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Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bolangir Biology Assingment Guided by - Swastitapa Kar Prepared by - Sujata Goud Class - Xii Section-A Roll No. - 16

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ROLL NO. - 16
• Humans are sexually reproducing and viviparous.
• Gametogenesis - Formation of gametes.
• Insemination- Transfer of sperm into the female
genital tract.
• Fertilisation - fusion of male and female gametes.
• Implantation – Attachment of blastocyst to the
uterine wall.
• Gestation – embyonic development.
• Parturition – Delivery of the baby.
# Located in the pelvic region
# It include i) A pair of testes
ii) Accessory duct 1. Rete testis
2. Vasa efferentia
3. Epididymis
4. Vas deferens
iii)Accessory gland 1.A paired Seminal
2. A Prostate
3. A paired Bulbourethral
iv) External genitalia – Penis
 Situated outside the abdominal cavity within a pouch called
 Scrotum help in maintaining the low temperature of the testes from
normal body temperature which is necessary for spematogenesis .
 Testes is oval shaped in adults,
length 4 to 5 cm
width 2 to 3 cm
 # Each testes has about 250 TESTICULAR LOBULES
 # Each testicular lobules contain highly coiled SEMINIFEROUS
 # Seminiferous tubules produce sperms
 # Each seminiferous tubule is lined on its inside by two type of cell one
is Male Germ Cell (SPERMATOGOIA) undergo meiotic divisions finally
leading to sperm formation. And another one is SERTOLI CELL provide
nutrition to the germ cell.
 # The outside region of seminiferous tubule is called interstitial
spaces contain small blood vessels, interstisial cell or Leyding cells
 The secretion of glands constitute the seminal
plasma which is rich in calcium, fructose and
certain enzyme .
 Bulbourethral gland help in lubrication of the
The female reproductive system consist of
i) A paired Ovaries
ii)A paired Oviduct
iii) Uterus
iv) Cervix
v) Vagina
vi) External Genitalia 1. Mons Pubic
2. Labia Majora
3. Labia Minora
5. clitoris
 Primary female sex organ , that produce female gamete
and several steroid hormone.
 Located on each side of the lower abdomen.
 Length = 2 – 4 cm
 Connected to pelvic wall.
 Covered by a thin epithelium which enclosed ovarian
 The stroma is divide into two zones –
1. Peripheral cortex
2. Inner medulla
OVIDUCT ( Fallopian Tube )
 Long = 10 -12 cm
 Extended from periphery of each ovary to
 Infundibulum - funnel shaped close to ovary.
 Fimbriae – edge of infundibulum finger like
projection, which help in collection of ovum
after ovulation.
 Ampulla – middle part of the oviduct
 Isthmus – last part of oviduct

Wall of uterus has three layer – • Contain glandual tissue and variable
amount of fat.
1. Perimetrium - external thin
• Glandual tissue of each breast is divided
membranous into 15 – 20 mammary lobes containing
2. Myometrium – middle clusters of cells called alveoli.
• The cells of alveoli secretes milk which
thick layer of smooth muscle stod in the cavities of alveoli.
3. Endometrium – inner • Alveoli open into mammary tubules.
glandular layer • Mammary tube join to form mammary
• Mammary duct join to form a wide
mammary ampulla which is connected
to lectiferous duct
 Spermatogonia present on the inside wall of
seminiferous tubules increse its no. by mitoticaly.
 Spermatogonium are diploid, they undergo meiotic
division and produce 4 spermatids.
 Spermiogenesis – spermatids are transformed into
spermatozoa ( sperm ).
 After spermiogenesis sperm head becomes embedded
in the sertoli cells.
 Spermiation – release of sperm to seminiferous
 A plasma membrane envelops the whole
sperm body.
The sperm head contain haploid nucleus and
anterior part covered by acrosome , it help in
fertilisation .
 Middle piece possesses numeroud
mitochondria which produce energy for sperm
motility .
 Million of gamete mother cells ( oogonia ) are formed within each fetal ovary.
• Oogonial cells start division and enter into prophase-I of the meiotic division and get
temporarily arrested at that stage, called primary oocyte.
• Each primary oocytes gets surrounded by a layer of granulosa cells and is called the
primary follicle
• A large number of primary follicles degenerate during the phase from birth to puberty.
• At puberty only 60,000-80,000 primary follicles are left in each ovary.
• The primary follicles get surrounded by more layers of granulosa cells and a new theca
and are called secondary follicle. The secondary follicle transforms into a tertiary
• The fluid filled cavity in tertiary follicle is called antrum .
• The primary oocyte within the tertiary follicle grows in size and completes its first
meiotic division and transforms into a large haploid secondary oocyte.
• Secondary oocyte retains bulk of the nutrient rich cytoplasm of the primary oocyt.
• The functionless tiny cells formed during the unequal cell division of oogenesis is called
polar body.
• The mature tertiary follicle is called Graafian follicle Zona pellucida.
• The membrane covering secondary oocyte is called zona pellucida.
• The Graafian follicle ruptures to release the secondary oocyte
• (ovum).
• The reproductive cycle in the female primates is called menstrual cycle.
• In human females, menstruation is repeated at an average interval of about 28/29 days.
• The first menstruation begins at puberty and is called menarche . In human beings,
menstrual cycles ceases around 50 years of age, that is termed as menopause.
• If the released ovum is not fertilized Endometrial lining of
• uterine wall degenerates and blood vessels rupture.
• The blood, degenerated endometrial cells and secretory products are discharged through
vagina and is called menstruation.
• The menstrual flow lasts for 3-5 day.
• Starts from 5 th day to 14 the day of cycle.
• Ovarian follicles begin to develop and developing follicles are called
• Graffian follicles.
• Graffian follicles secrete estrogen.
• Endometrium become thicker glandular and vascularised.
• LH and FSH secretion from pituitary increases and attains a peak level about 14 th day ( LH
• LH surge induces rupture of Graafian follicle.
• Mature Graffian follicle rupture and ovulation takes place.
• Ovulation takes place about 14 the day of menstrual cycle.
• The remaining part of the Graffian follicles transforms in to corpus luteum.
• The corpus luteum secretes large amounts of progesterone which is essential for the
maintenance of the endometrium .
• Such an endometrium is necessary for implantation of the fertilised ovum and other
• After insemination the sperm and ovum can
only fertilisation take place in ampullary
region , which lead to pregnency.
• During fertilisation, a sperm comes contact
with the zona pellucida layer of ovum and
induces block the entry of addional sperm.
• Zygote divides rapidly by mitotic division .This is called
clevage. As a result 2,4,8,16 daughter cells are produced
which are termed as BLASTOMERES.
• Embyo with 8-16 blastomeres is called morula.
• The morula changes into a large mass of cells called
BLASTOCYST, which passes further into the uterus.
• Blastomeres in the blastocyst are arranged into an outer
layer called tryphoblast and an inner group of cell attached
to trophoblast called inner cell mass.
• The trophoblast layer gets attached to the cells of the
endometrium and the inner cell mass gives rise to the
• The cells of uterus divide rapidly and cover the blastocyst.

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