
Welcome to the Spin-Off Pok�dex. Here you will find all Dex information for all the Pok�mon in the spin-off games of the 3rd and 4th generations, specifically; Trozei/Link, Dungeon & Ranger:

All 386 Pok�mon of the 3rd Generation have entries. However, only 213 Pok�mon have Ranger entires so they have also been listed seperately to help you for ease in searching throughout the Pok�dex.

In regards to recruit rates for Dungeon, the Percentage shown is the Percentage of capture without any boosts. If it's below 0 then there is no chance of recruiting unless there is the boost. The boosts are as follows

Your Level Bonus
0-29 0%
30-39 5%
40-49 7.5%
50-59 10%
60-69 12.5%
70-79 15%
80-89 17.5%
90-100 24%

You also get an added 10% Bonus with the Friend Ribbon Item attached to your lead Pok�mon. However although all Pok�mon are seen in the game and battled in Dungeons, a good majority have a rate of under -34% which stops them being capturable. In this case their location has been removed and replaced with the Evolution suggestion.
Pok�mon Locations for Dungeons where recruiting isn't possible have also been removed

For the sections for the games in question, please click below:

Special Thanks to Arty2 for his coding expertise

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