

Business Development Company Report

January 2012 - June 2024

This report provides basic identification information for all entities with an "active" filing status that have been issued an 814- reporting number. These companies have either notified the Commission of their intent to be regulated as a BDC by filing a Form N-6F or elected to be regulated as a business development company by filing a Form N-54A.

The report includes N-6F filers and BDCs that have not yet begun selling shares to the public and those that have ceased operations but have not yet withdrawn their registration statement or withdrawn their election to be regulated as a BDC by filing a Form N-54C.

The BDC Report contains both Commission generated filing identifiers and EDGAR data created and maintained by each registrant. Since certain records have been created by and are required to be maintained by each registrant, we can not guarantee their accuracy.

Hint: When using EDGAR to obtain information about a BDC, the CIK number is the best identifier to use to obtain the most complete listings of filings filed electronically.

This file contains the following data fields:

Field Name Field Description
Reporting File Number This is a number with an 814- prefix assigned to filers who expect to be regulated as a BDC or have elected to be regulated as a BDC.
CIK The Central Index Key (CIK) is a ten digit number assigned by the SEC to each entity that submits filings.
Name of Registrant This corresponds to the name of the legal entity filing Form N-6F or regulated as a BDC. (Entered by Filer)
Address_1 The first line of the registrant's business or mailing address.
Address_2 The second line of the registrant's business or mailing address.
City The city of the registrant's business or mailing address.
State The state of the registrant's business or mailing address.
Zip Code The zip code of the registrant's business or mailing address.
Date Last Filing The date and time of the registrant's last filing with the Commission (if available).
Type Last Filing The submission type of the last filing with the Commission (if available).

Data Downloads

File Format Size
2024 Updated 6/5/2024 XML 67.66 KB
2024 Updated 6/5/2024 CSV 19.54 KB
2023 Updated 6/8/2023 XML 67.71 KB
2023 Updated 6/8/2023 CSV 19.34 KB
2022 Updated 6/27/2022 XML 67.41 KB
2022 Updated 6/27/2022 CSV 18.9 KB
2021 Updated 7/12/2021 XML 54.86 KB
2021 Updated 7/12/2021 CSV 15.63 KB
2020 Updated 7/13/2020 XML 50.77 KB
2020 Updated 7/13/2020 CSV 14.4 KB
2019 Updated 7/9/2019 XML 56.47 KB
2019 Updated 7/9/2019 CSV 15.83 KB
2018 Updated 7/20/2018 XML 55.62 KB
2018 Updated 7/20/2018 CSV 15.57 KB
2017 Updated 9/19/2017 XML 54.78 KB
2017 Updated 9/19/2017 CSV 15.36 KB
2016 Updated 09/23/2016 CSV 16.13 KB
2016 Updated 09/23/2016 XML 57.65 KB
2015 XML 53.07 KB
2015 CSV 15.06 KB
2014 CSV 17.56 KB
2014 XML 56.17 KB
2013 CSV 47.81 KB
2013 XML 87.29 KB
2012 CSV 16.06 KB
2012 XML 55.15 KB

Last Reviewed or Updated: June 5, 2024