If you wish to search for Pok�mon Alphabetically, here's a menu in order to do that:
Each Pok�mon has their various cards listed by release with the Japanese and US cards being intertwined. There are also a variety of subsections of the Cardex for many other Pok�mon card kinds.
- Owner's Pok�mon
- Dark Pok�mon
- Light Pok�mon
- Shining Pok�mon
- Pok�mon ex & Pok�mon-EX
- Pok�mon GX
- Pok�mon V
- Pok�mon VMAX
- Pok�mon V-UNION
- Single Strike Cards
- Rapid Strike Cards
- Fusion Strike Cards
- Radiant Cards
- Tera Pok�mon Cards
- Ancient Pok�mon Cards
- Future Pok�mon Cards
- Pok�mon
- Delta Species
- ACE SPEC Cards
- Pok�mon Lv. X
- Pok�mon SP
- Pok�mon
- Pok�mon
- Pok�mon
- Pok�mon
- Pok�mon
- Pok�mon
- Pok�mon Prime
- Pok�mon
- Alternate Art Cards
- Non-Pok�mon Pok�mon Cards
This Cardex will be constantly updated whenever new cards are revealed so it will always be up to date. It also includes a database of all Trainer, Supporter, Stadium and Pok�mon Tool Cards
You can also search by Energy
This section is an encyclopedic list of every artist that has worked on the Pok�mon Trading Card Game, listing each card they have done. Click the artist names to go to their page:
In addition to this, if you wish to search for Pok�mon that know particular moves, you can navigate our move database below
In addition to this, if you wish to search for Pok�mon that have a specific ability, you can navigate our ability database below
You can also navigate based on the following: