

View definitions for tamable


adjective as in manageable

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Oklahoma won’t have a clearer path to the playoff than they do this year for a while, and Georgia probably won’t have an SEC East this tamable for a while, either.

How is it, en passant, that some animals are naturally fearless and tamable, others not; and that even in the same family?

It is more tamable and docile than the Himalayan Sun Bear, and is even more eccentric in its ways.

A hawk or an eagle is never tamed, but a crow is more easily and completely tamable than the gentlest singing-bird.

Crows are especially tamable and may be allowed full liberty around the dooryard.

Some species of the rhinoceros, if not all, seem to be tamable.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


