation, mastering price action offers traders a nuanced understanding of market dynamics. One would not expect to learn a new language in a short amount of time. It often...
W.D. Gann's fame is would be nonexistence if it weren't for the work of the lesser-known Professor Weston. Weston's pioneering research revealed the significance of the 225-day cycle, which is correlated with Venus degrees, as a crucial timekeeper within the larger cycles. It's essential to acknowledge Weston's contributions. Mastering the art of plotting and...
Bitcoin has many fractal cycles. Lets take a look at a few of them. The macro up cycles typically last around 100 days, while down cycles average 80 days. When an up or down cycle consists of multiple counts, a short-term small reversal connecting consolidation bridge provides a more nuanced view of the market's rhythm, helping us refine our understanding of the...
May 9-17th anytime may bring a temporary boost for BTC, with a favorable green zone unfolding. However, don't get too comfortable - the market is likely to take one more dip, completing the C wave. Patience is key, as the price is in no hurry to make its macro move. Remember, the markets love to defy expectations. Probabilities are made to be broken, and...
By mastering the art of decoding naked charts, free from the distractions of indicators, you'll unlock the secrets of the market and gain a profound understanding of the game. Many people tend to over analyze and complicate things. The truth is no one knows what direction the markets will go until price reveals its secrets. Price breaking above or below the red...
Squaring tool used : "Gann Fixed Square" with interior lines deleted if one wishes. 'Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.' -Leonardo da Vinci “Simplicity is the glory of expression.” — Walt Whitman 90% of people overthink things. The result? They don’t make progress in their lives and they feel stuck. Simplicity boils down to two steps: Identify the...
I am dreaming of a swan song 🦢 event and a break from its traditional cycles. In this analysis, 7-year cycles fractal out into larger macro cycles, and so on. Just for fun...
A display of several smaller harmonic cycles of Bitcoin. I shall let this visual representation be independantly explanatory through keen observation.
Fibonacci numbers align with crucial market turning points and trace back from its inception, spanning 233 years to 2021, where the cycle may potentially reset.
Becoming the best price action trader in the world requires a combination of in-depth knowledge, experience, and a keen eye for market patterns. Price action trading focuses on the movement of security prices to make trading decisions, rather than relying on technical indicators. Here are several nuanced aspects to focus on in this video tutorial.
Utilizing technical analysis methods like Gann theory, there's a perspective that Bitcoin has yet to reach the Gann 50 percent level (green line), a critical point in market analysis. According to this perspective, the Gann 50 percent level represents a significant milestone in price movement, suggesting that an asset has only retraced half of its previous move....
Venus + Pluto : a strong case for pivots. A look back at 90 degree heliocentric direct alignments. In financial astrology, the aspects involving Venus and Pluto are believed to influence market dynamics and potentially cause significant market pivots. Venus, representing luxury, money, and aesthetics, and Pluto, associated with transformation, power, and hidden...
In financial astrology, an interesting observation is that gold prices tend to exhibit a trend of declining approximately 80% of the time when Venus is at 90-degrees heliocentric. Venus, as the planet associated with luxury, beauty, and money, is believed to influence financial markets, including commodities like gold. When Venus forms a challenging aspect, such...
I stumbled upon this approach through experimentation with various market geometries. By activating two inner lines of the "Fixed Square" tool and deactivating other distracting interior lines, we can effectively utilize this tool. Our focus is on identifying the initial minor consolidation or the formation of key points for a new trend line. In this...