Pok�mon HOME
Pok�mon HOME is the new Pok�mon storage solution introduced in 2020 and intended to pave the way forward with Pok�mon connectivity for future games. It is releasing on Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android devices.
Pok�mon HOME is a cloud based system that allows players to connect with all Pok�mon games. This includes the Nintendo 3DS games through Pok�mon Bank, Pok�mon GO, Pok�mon Let's Go, Pikachu & Let's Go, Eevee, Pok�mon Sword & Shield, Pok�mon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl and Pok�mon Legends: Arceus allowing for players to store all their Pok�mon in one place.
Although the utility connects with all the games, the connections with Pok�mon Bank, Pok�mon GO and Pok�mon Let's Go, Pikachu! & Let's Go, Eevee! are only one way. Once you put a Pok�mon from these games into Pok�mon HOME, you won't be able to put any into those games from HOME. Pok�mon Sword & Shield, however, can both deposit and withdraw Pok�mon from Pok�mon HOME.
The utility also has the capability of allowing for trades with friends and others around the world directly through the Pok�mon HOME app either locally or online.